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Critically Analyse upto 3 theories of leadership in education or in IT

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Critically Analyse upto 3 theories of leadership in education or in IT
Answered Same Day May 12, 2020


Akansha answered on May 20 2020
152 Votes
Leadership Theories in Education        1
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Leadership is a process which can be defined as the way in which an individual develops an influence a person or a group of people to achieve the decided organizational goals and objectives. A leader is required in every industry sector and this has increased the interest of theorists and researchers to conduct studies and researches those helping in better understanding it. As defined by Junker & van Dick, (2014) a leader has certain characteristics which makes him or her different from others and these characteristics are combined and develops a particular leadership style (Junker & van Dick, 2014). Collinson, (2018) says that leadership do not comes with the level of seniority or title one is having, it is a process when someone has a vision and followers to fulfil that vision (Collinson, 2018). Mahajan, (2011) further add that understanding these traits and seeking an explanation why and how it is a part of some leaders is done through various leadership theories (Mahajan, 2011). The given essay will critically analyse the three different leadership theories including Transformational leadership Theory, Distributed Theory, and Trait Theory. The leadership theories will be analysed with the context of educational industry sector.
As the world has entered the 21st century the interest of researchers and authors have increased in the concept of educational leadership. According to Stech, (2008), a quality leadership practice
ings a significant change in an educational firm and its student’s outcome. The practice of leadership is not new in the education sector because this is the concept that has been traditionally being followed in the industry (Stech, 2008). As per Moujaes et al., (2012) a teacher with a vision and goals to attain leads his students. The students act as the followers of their leader and work towards attaining the goals and objectives as per the path showed by the teacher. These teachers have the vision that is beyond the classrooms and cu
iculum. There interaction with the leadership give them an itch to influence a change and to attain their targets (Moujaes et al., 2012). Ward, (2017) says that a leader in the education sector is an inspiration and action director. Each leader has certain trait that demonstrates the diversity in the leaders and their methods of leading their groups towards success. These traits of managing and leading the groups is known as the leadership style and the application process is known as leadership theories that a leader follows (Ward, 2017).
Noure Elahi, (2013) has written a journal article with the topic “The Role of Transformational Leadership in Education” which says that Transformation is the new normal. As per the article national growth is achieved by the impact of education. This is because the nation that is having well-educated population increases its economic competitive across the world. It also provides the intangible benefits like political stability, innovative approach, and social well-being when it comes to solving problems. The research conducted by the author reflects that the demand of dynamic transformation in the education needs a leadership approach that can
ing the transformation in the present education system (Noure Elahi, 2013). Another author Balwant, (2016) also agrees with the gap and suggests the use of transformational leadership theory to achieve the desired outcome. He adds that a transformational leader has the trait to effectively communicate the transformation needs for achieving the visionary target. The effective communication and guidance traits transform the followers and provides the expected outcomes from it (Balwant, 2016). Though Ward, (2017) do not appease with the use of transformational leadership in the education field, saying that the followers are not highly qualified employees those have the knowledge and may gain something from being a follower. Here the students are the main subjects those are the followers and their mind is too sensitive to be inspired by a transformational leader (Ward, 2017. Anderson, (2008) also agrees to it and adds his reflection by developing a study and providing a limitation in using Transformational leadership in educational context. He says that most of the students blindly follow their leader or teacher towards the path he guides and the vision he has developed. But, there is no guarantee that the vision of the transformational leader and the path shown by him will positively impact the group of followers. There is a high need of the interference of the senior management regarding the changes that a transformational leader wants to promote in an educational organization. Giving the context of the changes and justifying the expected outcome the theorist could apply the...

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