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Could you please help me with this assignment? This assignment is related to the learning plan for early childhood educators. Here are the files:

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Assignment 1- Example of integration
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en Roma - Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 11:07 PM
Hi Everyone, please see below an example of integration.
Remember that we are not looking for deep integration compared to what you could do with primary school aged children. If your idea allows
for deep integration, then go for it.
This activity is "Ice Cube Art” from: https:/
For this activity, you can integrate science, art and maths.
For maths, you can incorporate patterns and counting. The children can create patterns of different coloured ice cubes e.g. red, blue yellow, red
lue yellow OR red, red, blue, blue etc. For counting, they can count how many red, green, blue etc there are. For grouping (which for later years
leads to multiplication and division), they can group all the reds, all the blues, all the yellows etc and count how many are in each group. The
students can also create groups where each grouping has equal numbers of different coloured ice.
For science, you are investigating liquid to solid and solid to liquid.
For art, the students can use the cubes to create different coloured streaks on a piece of paper to create an abstract work.
An example of deeply integrated subjects is below. Please note that for deeper integration, the learning experiences usually take time over an
extended period - a few weeks, a month, a couple of months etc.
Integrating science, maths and engineering...
Children will create a fruit and vegetable garden (you will need to modify things so that t's age appropriate).
For maths, you can use rulers or measuring tapes to demonstrate length and area. You can figure out with the students how many rows you can
make and how many fruits/vegetables can fit into each row. You can figure out the patterning of fruit/vegetables. You can figure out the prices of
uying seed packets/plants/seedlings etc. and how much it will cost
For engineering, its the creation of the actual garden and setting t all up.
For science, you can learn about the life cycle of plants.
For technology. the students can use an iPad to record themselves describing how they created the garden and the steps they took. They can
also take photos of their own plant using the iPad and take photos over a period of time to show the growth happening.
There are many ideas you can use for deep integration. Think creatively.
Regards, (@w
This assignment will be 1800 words and will require 3 learning plans. The 3 learning plans don't need to have a connection with each other. If
You want to connect them, you can. However, you can also keep them as separate lessons. Please write the learning plans with enough detail, so
that if a substitute teacher were to come to your room and read your plan, they should be able to teach it based on the details you have
Please note that you will be working in pairs, however you each will be submitting an individual assignment. You will collaborate together and
your learning plans will be similar, but they will not be exactly the same.
Your plans need to show an integration of at least 2 subject areas. Please read through the document for further clarification. We are not
‘expecting deep integration as you would at a primary school level.
We are also not expecting you to come up with your own ideas or create new lessons. If you can, that would be fantastic, however it is not
necessary. There are many lesson ideas freely available on the internet. Use these to help inspire you for the learning plans and think about
Ways you can integrate at least 2 subject areas with these ideas. Some websites you could visit are:


www. rasmussen edu/degrees/education
There are many more websites including ideas from Pinterest.
Please note that you are not allowed to copy-paste or just slightly change the details of existing ideas/lessons from the internet as this is
plagiarism. You have to paraphrase and substantially change the content, so that it does not become plagiarism. For this assignment. you are
also not allowed to copy existing resources/worksheets for that specific lesson if they exist. You have to create your own if you would like to
include these as part of the assignment submission.
If you are taking an idea from an existing lesson, please make sure to acknowledge this. In the "Topic and Rationale" section of your learning
plan, please write the name of the site and the web address. For example, you can write something like: Lesson idea inspired by The Little
Learners Village -
Iwill create another post that will show how you can integrate a couple of subject areas using one of the ideas from the above websites.
en Roma
Answered 8 days After Dec 11, 2024


Parul answered on Dec 15 2024
5 Votes
Lesson Plan1
Learning Area: Science and Technology
Age/Level: 2.5-5 years
Group Size: 10-12 children
Topic and Rationale
Interactive Modelling with help chemical reaction
    Learning Area: Science and Technology
    Ages/Level : toddler
3.5-5 y.o.
    Group Size: 10-12
    This activity is a kind of introduction to preschoolers about the basic and common chemical reactions, in which they've shown how baking soda and vinegar react to create a "volcano." Introducing modern technology in this activity, it has allowed children to "document" and analyze their experiences digitally. This activity is meant to stir curiosity and develop critical thinking; inquiry-based learning does engage the minds of young kids. The activity is based on the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) postulated by Vygotsky, in that it can strengthen cognitive growth and problem-solving skills in children through hands-on experience. Also, including technology for documentation and creative expression contributes towards a rounded STEAM approach that builds holistic development in children.
    Special Considerations:
A colorful and engaging learning environment is a must for toddlers, as it makes the experience enjoyable and stimulating. It is also essential to look after possible challenges, such as being English as a second language (ESL) for some learners or delays in learning other languages. As facilitators in a teaching environment, the approach should be modified according to the needs.
An introductory video to an actual life eruption of a volcano would be very valuable in aiding the ESL learner. Given simple instructions and accompanied by clear pictures, it zooms in on the steps that really make access, understanding, so child-friendly.
    *Intended learning outcomes
    · Outcome 1 of the early years learning framework states that children will develop curiosity, cooperation, and critical thinking through a experience of the phenomena in the real world.
· Outcome 2 of the early years learning framework states that children will demonstrate communication skills in predicting (hypothesising) and describing observation.
· Outcome 3 Understanding the actions and implementing them in their respective groups. Enhancing the social skilss
    *Evidence of learning outcomes
    · Children will na
ate what happens when vinegar is added to baking soda.
· A painting showing how volcanoes erupt.
· Registration of children’s predictions and observations.
    · Chemical Safety: Lab coats and goggles must be worn by every student. Only teachers can handle the vinegar and baking soda.
· Spills: Sort out spills outside, in a controlled area, so nobody slips on it.
    Location, resources, and equipment/furniture
    · Primarily the location would be outdoor table close to the garden
· Also, there would be requirement of essential ingredients to set-up this activity like
· Vinegar
· Baking soda
· Tall glass/test tube
· Paint and paint-
· Dinosaur figurines for decoration
· Lab coats and safety goggles.
    Key STEAM concept or Vocabulary
    · Immediate gestures
· Perceptions/Prediction
· Intentions and reactions
    *Activity/ Experience process (explain your activity in easy steps e.g., explain to the children that they are going to …)

    Watch a video about the volcano eruption where kids should set the context.
Ask kids the question, "What do you think happens during a volcanic eruption?"
Activity Steps:
Let the kids use play-dough to make their volcanoes.
Paint and decorate the volcano using dinosaurs and paints.
Insert a test tube in the middle of the volcano.
Ask kids to predict what would happen if baking soda were poured into vinegar. Experiment and observe the gestures and reactions
    *Assessment (How will you know children have met your learning objectives? e.g. observation of children’s engagement)
    · Children observe phenomena and then analyze. They express those observations either through art or through the spoken word.
Core Assessment
It also includes observing whether or not predictions and instructions were followed by children.
It assesses their ability to describe the chemical reaction witnessed.
Collects artworks or ve
al explanations as...

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