Design lesson plan poster
1. Construct a formal poster that outlines an exemplary digitally rich, hands-on, engaging and differentiated lesson plan based on one content descriptor from the measurement strand, which caters and assesses students at, above, and below the expected level. You will present your research poster to a small group in class and receive peer feedback on your work. You will review three of your peers’ posters.
2. You do not need to create a whole new lesson or activity but are welcome to be as creative. You may choose a lesson to further develop from one of the following resources:The FUSE Birth to Level 10 Numeracy Guide,The DET mathematics teaching toolkit,Maths300, Computational thinking and algorithmic digital thinking in mathematics (VCAA), Scootle,Australian Maths Trust,The ATO education zone, Code,Mathworld,NZ Maths,NCTM,National library of virtual manipulatives,Nrich,reSolve, Mathematics of planet earth,MAV,AAMT.
3. Follow the guidelines and requirements for digital research posters: include labeled diagrams, design an attractive and uncluttered layout and follow a heading structure. Ensure you use words included in the list of academic words and phrases in your writing.
4. Structure your poster under the headings in theETP5003 Lesson plan poster template (DOCX 19 KB).
5. Here is aPoster templateyou may wish to type straight into: Research poster template ready to save onto your Google Drive.
6. You must have your poster ready for presentation for the Week 4 Office hour on Wednesday night.