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CRIN6009 Creativity and Innovation Summer 2018 Coursework Brief Handout: Week 1 Deadline for Submission: 2:00pm, 21 st August 2018 Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a...

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Creativity and Innovation

Summer 2018

Coursework Brief

Handout: Week 1

Deadline for Submission: 2:00pm, 21st August 2018

Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report

Word Limit: 3500 (Plus or minus 10%)

Learning outcomes assessed:

1. Identify and explain the types of creative strategies processes used in different types of organisations and how to satisfy the ever moving organisational goals.

2. Critically evaluate a wide range of issues that arise by applying theories of creativity and innovation.

3. Critically analyse the complexities organisations face when implementing creativity and innovation into their existing culture.

4. Compare and contrast industry examples which demonstrate the importance of creativity and innovation and how it contributes to an organisations success

This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.

Coursework Instructions

Please read carefully

• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors.

Academic Misconduct

You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must:

• Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person.

• Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.


Assignment Questions

You have been contracted by Uber to write a report on its innovative operations and will proceed to make recommendations ensuring that the company continues to take an innovative approach to business.

Your report must critically examine the innovative strategy that Uber has adopted by:

· Explaining different types of innovative strategies using the innovation strategy matrix to inform your discussion

· Critically reflecting on industry examples that have not been innovative in their approach to business.

· Critically evaluating Uber's choice of innovative strategy. Your evaluation should be informed by a STEEPLE and SWOT analysis of the business.

· Critically analysing the complexities of implementing creativity and innovation into an existing business culture and business structure.

· Making recommendations to ensure the continued success of Uber based upon the findings of your report.

Your report should be supported with relevant academic theories using all appropriate sources.

Suggested structure of report:

Cover page

· This should include your student ID and the title of the module

Executive Summary

· Provides an overview of the report, explaining what it is about, why it is important and the key findings

Contents page

· List of numbered headings in the report and page numbers


· This should introduce the topic and any key information required to ‘set the scene’ for your reader, including why the topic area is important.

Innovation Strategies

· You can use the innovation strategy matrix to help inform your discussion and explain the different types of creative strategy that organisations implement.

The importance of Innovation

· Your critical reflection of businesses that have failed because they have not been innovative.

Critical Evaluation of Uber's Innovative Strategies

· Critically evaluate Uber's choice of innovative strategy. Your evaluation should be informed by a STEEPLE and SWOT analysis of the business.

The Complexities of Innovation

· Critically analyse the complexities of implementing creativity and innovation into an existing business culture and business structure.


· Your critically-informed recommendations should:

· Explain how the threats identified can be turned into opportunities through the implementation of innovative strategies

· Similary, how Uber's weaknesses can be turned into strengths


· This section identifies the main issues brought to light by your research and how these relate to the original brief.


· List of Harvard referenced material consulted for research in this report.


· Anything that you have used to complete your report that you have not included in the main body of the report.

End of Assignment Brief

Module Specific Marking Criteria

Assessment Criteria

Explanatory comments onthe assessment criteria

Knowledge & Understanding:Factual and conceptual knowledge and understanding; use of class materials; independent reading

Clear introduction, introducing the topic and any key information that will help to framework the report

Identification and explanation of different creative strategies implemented in business

Explanation and identification of SWOT and STEEPLE linked to the business case study

· Percentage

· Knowledge & Understanding


Intellectual & Cognitive Skills:Critical thinking; conceptualisation; creativity; synthesis, analysis and evaluation; application; problem solving and research/investigation

Critical examination of Uber's strategic advantages over it’s competitors with clear links to SWOT

Critical analysis of the complexities of implementing creativity and innovation into an existing business.

A critical reflection on industry examples that have failed because they did not innovate.

Recommendations that are clearly linked to the main body of your report and follow logically on from your arguments throughout.

· Percentage

· Intellectual & Cognitive Skills



Graduate Skills:transferable, employability and practical skills, Written, oral and presentation skills; interpersonal, group and teamwork skills; leadership skills; numeracy; digital skills; practical, professional and academic skills (including referencing/presentation etc)

Work is clearly articulated and logically developed throughout.

Statements are underpinned by relevant creative and innovative theory linked to business strategy.

In text citations acknowledge original sources and come from an appropriate range of sources.

