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Assessment item 2 Report: Cross Cultural Differences Value: 35% Due Date: 21-Aug-2018 Return Date: 17-Sep-2018 Length: 2000 words (+/-10%) Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task...

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Assessment item 2
Report: Cross Cultural Differences
Value: 35%
Due Date: 21-Aug-2018
Return Date: 17-Sep-2018
Length: 2000 words (+/-10%)
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
It has been argued that the same HR practices may not produce the same results in different cultural contexts. Based on this idea, choose TWO of the following HR practices and explain how cultural differences may have an impact.
· Performance appraisal XXXXXXXXXXchapter 6)
· Recruitment and selection (chapter 5)
· Training and development (Chapter 7)
Support your discussion with at least 12 academic references. Additionally, you may use examples, newspapers articles, company reports, and cases to support your answer.
Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
· be able to explain the complexity of cross-cultural differences with respect to the integration of international business activity and international human resource management practice.
· be able to reflect, contrast and critically evaluate the differences and similarities in human resource management practices among different cultures.
· be able to examine and justify criteria for selecting, preparing, managing and repatriating international managers.
· be able to compare and contrast approaches to international human resource management practice.
The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of challenges companies face in the realm of International HRM. This report also enables you to apply the knowledge and skills you gain in the subject to real life issues in the work environment.
Marking criteria and standards
    Criterion and weight
High Distinction
    Scope of assignment (28 marks) (includes:
eadth/depth of knowledge, critical analysis, focus on topic, support of arguments, quality of examples).
-Demonstrates understanding of the nature of IHRM
-Evidence of critical analysis.
-Reveals understanding of complexity of the issues.
-Evaluates cross cultural similarities and differences.
-Considers contemporary needs of business in strategic decisions.
-Identifies key issues for discussion
-Provides support for observations.
-Discussion is focused on the requirements of the Task (ie. does not noticeably digress from the topic and incorporate i
elevant issues).
    Topic not fully covered.
Discussion too
ief. Overuse of quotations, with little explanation.
Insufficient support from literature.
Limited original thoughts.
    A reasonably balanced summary of the issues reflected in the study materials pertinent to the assignment topic.
Discussion is descriptive in most sections and no evidence of critical analysis. Vague evaluation of cross cultural similarities and differences. Some explanation, illustration and support for arguments presented are provided from the literature.
    A fuller, more systematic exploration of the assignment topic, which may include an attempt at critical comment or appraisal. Discussion demonstrates limited ability to analyse the complexity of the issue. Moderate evaluation of cross cultural similarities and differences. 
Regular support provided from the literature.
Discussion is descriptive in some sections. 
    A comprehensive exploration of the topic, with sound critical comment and a personal synthesis of the issues examined.
Demonstrates understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments. A thorough discussion on the complexity of the issue. Excellent evaluation of cross cultural similarities and differences.
Detailed support provided from literature.
    Clear and exact understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments relevant to the assignment task.
Demonstrates appropriate selection and integration of ideas and theory. 
eadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content.
A comprehensive discussion on the complexity of the issue and an outstanding evaluation of cross cultural similarities and differences. Evidence of originality and independent thought.
    Structure (3 marks)
(Includes: Organisation of ideas, logical argument, use of support/evidence)
-Use of co
ectly structured argument.
-Addresses issues clearly and develops a relevant line of argument.
-Discussion/ argument is presented, developed and supported in a standard appropriate to level of study.
    Lack introduction and conclusion. Opening paragraph simply restates the topic.
Unclear direction/outline of intended discussion provided for the reader.
Some major aspect of the topic missed.
Weak arguments and/or full of unsubstantiated statements made.
    Moderate structure of report writing including executive summary, introduction, main text body and conclusion. Main arguments are moderately presented in main text body of the report.
Definitions provided in the context of the discussion.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs. Moderate analyses.
    Good structure of report writing including executive summary, introduction, main text body and conclusion. Main arguments are clearly presented in main text body of the report.
Demonstrated knowledge of principles and concepts relevant to topic.
Relevant key theories and ideas explored in a manner appropriate to the assignment.
Acceptable analyses.
    Excellent structure of report writing including executive summary, introduction, main text body and conclusion. Main arguments effectively presented in main text body of the report.
Main points of the discussion are examined critically, ideas synthesised well to produce a logically constructed and supported argument.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs. Good analyses.
    Outstanding structure of report writing including executive summary, introduction, main text body and conclusion. Main arguments are exceptionally presented in main text body of the report.
Provides strong, clearly articulated arguments, with supporting evidences from literature and/or real-world examples.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs. Excellent analyses.
    Evidence of reading (2 marks) (Includes: range of suitable references used, co
ect referencing/citation technique)
-Discussion demonstrates evidence of reading beyond the study materials
-Suitable references have been used to enhance and support issues raised in the discussion
-Source material has been cited and referenced co
ect use of APA6.
    Limited evidence of wide reading.
Readings not well integrated into the discussions of the essay.
Limited and / or no acknowledgement of source material.
    The text of the assignment shows some evidence that subject materials have been read and acknowledged.
Arguments show basic ability to apply fundamental concepts, but arguments based upon limited evidence.
An accurate reference list is attached.
    Well-reasoned arguments are supported and with reference to a
oad range of literature, drawn for materials sources beyond the study materials provided.
Reading is integrated into the discussion well, and analytical and evaluative comment is provided where appropriate.
Accurate referencing and citation (some flaws).
    Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.
Able to consider topic/issues in the
oader disciplinary context.
Accurate referencing and citation (few flaws).
    Evidence of having researched
ead more widely beyond the core material.
Accurate referencing and citation (almost flawless).
    Presentation (2 marks)
(Includes: clarity of expression and presentation of ideas)
-Follows presentation guidelines presented in Subject Outline,
-Written in clear, comprehensible English.
    Expression is unclear with weak presentation (structure, citations) and English (grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraph sizing) e
    Expression and presentation of arguments are acceptable but lack clarity in presentation (structure, citations) and English (grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraph sizing) e
    Expression is lucid and clear with precise use of language. Writing style appropriate to the assignment type.
Few flaws in grammar, spelling and paragraph sizing.
    Expression and presentation of ideas are mostly accurate.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment item.
Grammar and spelling accurate.
    Expression and presentation of ideas are developed and clear. Excellent writing style appropriate to assessment item.
Grammar and spelling accurate.
    Total Marks:
The following sections will be expected in the report:
Report structure
· Title page 
· Executive Summary (not included in the word count)
· Table of Contents (not included in the word count)
· Introduction
· Body (do not use this term, but you will have a discussion section with some headings and subheadings)
· Recommendations
· Conclusion
· Reference list (not included in the word count)
· Appendices (if any) (not included in the word count)
In terms of requirement specific to this subject, you should:
· Include a formal cover page that shows the subject code and name, your name and student number, the assignment title and number. Please include the total word count in the cover page. The word count includes everything other than the cover page and the reference list. It includes in-text citations and text included in images.
· Use 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing.
· Do not use footnotes or Endnotes.
· Appendices may be used but note that an appendix should contain only supplementary stand-alone information that is not core to the paper. Information in appendices will not be assessed.
· In-text citations and a reference list must be provided using APA6 style of referencing.
· Your assignment should be free of colloquial language and spelling, grammatical and typographical e
ors. Repeated e
ors of this kind will be penalised.
· Use academic language and writing style in order to communicate your ideas clearly. Being able to communicate well is vital for participating effectively in the workplace.
· Upload a Word document to Turnitin. Do not upload pdf.
· Marks will be reduced for failure to follow presentation requirements.
Answered Same Day Aug 11, 2020


