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DISCUSSION WEEK 6 CMIS  Create a Python program that accepts a string as input. It should analyze some characteristic of that string and display the result of that analysis. Some examples are ·...

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 Create a Python program that accepts a string as input. It should analyze some characteristic of that string and display the result of that analysis. Some examples are
· Finding or counting a certain character, such as a letter, space, tab, etc. in the string.
· Converting the first letter of each word to upper case.
It should also determine if your initials, in any case combination, are inside the string.
The program must use at least one of the following:
· string slices
· string conditions, using the in keyword or a relational operato
· string methods, such as count or find
You cannot use regular expressions. Post your code as an attachment (.py file) and post a screen shot of executing your program on at least one test case. Be sure to choose a program different from any of the programs already posted by your classmates.

Week 6 CMIS
    This week's assignment involves writing a Python program to determine whether a password exactly meets the following requirements for a secure password: 
· The length of the password must greater than some minimum length and less than some maximum. You should decide on the minimum (at least 6) and maximum (at least 15) allowable lengths.
· It must not include any spaces.
· It must contain at least one digit
· It must contain at least one alphabetic character.
Your program must contain at least three functions:
· one function to check that the password is the proper length
· a second function to check whether it contains the required number of characters/digits.  Hint: to determine whether it contains at least one digit and one alphabetic character, use a loop and the  isalpha or isdigit methods.
· a third function to verify that it does not contain the prohibited character (space). 
Your program should prompt the user for the candidate password and then each function and display either that the password is valid or the first reason it is invalid. 
You cannot use Regular Expressions (RE) !
Your program should include Header comments (what the program does) and in-line comments (the major design steps).   Document the values you chose for the min and max length values. 
Submit your Python program as a text file ( .py) file.  In addition, submit a Design outline and a Test plan
eport (at least 3 different test cases - testing all the requirements) in a Word document or a .pdf file and include a screen shot of execution of your program for each test case. 
Your submission must also adhere to the SubmissionRequirements document. (i.e. Filename and display your name, class, date in the output).
15% - Design – outline proper sequence of steps, calculations (if necessary). Identify all your loops, validation.
10% - TestPlan – Completeness of your Test plan
eport (at least three (probably more) test cases).  You should have a test case for each invalid and one for a valid password. Include screen shots for each test case.
10% - Documentation - Header and in-line comments. Documentation of major steps (from design outline);
65% - Program prompts and executes co
ectly on all test cases. Satisfies all requirements. (each requirement -10pts, compiles -20pts, effectiveness and neatness -10pts, descriptive variables – 5pts, def main() -5pts).
Answered 1 days After Nov 26, 2022


Priye answered on Nov 27 2022
49 Votes
Design Outline
Test Case
    Test case
    Expected Output
    Rama Fortune9
    Password must not include any spaces.
    Password must contain at least one alphabetic character.
    Password is valid
Test case 1
Test case 2
Test case 3

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