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cribe the return management process in the service market and business market. Instructions •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. •APA...

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cribe the return management process in the service market and business market.

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less thana two page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation
Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide
APUS Online Library Tutorial Center
Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism


Answered Same Day May 16, 2020


Sundeep answered on May 19 2020
134 Votes
Return management process in the service market and business market
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Return management is both a challenge and an opportunity for an organisation and the inbound logistics. The non-compliance penalties are ever increasing and so are the waste management regulations.
Large organisations cannot afford to tarnish their
and image by the views of negative environmental impact. The organisations have to make sure that their names are clear of the landfills or through the centralised return process. The factor of sustainability has to be improvised by the use of “R” cycle. The R cycle includes:
1. Re-use: The first step to be determined is that is the product or the service that has been rendered and returned can it be reused?
2. Re-fu
ish: Refu
ishing the service and the business prospect instead of letting it go and recycling it saves time and capital
3. Re-Commerce: The service or the business has to be recommerced through a channel which is Omni
4. Re-distribute: If we work with a reputable partner, the business which is rendered should be transparent. E.g. A refu
ished service of a taxi booking application would be beneficial to a small town and the people would...

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