MAT2114 Homework §4.2 Name:
Due Date: 01 April 2022
Honor Code: I neither gave nor received unauthorized help on this assignment.
Instructions: Answer the following questions, showing ALL your work and writing neatly. This
assignment is due to Canvas by 11:59pm on the date above. Group work is allowed and
encouraged, but each group member must write up their own solutions.
1. Recall that a block-diagonal matrix is a square matrix of the form
. . .
where each of the Bi’s are square matrices (possibly of different sizes) and all blank spaces
are zeroes. A block diagonal is about as close to being diagonal as one can hope.
The matrix in §4.2 WebAssign, Problem #5 is block-diagonal with two 2 × 2 blocks, call
them B1 and B2.
(a) Compute det(B1).
(b) Compute det(B2).
(c) What do you notice about the determinant you computed in that WebAssign problem?
MAT2114 Homework §4.2
2. Any invertible n× n matrix A has the property that A−1 = 1
B for some n× n matrix
B. We’ve already seen this in the case of 2 × 2’s:
If A =
c d
, then A−1 =
B where B =
d −
−c a
Find the matrix B in the 3 × 3 case:
If A =
a b cd e f
g h j
, then A−1 = 1
B where B =
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� � �
(As you can see, it is not worth memorizing the formula for the inverse of a 3 × 3 and
Gauss–Jordan is almost certainly a much better method.)
Hw 4.1