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) Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Global Economy Various aspects of the course and the accompanying readings are concerned with 1) business representatives operating in one cultural context trying...

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) Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Global Economy Various aspects of the course and the accompanying readings are concerned with 1) business representatives operating in one cultural context trying to do business in or with representatives of others, and 2) country representatives (e.g., diplomats, NGOs, and other organizations) as they deal with each other across cultures. In keeping with these issues, consider and address the following questions: What kinds of issues arise when representatives operating in one cultural context attempt to do business in or with representatives of others, and with what implications? What approach or approaches might you suggest for addressing such issues? What is your logic or rationale for doing so?
Answered 2 days After Mar 24, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Mar 26 2021
154 Votes
Cross Cultural Interaction:
Cross cultural interaction is a field of study which is analytical in nature and is very critical to the relationship dynamics of individuals, organizations and even countries. Here people from different cultural backgrounds interact with each other professionally. In the business world also every company ensures that the professionals who interact with outsiders on a regular basis is properly trained about the cultural diversities so that they can easily negotiate the people and go along with their business negotiations and works. These interactions are challenging as different individuals from different backgrounds with diverse values, attitudes, beliefs, behaviour and perceptions came to a common platform for professional endeavours and commitments. (Brown T. & Brandt D.,2014).
The issue that arise in cross cultural interactions:
These kind of interactions can be very challenging as people from diverse cultures with different beliefs, values, behaviour and perception meet to do business and interact professionally. At times, these cultural differences lead to conflicts and misunderstanding’s, which becomes an issue in the business environment. Language is also a huge ba
ier in effective communication as different people with diverse nationalities have different accent and style of speaking. This may influence one choice and decision making as they leave some lasting impression in the person’s mind. This is not a good thing as perceptions tend to motivate the business calls and the decisions. In business world we can see lots of business failures and failure of joint ventures due to this...

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