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Could you please help with this assignment, please? The referencing should be APA 7th edition. Word limit is 1500 words, and AI detector should be zero; otherwise, I will get 0 marks for it, please.

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Students select two journal articles published within the last 10 years. The articles should examine one or more social, cultural andlor political factors that impact upon
the role of the leader in early childhood education and care settings in the Australian context.
Students will critically discuss, examine and compare the articles drawing conclusions on implications of the issue(s) examined in the paper(s) for their practice as
upcoming leaders in the field
For information on comparative critical

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Answered 7 days After Dec 21, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Dec 29 2024
5 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Summary of the Articles    3
Comparative Analysis    4
Implications for Leadership Practice    5
Conclusion    7
References    9
    As the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) continues to evolve in Australia, leadership plays an essential role in shaping the outcomes for children. The work of Sim and Radford (2023), titled “Leadership in Australia’s early childhood workforce policy: Silences and opportunities” and the work of Fleer (2021) titled “Leadership in early childhood education: A cultural historical theory of practice development” provide critical insights into this domain. Through this comparative review, the two articles have been analysed considering their implications and findings in the context of ECEC in Australia.
Summary of the Articles
    The article by Sim and Radford (2023) sheds light on the National Children Education and Care Workforce Strategy of Australia. The primary focus of the article is the limited role of leadership within this policy framework. The authors of the article have indicated the fact that leadership is often under rated or ambiguously defined, which further leads to missed opportunities that may further lead to poor quality of early childhood and care, which may otherwise be improved through effective leadership. The authors have also been emphasizing on the notion that clear policies are required to improve the leadership and ensure continuous development of leadership so that the workforce is encouraged to achieve high-quality outcomes. The authors have further argued that to ensure inclusion of leadership in the strategies, it is essential to focus on training programs, which promote the development of leadership in early childhood education. The training programs must be focused on structured mentoring and professional learning opportunities. This will help to come up with a competent and skilled workforce that is capable enough to address the challenges being faced by the ECEC settings.
    In another article by Fleer (2021), the author emphasizes on the cultural-historical theory of practice development in early childhood education with its primary focus on the role played by transformative leaders to foster the growth of the educators while ensuring that their practices are improved. The article further discusses a conceptual framework, wherein the dynamic interplay between leadership actions and socio-cultural context of ECEC settings is highlighted. The work of Fleer (2021), further discusses case studies, which help to develop a better understanding of the role leaders play in guiding early childhood education settings during different phases including crisis, stabilization, and sustained growth. Leaders can motivate the educators to change their practices, while reflecting on their existing practices, and focusing on the adoption of innovative practices. The author further highlights the significance of contextual understanding, relational dynamics, and the importance of collaboration to solve problems so as to drive meaningful changes for a better future.
Comparative Analysis
    Though both the articles discuss the role...

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