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DESCRIPTION TASK:This assessment task will enhance your learning of language and literacy development in early childhood. It will encourage you to critically reflect on your current or future teaching...

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This assessment task will enhance your learning of language and literacy development in early childhood. It will encourage you to critically reflect on your current or future teaching practices to identify your areas of strength or areas for improvement.

1. You are required to select two of the following topics from Modules 1-3.

Oral language
Multilingualism and multiculturalism

Early literacy/emergent literacy

Print concepts
Phonological awareness
Emergent writing

2. You will then complete the following activities for each of your selected topics. You will write 900words on each topic (1800 words in total). Suggested wordcounts are provided below as well as on the Assessment 1–Part B template.

Explain how this topic relates to the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0 or the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. You should include one example (from either framework) of how this area may be observed in children and one example of how this area be promoted by educators. You will need to reference the relevant framework (~150 words).

Select one journal article from the list for your topic. You will summarise and evaluate the quality of the journal article using the question prompts provided in the template (~225 words).

Select one website from the list for your topic. You will summarise and evaluate the quality of the website using the question prompts provided in the template (~225 words).

Critically reflect on your key learnings from the module, journal article and webpage and how the learning impacts (or will impact) your practice as an early childhood educator (~300 words).

Answered 13 days After Apr 27, 2024


P answered on May 11 2024
10 Votes
1. Early Literacy/Emergent Literacy
Relation to Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) V2.0/ Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF):
Early Literacy or Emergent Literacy is considered as one of the most essential things which improves the children overall development as per the EYLF V2.0 and the VEYLDF. In EYLF V2.0 Early Literacy is key learning area which is the resulting outcome of “Children are effective communicators" concept. Besides, the VEYLDF identifies early literacy and numeracy as the key learning concepts. These concepts can be noticed in the children as various forms of expressed behaviors such as some children have interests in books, print materials which help them in making strong sense of text, and showing interest in writing concepts. Hence, based on the interests of the children after strong observations, the educators can provide various print-rich environments that will offer various kinds of print-rich concepts that will promote children interests in learning and literacy concepts by involving in the various activities.
Selected Journal Article: Snow, C.E., & Dickinson, D.K. (2016). The Role of Early Oral Language in Literacy Development. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 36, 287-305.
The authors Snow and Dickinson (2016) delve into the critical relation between early oral language proficiency and literacy development concepts among the young children. From their review studies, the authors have provided a proof of concept on how the early year oral language skills serves as foundation and can be used as predictors in understanding the children reading skills and attain the academic achievements. They highlight the need for significant interventions that focuses on reinforcing oral language capacities as it plays a critical role in youth education improvement framework. It is based on understanding the interplay between the need for oral language proficiency and emergent literacy, the articles explain the concepts of profound impact of educators and policymakers in nurturing the children literacy competencies.
The article by Snow and Dickinson (2016) stands as one of the important contributions to the field of early childhood literacy development ((Snow and Dickinson, 2016). The overall concepts revolve in providing the empirical evidence to provide a theoretical framework. It indicates that oral language helps in shaping the literacy of the children. By establishing their arguments in their extensive research, the authors has provided proof of concept and provide a valuable insights in the children development contributing to this research field. Also, the article focuses on the basic of early intervention that highlights importance of early interventions based on their results, concepts of targeted strategies for both the educators and policymakers. While understanding the meaning of oral language in literacy advancement, the article could focus on the additional investigation of socially responsive pedagogical approaches and the multifaceted approach of language and personality. Besides, its considerable contributions and systemic methodologies render it as one of the essential assets to improve the children literacy outcomes.
Selected Website: International Literacy Association (ILA). (https:
The International Literacy Association (ILA) website helps to provide knowledge and guidance for educators, parents, and researchers as a multifaceted collaborative concept in literacy development. This acts as one of resources repository which constitutes articles, curated teaching materials and the opportunities which helps to grow professionally, all there are screened by a various stakeholder within the literacy community. It covers a wide spectrum of literacy-related topics, covering early literacy to reading comprehension, literacy assessment, and literacy from various resources , domains , serves as a most valuable treasure in providing the concepts and information about the early literacy concepts. This is a friendly website which will be updated regularly and can be used as a best resource to provide evidence-based practices in the literacy education.
ILA's site arises as one of the best domains of literacy education, resources based on the concepts and provides a user-friendly interface. Its comprehensive inclusion of
diverse literacy proficiency points mi
or a nuanced comprehension of the complex idea of literacy improvement,...

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