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Ethics XXXXXXXXXXEthical Leadership and Critical Decision Making Case Study #2: Student Instructions Submission Instructions To be submitted via DC Connect. Value 20% Due Date Friday, December 17,...

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Ethics XXXXXXXXXXEthical Leadership and Critical Decision Making
Case Study #2: Student Instructions
    Submission Instructions
    To be submitted via DC Connect.
    Due Date
    Friday, December 17, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Note: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS allowed for this assignment, except for medical reasons (with adequate documented proof required). If you do not submit by the deadline indicated above, you will simply receive a grade of 0 on the assignment.
Using the case study below, you will assess the effectiveness of the personal ethical strategy you created for assignment 4. You will apply your personal strategy to the situation detailed within the case study to determine how your actions would differ from those in the case study and how effective your strategy would be in that situation.
· Robin Chase, Zipcar and an Inconvenient Discovery
Create a report with the following sections:
· Introduction: Briefly summarize the key findings of each section of your report. What did you learn from evaluating your personal ethical strategy? (250 words)
· Personal Ethical Strategy: Briefly summarize your personal ethical strategy. Include a short description of your leadership approach and list your personal values. (250 words)
· Case Study Evaluation: Evaluate the actions, behaviors and decisions made by the people in the case study. What do they appear to value? How do their actions differ from the actions you would take based on your ethical strategy? (300 words)
· Strategy Strengths & Weaknesses: Explain how effective your strategy would be for guiding your actions within the scenario described. What strengths and weaknesses have become apparent? Are there any changes you would make to your ethical strategy? (500 words)
· Conclusion: Explain the overall lessons that can be taken away from this exercise. What did you learn from evaluating your personal ethical strategy? (200 words)
Plagiarized assignments will receive a mark of zero on the assignment and a failing grade on the course and may also receive a permanent note of plagiarism on your academic record.
Assignment Ru
    Introduction & Conclusion
(3 points)
    Student summarizes the contents of each section of the report clearly and concisely. Student explains several overall lessons they’ve learned through evaluating their personal ethical strategy and supports these lessons with findings from the report.
    Student summarizes the content of most sections of the report adequately. Student explains 1-2 overall lessons they’ve learned through evaluating their personal ethical strategy. Student does not support the lessons learned with findings from the report.
    Student summarizes the content of some of the sections of the report. Student does not provide an explanation of overall lessons learned.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Personal Ethical Strategy
(4 points)
    Student provides clear and concise summary of the personal ethical strategy they completed for assignment #4.
    Student provides a summary of the personal ethical strategy they completed for assignment #4. Student has some issues with clear and concise writing.
    Student provides a summary of the personal ethical strategy. Student has significant issues with clear and concise writing.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Case Study Evaluation
(5 points)
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy. Student uses examples from both the case study AND the ethical strategy to support their critique. Student uses several course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy. Student uses examples from either the case study OR the ethical strategy to support their critique. Student uses some course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student compares the actions of those in the case study with how they would act based on their ethical strategy but does not support their observation using examples from the case study or ethical strategy. Student does not use course concepts to further illustrate their observations.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Strategy Strengths & Weaknesses
(5 points)
    Student uses several course concepts to provide a thorough and effective evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy. Student uses several examples from the case study to support their critique and clearly explains the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student uses some course concepts in the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy. Student uses some examples from the case study to support their critique and explains the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of their personal ethical strategy but does not incorporate course concepts. Student uses some examples from the case study to support their critique. Student does not explain the changes they would make to their strategy.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
(3 points)
    No grammar / spelling e
    Some grammar / spelling e
    Major grammar / spelling e
    Assignment is illegible
Page 2 of 3

Ethics XXXXXXXXXXEthical Leadership and Critical Decision Making
Assignment #4: Student Instructions
    Submission Instructions
    To be submitted via DC Connect.
    Due Date
    Friday, December 3, 2021 by 11:59 pm
Develop your own personal ethics strategy using the terms and concepts you have learned so far in the course. Review your course text book, especially the end of chapter sections for further ideas. Once you complete your strategy, determine how your strategy will fair in businesses in Canada and in another country. Pick your second country from the list: India, China, Russia, Brazil or Nigeria.
Your strategy document should include the following sections:
· Leadership Approach: Provide a short summary of how you would use this personal ethical strategy within a leadership role. Explain how different organizational structures may affect this approach (200 words)
· Key Values: List 5 personal values. Describe the value and explain why it’s important to you. For each value, provide an example of an action
ehavior you could take within a business environment that demonstrates this value. Values may be based on political ideologies, religious beliefs, or the identities you associate with. (500 words)
· Ethical Dilemmas: Provide 3 examples of potential ethical dilemmas you might face within a business environment and explain how you would handle these dilemmas. (500 words)
· Trans-cultural Corporate Ethics: Give three examples of how your ethics will support working with colleagues and/or business partners from other countries. How do your values support diversity as an ethical practice? What can you do to ensure you understand the ethical priorities and values within another country? (200 words)
NOTE: Plagiarized assignments will receive a mark of zero on the assignment and a failing grade on the course and may also receive a permanent note of plagiarism on your academic record.
Assignment Ru
    Leadership Approach
(3 points)
    Student thoroughly describes their leadership approach using multiple theories and concepts discussed in the course. Student effectively explains how organizational structure impacts leadership.
    Student describes their leadership approach using 1-2 theories or concepts described in the course. Student makes some connections between organizational structure and its effects on leadership.
    Student describes their leadership approach but does not incorporate concepts from the course. Student does not explain how organizational structure impacts leadership.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Key Values
(4 points)
    Student lists 5 personal values and provides a thorough explanation of why these values are important to them. Student provides examples of how each value can be demonstrated within a business environment. Student incorporates course concepts into either the examples or value descriptions.
    Student lists 5 personal values and provides an explanation of why these values are important to them. Student provides examples of how each value can be demonstrated within a business environment. Student makes reference to course concepts with no examples or value descriptions
    Student lists less than 5 personal values and provides an explanation of why these values are important to them. Student does not provide any examples of how each value can be demonstrated within a business environment; and/or does not incorporates course concepts into either the examples or value descriptions.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Ethical Dilemmas
(3 points)
    Student identifies 3 strong and relevant examples of potential ethical dilemmas. Student’s uses course concepts to explain how they would handle these ethical dilemmas.
    Student identifies 3 examples of potential ethical dilemmas – some examples provided are not completely relevant to organizational situations. Student explains how they would handle these ethical dilemmas, but does not incorporate course content into the explanations.
    Student identifies 1-2 examples of ethical dilemmas; however the examples are not relevant to organizational situations. Student does not explain how they would handle the ethical dilemmas or incorporate any course content.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
    Trans-Cultural Corporate Ethics
(3 points)
    Student uses course concepts to explain how their personal ethical strategy can support diverse working environments and trans-culture business situations. Student identifies several effective tactics for ensuring they understand the ethical priorities of colleagues from other countries.
    Student uses course concepts to explain how their personal ethical strategy can support diverse working environments and trans-culture business situations. Student identifies one effective tactic for ensuring they understand the ethical priorities of colleagues from other countries.
    Student explains how their personal ethical strategy can support diverse working environments and trans-culture business situations, but does not incorporate course concepts. Student does not identify any tactics for ensuring they understand the ethical priorities of colleagues from other countries.
    Student did not complete this section of the assignment.
(2 points)
    No grammar / spelling e
    Some grammar / spelling e
    Major grammar / spelling e
    Assignment is illegible
1 of 3

Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, Fifth Edition
E1FTOC 07/09/2010 Page 4
E1FFIRS 07/09/2010 Page 1
Fifth Edition
Distinguished Professor of Organizational Behavior and Ethics
Smeal College of Business
The Pennsylvania State University
Fox School of Business
Temple University
Straight Talk About How To Do It Right
E1FFIRS 07/09/2010 Page 2
VP & PUBLISHER George Hoffman
COVER DESIGNER RDC Publishing Group Sdn Bhd
COVER PHOTO CREDIT Photo provided courtesy of Greg Kuhnen
This book was set in 10/12 Times Roman by Thomson Digital, and printed and bound by Courier Westford.
The cover was printed by Courier Westford.
This book is printed on acid free paper.!1
Copyright# 2011, 2007, 2004, 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise,
Answered Same Day Jan 01, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Jan 02 2022
126 Votes
Ethics 2202 - Ethical Leadership and Critical Decision Making
Assignment #4
Personal ethics are the beliefs of an individual of what is co
ect and inappropriate as well as guides the person for making decisions both in and out of the workplace. These are some of the unique ethical decisions which helps to determine the individual’s ability to handle any situation at workplace which is essential for the career growth. Further, these personal ethics of the individuals helps in developing a work-related ethics, determining the personal and professional objectives and values. But, ethics of every individual varies and can also be common with respect to honesty and admiration. I would like to setup an electronics company which will be both operating in Canada and in India. It will be selling
anded products which will be cost effective. The principles of ethics which I need to develop for building an effective leadership are allowing the leaders to more effectively lead their teams and must follow a foreseeable and respectable code of ethics; instilling a sense of support along with trust among each employees of the organization; provide the employees of the organization a strong base which will enable them to make better decisions and initiate actions in any situation which might be seem challenging; inculcate a professional ability for making decisions based on the what is good and bad; setting a standard behaviour which needs to be adhered by all in the workplace i
espective of the position they hold and support motivation for creating a string ethics which can boost the employees morale for achieving the desired organizational objectives (Glassdoor; 2021). Therefore, ethics is the heart of every leadership and a good leader which will always efficient and ethical while managing the employees in the workplace (Ciulla, 2004, p. 13).
Personal Ethical Strategy
Leadership Approach: In my organization where I would be dealing in electronics and electronics item will try to create a clear ethical strategy for enabling the organization realize its ethical objectives. There will be six areas where the first two phases will be the initial foundation and the remaining four emphasizes on the on-going activity which is required for managing the ethics of the organization.
1. Setup of ethical benchmark: The ethical standards which needs to be developed by my organization will be defining the company values and regulations along with the codes and policies. These values will help in setting behavioural standards based on certain parameters which can be translated into acceptable or discarded behaviours as per the company’s code and policies. The leaders will try to adhere and demonstrate these values by what they so and by their deeds. This will help to set the ethical standards of my electronics company. These ethical standards will be centered around honesty, integrity, transparency, equality, empathy, respect and professionalism for all in the organization and towards the customers (; 2021).
2. Setting up an ethics committee: As per the companies Act in Canada there will be an ethics committee which can be a valuable team for establishing an ethical strategy during the absence of a legislation. My company will also be set-up in a developing country India where there is rising demand for electronic products. Similar ethics committee will be established in India for establishing a culture of respect among varied culture, caste, creed and religion. This is because ethics in India has its origin in its religion as well as in the philosophical thinking. This is the supreme path for attaining the ultimate goal of life as well as the organization (Indian Ethics; 2013). Further, the committee will be headed by senior and industry experienced leaders who have the ability to make decisions and authorize necessary actions. But they should not be the sole custodian for establishing ethics in the electronics company. Instead, it should be every member of the organization who must identify their roles and contribute towards the establishment of ethical standards. The success of the committee can be measured through enhanced sales and customer feedback.
3. Building ethical awareness: This is a powerful tool for improving the workplace ethics and helps in reducing the unethical and unjust behaviour. There will be a high level of ethical awareness...

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