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Discussion: Working Capital Note: This is a Post First assignment. You are required to post your original post before the discussion board opens for your review. Working capital, or actual cash...

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Discussion: Working Capital

Note:This is a Post First assignment. You are required to post your original post before the discussion board opens for your review.

Working capital, or actual cash available for spending, is the key to a successful organization. In a health care organization, it is important to determine how much cash is available to run the day-to-day operations. For this Assignment, you analyze the working capital of a health care organization of your choice.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Locate and select financial statements for a particular health care organization. Analyze the working capital of the organization.
  • Consider the impact of regulations, business plans, and economic dynamics on the working capital requirements of the business. Is there sufficient working capital for business operations of the organization you selected?

By Day 3

Posta cohesive response to the following:

Analyze the working capital of the health care organization you selected. Evaluate the impact of regulations, business plans, and economic dynamics on the working capital requirements of the business. Include whether or not there is sufficient working capital for business operations and explain why.

My health care organization I selected is Sanford medical hospital Fargo ND

Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2020


Aarti J answered on Jul 25 2020
142 Votes
Sanford Health
Working Capital
Working capital is one of the major aspects which helps in the day to day working of the organization. Adequate working capital is required by the company to meet its daily expenses and complete its day to day operations. Considering the working capital of Sanford Medical Centre Fargo, we can see that the company has the total cu
ent assets of 899048 and the total of 553347 cu
ent liabilities. So, the working capital of the company is 345701. The company...

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