References are laid out according to Harvard protocol

· Percentage

· Graduate Skills




Generic Marking Criteria



Graduate Skills: transferable, employability, practical and academic skills

Factual and conceptual knowledge and understanding; use of class materials; independent reading

Critical thinking; conceptualisation; creativity; synthesis, analysis and evaluation; application; problem solving and research/investigation

Written, oral and presentation skills; interpersonal, group and teamwork skills; leadership skills; numeracy; digital skills; practical, professional and academic skills (including referencing/presentation








Includes all required factual content, accurately and succinctly summarised.

Well developed, persuasive, highly relevant, reasoned introduction and conclusions, demonstrating originality.

Within word count or presentation time.

Includes relevant factual content only.

Clearly and logically structured material, showing excellent understanding of the discipline.

Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Systematic, accurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Information or data selected from a broad range of highly relevant, current primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant, self-determined methods or techniques.

Eloquent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR professional, engaging, confident, audible and well paced presentation. Sophisticated use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Exceptional, in-depth understanding of factual and conceptual material, including understanding of the limits to knowledge in this area.

Well developed, perceptive, coherent arguments, systematically referencing primary and secondary literature, including competing perspectives, with clear rationale for choices.

Professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are accurate, clearly set out, with excellent, precise explanations.

Exceptional integration of theory and practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Correct and systematic use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Independent, wide-ranging, highly relevant reading and research, from authoritative primary and secondary sources.

Exceptional application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems.

Exceptional, consistent, flexible delivery of group work obligations. Proactive leadership, accepts responsibility and ameliorates conflict. Undertakes complex tasks.

Substantiated, highly relevant recommendations generating novel solutions. Excellent awareness of ethical issues.

Exceptional, well articulated reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Identifies and follows up required actions.

70 - 85%


Includes all required factual content, accurately and succinctly summarised.

Well developed, relevant, reasoned introduction and conclusions, demonstrating some originality.

Within word count or presentation time.

Includes relevant factual content only.

Clearly and logically structured material, showing excellent understanding of the discipline.

Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Systematic, accurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Information or data selected from a good range of relevant, current primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant, self-determined methods or techniques.

Fluent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR professional, engaging, audible and well paced presentation. Excellent use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Excellent, in-depth understanding of factual and conceptual material, including understanding of the limits of knowledge in this area.

Well developed, coherent arguments, systematically referencing primary and secondary literature, including competing perspectives, with clear rationale for choices.

Professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are accurate, clearly set out, with excellent explanations.

Excellent integration of theory and practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Correct and systematic use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Independent, wide-ranging, relevant reading and research, from authoritative primary and secondary sources.

Excellent application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems.

Excellent, consistent, flexible delivery of group work obligations. Proactive leadership, accepts responsibility and ameliorates conflict. Undertakes complex tasks.

Substantiated relevant recommendations generating novel solutions. Very good awareness of ethical issues.

Excellent, well articulated reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Identifies and follows up required actions.

60 - 69%


Includes most required factual content, mostly accurately and succinctly summarised.

Relevant and valid introduction and conclusions.

Within word count or presentation time.

Includes relevant factual content only.

Clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic, but showing good understanding of the discipline.

Mostly accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Mostly systematic and accurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Information or data selected from mainly relevant primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant methods or techniques but with minor gaps or misunderstandings.

Mainly fluent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR mainly professional, engaging, audible and well paced presentation. Good use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Very good understanding of factual and conceptual material, showing some appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

Mostly coherent arguments, with some perceptive points, mostly systematically referencing well selected primary and secondary literature.

Mostly professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are mainly accurate, clearly set out, with good explanations.

Good integration of theory and practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Mostly correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Independent reading and research from a range of mostly authoritative primary and secondary sources.

Mainly good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with some gaps, errors or misunderstandings.

Consistent delivery of group work obligations. Some leadership and ability to accept responsibility and modify responses. Undertakes non-routine tasks.

Some relevant recommendations generating some novel solutions. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

Clear reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Partial identification of required actions.

50 - 59%


Includes most required factual content, but with some gaps or misunderstandings.

Satisfactory introduction and conclusions.

Within 10% of word count or presentation time.

Includes some irrelevant factual content.

Mostly clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic, demonstrates an understanding of the discipline.

Some mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Adequate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Information or data selected from mainly secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using mostly relevant methods or techniques but with gaps or misunderstandings.

