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MATH XXXXXXXXXXQuantitative Methods for Business
Assignment 1 (SP5 2022)
DUE: Friday 9th September at 12:00 PM (Midday)
This assignment must be completed using this template.
You may add extra sections to this template, change the visual style including font, colour, you can add a company logo, extra figures, tables, etc., as you see fit, however the questions must be answered in either the Report Body or Appendix, as indicated in this template, otherwise the answer will not be marked.
Submission Instructions
· Assignment submission is via Gradebook. If you have problems submitting, keep proof of your submission attempt and shoot me an email at XXXXXXXXXX
· Once submitted do not edit any electronic files of your work.
Assignment Instructions
· This assignment covers Weeks 0-3 and counts towards overall grade of the Case Study (30%):
    Assignment component
    Business report
· Assignments submitted late, without an extension being granted, will attract a penalty of 10 marks per each working day or any part thereof beyond the due date and time. Please refer to the Course Outline for the course policy regarding extensions.
· An inco
ectly or partially filled cover sheet will result in lost marks and delays in the marking and return of your assignment.
· Not deleting the pages/text as requested will result in a loss of presentation marks.
· Your assignment submission should be typed and observe the page limits. Hand-written answers will be disregarded.
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If you are unsure about what constitutes Academic Integrity after reading the information below you are always welcome to check with us before submitting.
Plagiarism is a specific form of academic misconduct. We encourage and support working in groups and seeking help, however your final submission must always represent your individual work, opinions and recommendations.
If plagiarism is found, all parties involved will be penalised. You need to retain all your assignment computer files (Excel, Word etc.), which must remain unchanged after submission, for the purposes of checking, if required.
Plagiarism covers, but is not limited to, the following actions:
· Direct copying of the work of other persons, from one or more source, without clearly indicating the origin;
· Sending your files to another student for any reason whatsoever, even for the purposes of checking or comparing work;
· Submitting another student’s work in whole or in part;
· Submitting work that has been written by someone else on the student’s behalf;
· Copying computer files without clearly indicating their origin;
· Submitting work that has been derived, in whole or in part, from another student’s work by a process of mechanical transformation (e.g. changing variable names in computer files, paraphrasing);
· A group-based effort to produce one assignment shared between individuals. Working together is encouraged, however each written assignment submitted by each student must be written in its entirety by the individual student, including running analyses, producing Excel spread sheets other than the templates provided on the Course website and report writing. Working together where one individual types the collective thoughts of a group/produces analyses and/or spread sheets and then shares these files will be investigated for plagiarism.
All parties found to be involved in academic misconduct will incur, if appropriate, a penalty and a record in the University's Academic Integrity Database (UniSA Assessment and Procedures Manual 2022, Section 9, Clause 9.2.3 i.).
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Quber – people moving from A to B
Quber is moving the people of Australia with rides to work, moving goods in a hu
y all at the click of a button. The company caters to everyone with the platform on your phone as well as an online website if you get stuck on your phone. Quber is aimed at connecting people and things to where they want to go. You name it, you can get it —  a burger, chips or even a TV delivered to you.

