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Directions: Needs to be a minimum of 800 words in MLA or APA. Needs to include a work cited page/ references page that has your lens text, the primary text and your third source. Draft needs to have a...

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Directions: Needs to be a minimum of 800 words in MLA or APA. Needs to include a work cited page/ references page that has your lens text, the primary text and your third source. Draft needs to have a introduction, argumentibe thesis statement, brief summary of lens text, a quote and one paraphrase from the primary text. At least one paragraph of your critical analysis of your primary text using the lens text. LENS TEXT: MLA: foucaults, michel. “Method.” The history of sexuality XXXXXXXXXXTranslated by Robert Hurley, vintage Random house books,1990,pp XXXXXXXXXXPrimary text: Morrison, T (2015, February 2). Sweetness. The New Yorker. HTTPS://
Answered Same Day Nov 21, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Nov 22 2022
53 Votes
Last Name     4
Introduction    3
Analysis    3
Conclusion    6
Work Cited    7
    According to the readings from the book History of Sexuality, the author Michel Foucault discusses about the psychoanalysis of sex. He also states of the la Freud and the way sex has become a device for evaluating the personalities of human beings. He also discusses of repressive hypothesis which was practiced in the 18th and the 19th century and illustrated sex to be exploitive in nature. Further, it was the influence of discourse which interlocked the powers associated with sex into certain institutions and helped to preserve various categories enabled to compare the ma
ied heterosexual pairs. Also, it was sex which was considered as the medium for enhancing the economy and productivity, is positioned on marital families, and is hence considered as institution from medication, to education which helps in increasing the demography. It is power which is omnipresent and is present at the micro and macro levels and is hence unavoidable. Therefore, according to Foucault, it was observed can be observed from the discussion that sexuality is considered as the discourse which helps to edifice and transform a definite system of social life.
    In the primary part of the chapter, it is called we the Victorians. Foucault describes in his book the frankness with which the sexual discussions were being conducted in the 17th century and then compares it with the controlled and strict prudishness during the Victorian age of 19th century. Hence, it was sexuality which was restricted inside the houses. Also, it was the conjugal families which abso
ed these types of sexuality into the function and process of reproduction. The
othels and the mental hospitals would be the place for...

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