Aarti J answered on Aug 16 2020
155 Votes
Human resource practices – A cultural differences and dimension
Australia Vs India
Course Name
Course Date
Student’s Name
Human resource practice – A cultural differences and dimensions    10
Human resource practice – A cultural differences and dimensions
Australia and India
Executive summary
Globalization has marked the change in the corporate world where the companies are working together internationally at a global scale. With the global working of the MNE’s the company face different aspect of cultural variations and other aspects in different human resource strategies.
In this paper we will analyse different human resource strategies which differs in different countries. For this project we have analysed two main countries which includes Australia and India. We have compared both the countries on training and development strategies and recruitment and selection strategy.

Executive summary    2
Introduction    4
Cultural dimension    4
Recruitment and Selection    5
Training and Development    6
Recommendations    8
Conclusion    8
With the increasing globalization and increased technology, the countries and the companies operating in the world are coming closer. With the cultural differences in the countries, the companies in different countries follow different human resource strategies. With the internationalization, there are many companies which are working across the borders. The nationals of one country also goes on international assignments to other countries where they face different cultural differences.
In this paper, we will focus on analysing different aspects of human resource practices and the effect of cultural differences and implications on the human resource practices of Australia and India.
Cultural dimension
As per Hofstede, culture is defined as “the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people form another”(p. 39) Hofstede has defined the cultural dimensions of the country on different perspectives which includes: Power distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long term orientation. (Hoppe, M. H., 1990)
Power Distance
The power distance index helps in measuring that how powerful the government organizations and other organizations are and how the power is distributed in the country. Power distance index is called: “extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally” (p. 521). The countries which has high PDI has a rigid hierarchy and have rigid position of the leaders and the subordinates of the country while the countries which has low PDI, does not have rigid working and leaders. (Goolaup, S.; Ismayilov, T.; Eriksson, J, 2011)
Individualism and collectivism
The second aspect is individualism or collectivism. In the individualistic society, the individuals are concerned about themselves and are least concerned about the group and the society. They are concerned about the self-interest and the work is aligned along the individual goals and needs whereas in collective society, the people look for the group interest and work in collaboration and focus on team work and mutual dependence.
Uncertainty avoidance
According to Hofstede, uncertainty avoidance is called the “extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these” (p.21) where there are strict rules and regulations and the person has to work strictly according to the said rules and regulations that has been set by the ruling authority. Any behaviour which is not as per the rules and regulations, is not tolerated whereas the society with weak uncertainty avoidance has more relaxed attitude. (Hofstede, G, 1992)
Femininity Vs Masculinity
The next feature is the feature of masculinity, a masculinity driven society is the society is the society which is highly driven by competition, achievement and success. Males are expected to be tough,
awny, natural leaders, materialistic and assertive in societies where there is a high masculinity/femininity (MAS) index. Females in this society are expected to be soft and follow the orders by the male. In the society which is high in masculine, there is high competition and the decisions are made on the power and the strength. Here, the people have to work hard to earn money and the leisure time is very less. The rewards are based on equity and the females are usually less in the workforce of the organization.
Long term orientation:
Long term orientation focus on delayed gratification and the long term goals are made. With the long term goal, the leisure time of the society is not very important. Whereas the country with short term orientation gives a strong focus on leisure time,...

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