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Contemporary Theories of Leadership Theories of leadership can help health care administrators become effective organizational leaders. It is important to keep in mind, however, that leadership is...

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Contemporary Theories of Leadership

Theories of leadership can help health care administrators become effective organizational leaders. It is important to keep in mind, however, that leadership is situational. As such, no single theory should be applied to every situation that arises. Instead, the most effective leaders are able to read situations and apply the theory that is most appropriate for the given challenge and employees involved. For this Discussion, you select two contemporary theories of leadership and examine potential challenges of applying them in the health care environment.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources. Select two contemporary theories of leadership that are relevant to the demands of the complex healthcare environment.
  • Identify specific health care organization challenges where these theories can be applied. How do these leadership theories offer approaches to overcome these challenges?

Post a cohesive response to the following:

Describe the two contemporary theories of leadership you selected. Analyze health care organization challenges where these theories can be applied. Recommend strategies to overcome these challenges. Defend or argue your recommendations.

Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Reubens answered on Jul 16 2020
145 Votes
Transformational & Transactional Theories
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Transformational theory
This theory stresses that individuals work efficiently if they have a good judgment on the mission. The theory calls for leaders to co
espond and channel their image in a way that is consequential, moving and can generate happiness to the working sections in the health care system. It emphasizes on the call for a leader to be capable in inspiring actions away from the values which are the decisive measuring point adjacent to the set values. Indeed the leadership approach allows employs in the healthcare firms to have an affirmative capacity to control their mind-set towards improved treatment care
Furthermore, in the healthcare firm for example, Thika Level 5 hospital through the application of transformation leadership form, the health care provider is able to attain a lot of needed success in patient contentment, reduce the absence rate...

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