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Ethics XXXXXXXXXXEthical Leadership and Critical Decision Making Case Study #2: Student Instructions Submission Instructions To be submitted via DC Connect. Value 20% Due Date Friday, December 17,...

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Ethics XXXXXXXXXXEthical Leadership and Critical Decision Making
Case Study #2: Student Instructions
    Submission Instructions
    To be submitted via DC Connect.
    Due Date
    Friday, December 17, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Note: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS allowed for this assignment, except for medical reasons (with adequate documented proof required). If you do not submit by the deadline indicated above, you will simply receive a grade of 0 on the assignment.
Using the case study below, you will assess the effectiveness of the personal ethical strategy you created for assignment 4. You will apply your personal strategy to the situation detailed within the case study to determine how your actions would differ from those in the case study and how effective your strategy would be in that situation.
· Robin Chase, Zipcar and an Inconvenient Discovery
Create a report with the following sections:
· Introduction: Briefly summarize the key findings of each section of your report. What did you learn from evaluating your personal ethical strategy? (250 words)
· Personal Ethical Strategy: Briefly summarize your personal ethical strategy. Include a short description of your leadership approach and list your personal values. (250 words)
· Case Study Evaluation: Evaluate the actions, behaviors and decisions made by the people in the case study. What do they appear to value? How do their actions differ from the actions you would take based on your ethical strategy? (300 words)
· Strategy Strengths & Weaknesses: Explain how effective your strategy would be for guiding your actions within the scenario described. What strengths and weaknesses have become apparent? Are there any changes you would make to your ethical strategy? (500 words)
· Conclusion: Explain the overall lessons that can be taken away from this exercise. What did you learn from evaluating your personal ethical strategy? (200 words)
Plagiarized assignments will receive a mark of zero on the assignment and a failing grade on the course and may also receive a permanent note of plagiarism on your academic record.
Assignment Ru
    Introduction & Conclusion
(3 points)
    Student summarizes the contents of each section of the report clearly and concisely. Student explains several overall lessons they’ve learned through evaluating their personal ethical strategy and supports these lessons with findings from the report.
    Student summarizes the content of most sections of the report adequately. Student explains 1-2 overall lessons they’ve learned through evaluating their personal ethical strategy. Student does not support the lessons learned with findings from the report.
    Student summarizes the content of some of the sections of the report. Student does not provide an explanation of overall lessons learned.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Personal Ethical Strategy
(4 points)
    Student provides clear and concise summary of the personal ethical strategy they completed for assignment #4.
    Student provides a summary of the personal ethical strategy they completed for assignment #4. Student has some issues with clear and concise writing.
    Student provides a summary of the personal ethical strategy. Student has significant issues with clear and concise writing.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Case Study Evaluation
(5 points)
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy. Student uses examples from both the case study AND the ethical strategy to support their critique. Student uses several course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy. Student uses examples from either the case study OR the ethical strategy to support their critique. Student uses some course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy but does not support their observation using examples from the case study or ethical strategy. Student does not use course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Strategy Strengths & Weaknesses
(5 points)
    Student uses several course concepts to provide a thorough and effective evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy. Student uses several examples from the case study to support their critique and clearly explains the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student uses some course concepts in the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy. Student uses some examples from the case study to support their critique and explains the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy but does not incorporate course concepts. Student uses some examples from the case study to support their critique. Student does not explain the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
(3 points)
    No grammar / spelling e
    Some grammar / spelling e
    Major grammar / spelling e
    Assignment is illegible
Page 2 of 3
Answered Same Day Jan 02, 2022


Parul answered on Jan 03 2022
119 Votes
Case Analysis: Robin Chase, Zipcar: An Inconvenient Discovery
Case Analysis: Robin Chase, Zipcar: An Inconvenient Discovery
Ethics 2202 - Ethical Leadership and Critical Decision Making
By the virtue of this case, we can witness variety of perspectives that could be leveraged by the researchers. For the purpose of this assignment, I have selected the perspective of student, who is also the target audience of the case. The Wellesley College, student Robin Chase, has majored in English, Philosophy and English. None of them are linked to the course and proper degree in business. Robin has a prior experience in JSI, where she worked as a project executive, who had administered the tasks. With this experience she had developed a business idea that she wanted to pursue. It is evident from the case; Robin has an inclination towards business and that’s why she applied to MIT Solan. However, because of her limited scores in academics as well as GMAT marks her candidature was rejected. Nevertheless, Robin worked hard and re-appeared for the examination. This time her score substantially improved thereby fulfilling her dream to pursue business studies from MIT Solan.
Robin, an entrepreneurial soul, initiated her business of car sharing in June 2000. Although Robin had work experience but none of them was to begin a start-up and run a business from a scratch. With the zeal to purse the business, in the very first month she was able to accomodate more than 430 members. Robin was also successful in getting the first investor for the business. Jean Hammond, one of the classmates in MIT wanted to invest in the business and offered $50,000 capital. Core idea of the car sharing business came from Antje Danielson, who was another classmate of Robin. After first few months in the business, Robin realised that there were several operational challenges in the business. For instance, utilisation of car was only 40% which was perhaps higher 22% higher than the actual one! Overall revenue per trip was half of what was expected, which was a calculation e
or made by Robin. Essentially, the primary problem in the case is that Robin has no experience, knowledge and proper background of building a business from scratch especially demanding business idea like car sharing model.
Personal Ethical Strategy
For any business to survive the test of time and thrive in future, it is essential to establish strong personal ethical strategy that can bolster the successful operations and contribute value to all the stakeholders involved. As a good leader, one needs to ensure that the code of conduct and strong ethical policies are practised in every functional unit of the organisation. Some essential frameworks to establish the personal strategy is explained below
Core Values and Developing Strong workplace culture
Personally, I believe that it is...

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