You have just been recruited by Quber to work in the back office to analyse the financials and data of the business and provide insights into their business model. They saw you in Quants and not only believe you possess the skills to deal with data in Excel, but also you have the number crunching mind to propel the company forward – lucky you!
The company is super confidential and they don’t want their secrets getting out! They are relying on your Quants knowledge and Excel to be enough to solve their problems. They have granted you access to the internet to use Google and calculators too, otherwise that would be unfair. But they don’t want you sharing secrets because that’s not how you get from A to B.
The big boss has a list of tasks and objectives for you to get started which are highly relevant to the company’s progression. The first task is to analyse the past financial data and produce insights. Someone didn’t do their job co
ectly and forgot to lodge the profit a few years back so you will have to use your maths skills to figure out how to take care of this problem. The CEO (boss) wants to know Quber is travelling in the right direction.
They have a strong mantra at Quber which is to make enough money to secure its future but to make sure the hard-working drivers get a cut that is decent and higher or equal to its competitors. Cu
ently, they have set the driver cut to 70%, so is this enough?
Finally keeping on trend with the drivers’ story, they need you analyse the number of rides and how much a driver is making per month on average. They can see the drivers are slowly banding together at petrol stations in their
eaks and complaining about the outrageous petrol costs. Quber don’t want to over work their drivers and need to make sure the money incentives exist to retain their driving staff. On the other hand, Quber has ongoing costs which need to be covered and of course profit always needs to be made to keep Quber moving forward.
Quber are cu
ently planning their incentives for you as well…because happy staff means positive results and since they like moving people…it is looking like some free Quber rides to get you from A to B are up for grabs .
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Assignment Cover Sheet
An Assignment cover sheet needs to be included with each assignment. Please complete all details clearly.
When submitting the assignment online, please ensure this cover sheet is included at the start of your document. (Not as a separate attachment.)
Please check your Course Information Booklet or contact your School Office for assignment submission locations.
    Student ID
    Course code and title: MATH 1053 – Quantitative Methods for Business
    Academic Uni: STEM
    Program Code:
    Course Coordinator: Dr Nick Fewster-Young
    Day, Time, Location of Tutorial:
    Assignment number: 1
    Due date: by 12 PM, Friday 9th September, 2022
    Assignment topic as stated in Course Outline: Case Study Report (Part A)
Further Information: (e.g. state if extension was granted and attach evidence of approval, Revised Submission Date)
I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made.
I authorise the University to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others.
I understand that I can obtain further information on this matter at http:
Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement.
    Date received from student
    Assessed by:
    Dispatched (if applicable):
Quber’s Big Boss, Dr Nick
[Enter the date of submission]
prepared by
[Enter your name]
Marker use only
Mark: /100
Summary comment:
Delete this page before submission The report length needs to be as follows:
Introduction: At most 3 paragraphs where 1 paragraph is 4-6 sentences.
· Should appear on a separate page as indicated in the template
· The introduction should discuss the aims of all sections of the report
Report Body: A maximum of 1 page of writing.
Ensure you stay within these limits.
· The report body should start on a separate page
· Use the questions given to guide your discussion of the results in Appendices 1-3.
· Clearly stated results and interpretations will help to earn maximum presentation marks.
· Do not include numerical calculations or spreadsheets
· Do quote quantitative (the final answer!) results.
· You should have no more than 1 page of writing
Conclusion & Recommendations: At most 2 paragraphs where 1 paragraph is 4-6 sentences. You should discuss the analyses that were presented for all three report body questions and provide recommendations.
· Should appear on a separate page as indicated in the template
· The conclusion summarises the results – do not introduce new information although recommendations are fine
Font Type: up to you, but keep in mind it should be easy to read – make it easy for us to give you marks!
Font Size: minimum 11pt (it shouldn’t look smaller than this!)
Any text or font size smaller than this sentence will incur 0 marks.
(this is too small! Don’t make your text this small!!! )
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Delete this page before submissionSuggested Assignment Work Timeline
If you’re not sure how to start the assignment,
a suggested work
eakdown schedule is below + course resources you can use.
Suggested assignment work timeline:
If you are not sure how to start the assignment, a suggested work
eakdown schedule is below. Feel free to use it (or ignore it) as you like
Some people like to complete each appendix and then write it up in the report, others prefer to complete all appendices first and then write up the report in one go. Do whichever suits you!
A suggested schedule to work through this assignment is as follows:
Relax and get a coffee
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(3 marks)
Provide a qualitative description of report contents/problems addressed in the report (covering Appendices 1-3) and what insights the analyses will provide.
Write this introduction after you have a clear understanding of the content of your report.
Ensure you have explained what the report will contain. Follow the length guideline (given on the previous
Answered 20 days After Sep 06, 2022


Bhaskar answered on Sep 26 2022
70 Votes

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