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Download the template linked below and use to complete the assessment. PLEASE NOTE: ECE6012 Assessment 2 Resource Folder Planning Template.docxopens in new...

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Download the template linked below and use to complete the assessment.


ECE6012 Assessment 2 Resource Folder Planning Template.docxopens in new window


These resources/links will help you understand and plan for different age groups




    Explore the developmental stages of early childhood by visiting four informative links focused on Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, School-aged children to gain valuable insights into their growth and care.

    Babies: in new window
    opens in new window

    Toddlers: in new window
    opens in new window

    Preschoolers: in new window
    opens in new window

    School-aged children: in new window
    opens in new window


To complete your assessment task, follow the below instructions.

    1. You will collect ideas for experiences to implement with children according to their interests. You will think of experiences that are related to physical, language, social, emotional and cognitive development, and connect to the five EYLF Learning Outcomes.EYLF-2022-V2.0.pdfopens in new window

    2. The task must draw from the course materials on VU Collaborate.

    3. Using the Resource Folder template, your experiences will be listed underPhysical, Language, Social, EmotionalandCognitive Developmentand specific to theBirth - 2,2 - 3and3 - 5age groups.

    4. In the template, please indicate the following for each experience:

      1. Name of experience

      2. Resources

      3. Suggested implementation strategies

      4. Learning possibilities

      5. EYLF Learning outcomes

      6. Related theory

Answered 2 days After Aug 31, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Sep 03 2024
8 Votes
Resource Folde
Physical Development
    Developmental Domain:
    Name of experience
    Suggested implementation strategies
    Learning possibilities
    Learning outcomes.
    Related Theory
    Select an experience/activity and name it.
    What resources or materials are needed?
    How will you set the environment and implement the experience?
    What is the expected learning?
    What learning outcomes of the EYLF does this experience relate to? Explain.
    Which of the theories does this experience belong to? Explain
    Birth – 2 years
    Tummy Time
    Â· Comfortable seating a
angement with a soft blanket and cushions.
· Comfortable clothes for babies
· Soft toys or plushies
· Tummy Time pillow
· Careful supervision
    A room free from any external distu
ances will be selected in this regard. Along with this, the room should be cleaned appropriately so that the seating a
angements can be conducted in a well-mannered way. On the play mat or blanket, various types of soft toys will be placed along with the tummy time pillow. Then the baby will be placed on the mat on their stomach.
    There are several types of expected learning from this activity for babies aged between birth to 2 years. Among them, the most important learning is focused on their physical development. This activity helps babies to coordinate with their stability and balance along with strengthening their motor skills.
    This activity aligns with some of the EYLF learning outcomes in an appropriate way. Firstly, tummy time activity closely aligns with EYLF learning outcome 4 which depicts that children are involved and confident learners. This activity helps babies to develop persistence with their balance and curiosity to be engaged in new challenges. Along with that, EYLF LO 1 also aligns with this activity depicting children have a strong sense of identity.
    In this context, Piaget's cognitive development theory can explain this activity effectively. According to Piaget, children from birth years, mostly experience this world through their senses which tummy time activity helps in developing.
    2 – 3 years
    Obstacle course play
    Â· Room free from any external noise
· Upbeat music
· Comfortable room temperature
· Various types of playing equipment such as tents, hula hoops, cardboard, balancing beam
    The playroom will be quite suitable for children to concentrate on their activities. Upbeating music is required to create an engaging environment to play. Several types of challenging play equipment will be placed on the floor.
    This activity will help children in growing confidence and involvement in solving critical problems with quick decision-making skills. Along with that, it is also useful in developing fine motor skills, balance and stability.
    This activity closely aligns with EYLF LO 1 which elaborates children have a strong sense of identity. This activity helps in developing confidence and involvement within children.
    Vygotsky's social constructivism theory can be well explained with this activity. Vygotsky first introduced the concept of the zone of proximal development which defines the ability of children to do something independently and without anyone's help. This activity of obstacle course play helps children to solve any kind of problem while developing fine motor skills without any help from outside.
    3 – 5 years
    Walking on the balance beam
    Â· Comfortable room environment
· Simple obstacles placed on the floo
· Obstacles should be formed with different textures such as wood, foam, marke
    Various types of obstacles will be placed on the floor such as wooden beams, tapes, and lines made by markers. Children will be asked to walk on the beams to feel the different textures of the beams while balancing.
    This activity will help in developing gross motor skills along with learning to balance the stability of the whole body. Besides that, spatial awareness is also included which children will develop from this activity.
    EYLF LO 4 depicting children who are confident and involved learners aligns with this activity. This activity spurs the natural curiosity within children through which they tend to explore their problem-solving skills.
    Arnold Geselll’s maturation theory aligns with this activity. Gesell explained that with physical and motor skill development, children’s biological maturation process develops.
Language Development
    Developmental Domain:
    Name of experience
    Suggested implementation strategies
    Learning possibilities
    Learning outcomes.
    Related Theory
    Select an experience/activity and name it.
    What resources or materials are needed?
    How will you set the environment and implement the experience?
    What is the expected learning?
    What learning outcomes of the EYLF does this experience relate to? Explain.
    Which of the theories does this experience belong to? Explain
    Birth – 2 years
    Interactive storytelling
    Â· Comfortable seating a
· Quiet environment
· Soft toys
· Storybooks with attractive pictures
    Within a room, a comfortable seating a
angement will be placed where babies can be seated securely. Storybooks will be chosen to read them...

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