Writing style is appropriate but not always fluent or professional OR a presentation that is not always professional, engaging, audible or well paced. Some use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Satisfactory understanding of factual and conceptual material, but not in-depth. Limited appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

Satisfactory arguments, referencing mostly secondary literature and including some personal opinion

Appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations may have some inaccuracies, or issues relating to set out and explanation.

An adequate attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Inconsistent use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Adequate independent reading and research from mostly secondary sources.

Adequate application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with some gaps or errors.

Inconsistent delivery of group work obligations. Some awareness of responsibility and options. Undertakes mostly routine tasks.

Basic recommendations, which do not generate novel solutions. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

Some evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Limited identification of required actions.

40 - 49%


Includes limited required factual content, with many gaps or inaccuracies.

Basic introduction and conclusions.

Within 10% of word count or presentation time.

Includes considerable irrelevant factual content.

Unevenly structured material, with many gaps in logic and limited understanding of the discipline.

Frequent mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Some identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Information or data selected from secondary sources, and poorly categorised, analysed or evaluated using inappropriate methods or techniques.

Awkward or inappropriate writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or well paced. Little use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Basic understanding of factual and conceptual material. Minimal appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

Sense of emerging argument, but mainly descriptive or personal opinion, with limited and superficial reference to literature. Negligible use of primary literature.

Inappropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are often inaccurate, with many issues relating to set out and explanation.

Limited attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Inconsistent or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Basic independent reading and research from secondary sources.

Weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with many gaps or errors.

Unreliable delivery of group work obligations. Limited awareness of options. Undertakes only routine tasks.

Confused recommendations. Little awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

Limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.

30 - 39%


Includes insufficient required factual content, with significant gaps or inaccuracies.

Mostly incoherent or irrelevant introduction and conclusions.

More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.

Includes substantial irrelevant factual content.

Incoherently structured material.

Serious mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Limited identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

Limited selection of information or data, and little attempt at collation, categorisation, analysis or evaluation.

Poor writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or well paced. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material. No appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

Little or no argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature.

Poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are mostly inaccurate, or incorrectly set out or explained.

Very weak attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks.

Inaccurate or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

Minimal independent reading and research.

Very weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with significant errors.

Poor delivery of group work obligations. No awareness of options. Undertakes a few routine tasks.

Irrelevant or no recommendations. Little or no awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

Very limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.

16 - 29%


Includes almost no required factual content, and with very significant inaccuracies.

Incoherent or no introduction and conclusions.

More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.

Includes mainly irrelevant factual content.

Very incoherently structured material.

Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

Minimal or inaccurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

No evidence of the selection, categorisation, analysis or evaluation of information or data.

Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material. No appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

No argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature.

Very poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are inaccurate, with no explanations.

Theory not related to practice.

Very inaccurate or no use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

No independent reading and research.

Minimal application of numerical and statistical methods and techniques to defined complex problems, with significant errors.

Very poor delivery of group work obligations. Does not undertake even routine tasks.

No recommendations. No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

Minimal or no evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.

0 - 15%


Does not include required factual content.

No introduction and conclusions.

More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.

Includes entirely irrelevant factual content.

Very incoherently structured material.

Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.

No identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles.

No evidence of the selection, categorisation, analysis or evaluation of information or data.

Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate.

No understanding of factual and conceptual material. No appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area.

No argument, entirely personal opinion, with no reference to literature.

Exceptionally poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.

Calculations are missing, with no explanations.

Theory not related to practice.

No use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.

No independent reading and research.

No application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems.

No delivery of group work obligations.

No recommendations. No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.

No evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.

Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2020


Sanchita answered on Aug 18 2020
155 Votes
The innovational Challenges faced by Uber Inc
Executive Summary
In this era, the taste and preference of consumers are rapidly changing and the businesses need to consistently reinvent themselves in order to stay in the highly competitive and cut-throat industry. Hence, along with creativity, innovation becomes the core pillars of an organization’s continued success and prosperity. In many contexts, Uber can be considered as an organization that has an extremely proactive innovation strategy and is also looking to push their ba
iers. The Uber technology is also highly disruptive as with the inception of Uber and similar taxi-hailing services, it has affected the livelihood of millions of people who are or were previously engaged in the taxi business. The main success of Uber can be attributed to its destructive technology.
One of the weaknesses of the Uber is that the technology at times comes under legal scrutiny as it is quite ambiguous about how it operates the business. Furthermore, Uber revenues are also prone to tax scrutiny as it tends to avoid taxes owing to its nature of business, Uber calls itself as an agent and its drivers as partners, hence there is often lot of ambiguity and government in Canada and France have started taxing Uber revenues. Uber business model is not very tough to replicate, as in the last few years, many competitors have sprung such as Didi Chuxing in China, Ola in India, Lyft in America etc. Thus Uber is easily imitable. Uber is an application based technology and it is heavily dependent on internet for its efficient and effective usage, hence if there is a sudden internet
eakdown or failure of its application, it can disrupt the entire service.
As of now, Uber operates in 70 countries of the world and many countries that are still untouched by Uber are those countries where internet adoption is bit low. However, the scenario is expected to change in next few years, as the rate of internet penetration has increased in many developing and underdeveloped countries of the world.
It is highly recommended that Uber starts building better relationship with government and taxi regulatory authorities of all the countries, it invests in. Amidst of such chaos, Uber often loses money, energy and resources. Furthermore, it should work on a sustainable ecosystem where they find ways of integrating existing taxi drivers in their dynamic ecosystem. As of now, Uber services are highly dependent on Internet; hence Uber should work on developing system that can work in offline mode as well through use of SMS or call. This will lower the dependence on internet, in case of network failure and would allow Uber to gain more customers who at present do not have access to internet
Table of Content
Uber Background…………………………………………………………………..9
SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………………….10
PESTLE Analysis………………………………………………………………….12
Recommendation …………………………………………………………………..14
In this era, the taste and preference of consumers are rapidly changing and the businesses need to consistently reinvent themselves in order to stay in the highly competitive and cut-throat industry. Hence, along with creativity, innovation becomes the core pillars of an organization’s continued success and prosperity. The organizations that cease to innovate soon see a downturn of its sales, revenue and this dynamic impact of lack of innovation is often magnanimous. For instance, in the Smartphone world, Nokia once used to be reigning kind of handset industry, and
ands like HTC and Sony also had equally formidable presence, but lack of innovation have made them lose them glory that they once enjoyed during their heyday. The
ands that were obscure in the last few years like one Plus and even Huawei have made right noises owing to their consistent thrust for innovation. Hence, it is undeniable to agree on the fact that innovation has become backbone of the organization’s continued success and sustainability.
Innovation can be considered as the process of converting ideas or invention into goods or services that creates value for the customers, organization and all the stakeholders involved in the due process (Johnson, 2001). Furthermore, in economic terms, for an idea to be called an innovation, it must exhibit the potential of being replicated or emulated at an economical cost that holds value to satisfy any particular need of primarily the consumers. Innovation is a long-term concept/process and involves meticulous application of right proportion of information, imagination and ancillary resources to harness something productive, useful and economically viable.
Innovation has huge implications in the social context as well. The persistent thrust for innovation compels organizations to push their limits often by thinking out-of-the-box, creating new endless possibilities; and redefining and reinventing the ways we use technology in our day-to-day life. In order to achieve the desired set targets and goals of the organizations, they often employ diverse types of innovation strategies.
Innovation strategies can
oadly be classified into four
oad categories that are as follows:
· Proactive: Organizations that employ proactive innovation strategies tend to have more emphasis and focus on research and development. They spend a considerable time on perfecting robust research capabilities and thrive to become the market leader. They often tend to take high risk and investment profusely. Apple, IBM, Amazon are prominent examples of such organizations that seek proactive innovation strategy. Often it is these organizations that can introduce disruptive technology to the market (Johnson, 2001).
· Active: In response to the innovation of new technologies and products, there are certain organizations that quickly defend the onslaught of such technologies by creating their own products/ services similar to the ones that are in vogue in the market. Such companies often take medium-to-low risk and hedge their risks in order to play on the safer side. For instance, Microsoft, Dell are such companies.
· Reactive: Such innovation strategy are often followed by the companies that are not market leaders but the followers, for instance, many smart phone
ands from China like Vivo, Oppo even Honor series (by Huawei) copy the designs and specs of Apple.
· Passive: Passive innovation strategy is at the lowest ring of all the strategies. As the name suggests, such organizations do not make any innovative changes until the consumers demand changes in the services.
Hence, it can be safely presumed that the innovation strategy employed by the organizations will set course of how it would be perceived in the industry; as a market leader or as a follower. And in some extreme cases, the lack of innovation becomes so paramount that it forces companies to even go insolvent....

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