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INTRODUCTION Collaborative working refers the formation of a partnership between different organizations with the aim of achieving a common objective. The creation of such a collaboration of proper...

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    Collaborative working refers the formation of a partnership between different organizations with the aim of achieving a common objective. The creation of such a collaboration of proper working plan is to strengthen the process of obtaining the set goals. Therefore, portrayal of better leadership, as well as management plans, is one of the most critical factors that will be used to determine the effectiveness of collaborative working. However, it will also be used to identify the type of leadership styles that can hasten collaborative working. Autocratic process is one of the leadership processes that will be deemed vital in improving the rate of working together considering that it expedite the decision making process. The paper will also show how significant decisions can be made by the organizational leaders, thus, making the achievement of the set goals highly achievable. Multi-professional and multi-agency are deemed some of the best platforms used to portray how the collaborative practices become effective. The healthcare sector is one the critical industry that has called for the application of the collaborative working between different agencies and professionals.
Definition of Leadership and Why It Is Important in different areas say (Healthcare)
    Leadership refers to the capability the execution of command and authority over a group of people. Proper leadership acts as a suitable vessel for strengthening the collaboration of people and different departments, which underscores the need to have a common goal. Therefore, a leader is someone who can make significant and informed decisions based on an organization’s operation structure. Excellent leadership skills play an imperative role in trying to create a better healthcare system. The healthcare system is one of the most delicate sectors that calls for the making of informed decisions before any decision has been made. Therefore, in most cases, those in authority have been compelled to be more authoritative to their juniors to make reaching of any decision more efficient. Some of the decisions made and which require good leaders include determination of the right treatment procedure for a patient and how he/she should be diagnosed. Leadership helps to create networks and alliances, which can be eventually employed to attain a given goal. Implementation of leadership skills in the healthcare sector enables the key players to come up with some permanent a
angements that can be used to grow and achieve the set objectives. It is worth noting that lack of proper leadership skills in the healthcare sector leads to inefficiency in the delivery of the set goals.
Definition of Management and its Difference from Leadership
    Management refers to all procedures applied by people in authority to ensure everything runs smoothly. The managers are usually interested in providing that the scarce resources of an organization are used most efficiently. Apart from that, it also establishes a precise mechanism for determining how other organizational objectives can be achieved such as in the case of a non-governmental organization.
    It is worth noting significant differences exist between management and the leadership processes. Leadership is about motivating the subjects to work hard whereas managements encourages employees or subject to become responsible when executing anything. Leadership always make those at the helm to be always proactive whereas management emphasizes the need to be organized. Therefore, the managers would instead prefer employees or subjects who are a
anged instead of remaining preemptive. Leadership is deemed a source of inspiration to the subjects. On the other hand, proper management lays more emphasis on the need to create a participative platform where the managers delegate different roles to the employees. It is interested in making the employee more responsible for every action they partake. Leadership also delves into promoting innovation and change whereas management is interested more in defining the payment structure. As a result, it is beyond reasonable doubts leadership is the maintenance of societal ethos and values. Management concentrates on maintaining a profitability or an efficiency margin to hasten the process of achieving the set organizational objectives.
Leadership and Decision making:
For a leader, decision making is a complex process. It’s a team leader, who takes the decision and since other team members are the follower and rigidly
lindly follows the decision, whether that decision right or wrong. The concept of team member is boss is always right, and suppose if the boss is wrong then refer to point no 1. Though the physical pressure is more towards the team member in order execute the task, but more mental pressure is bear by team leader. The team leader is always is in dilemma state, whether the decision taken by me is worthwhile or not. So, a good team leader should takes the decision by collaborative effort, wherein different members working in a group should participate in a decision making process. In these ways the decision is better as taken by alone the team leader. A good team leader should be examined the various factors before any final rational allocation decision is taken for the selection of method to be considered in order to complete any assigned task.
Collaborative working a
ived by effective team work in order to attain a certain set common targeted goal with minimum time and economically. Since it’s a team based concept, effective leadership and managerial skill activities are also taken the prime place to encourage the team members working in a group. The collaborated team is constituted by combining the members of different professionals that have common goal to attain. Every member while working in a group must know their roles and responsibilities leaded by their team leader and constituted task is managed by management through manager. The good knowledge and skills are essentially required in order to better collaborate with other professionals in same workplace. In other words for better collaboration, a good leadership and managerial activities is required.
Good communication skill is also very much required in a good leader and also by all members of group. A good leader should well communicate among team members and subordinates and patients. There is no any communication gap to be in group i.e. effective communication is required for attaining the common task while working in a group.
Leadership methods:
There are five types of leadership method, which needs to be followed by a new leader. It includes, charismatic, Pacesetter, Innovative, Situational and Affiliative.
Charismatic: It is designed with the aims to influence others through personality and character, leaveraging values and beliefs to incite others to action. It’s an ideal leadership method for a new leader who feels passionate about their business idea and who is a high energy individual determined to motivate other. I ranked it 1
Pacesetter: It involves creating models of excellence. It is ideal for startup. The Pacesetter is based on self-direction where leader pushes for quick results from the team.
Innovative: It is for a experienced leader and already is in market place shows innovative ideas to tackle in different situation
Situational: It is helpful for situations that involve ongoing change
Affiliative: It is a way to build bonds early on and a sense of belonging that can help propel a startup through its development. I ranked it 5.

The edifice of transformational leadership rests on the pillars of some specific tenets. Among such tenets the primary four include individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. In this respect I must confess that the tenet of inspirational motivation is the one that goes at par with my own style of leadership. The tenet of inspirational motivation has been infused thoroughly in my leadership style and I have been benefitted explicitly by the application of such a tenet while performing leadership actions. On many occasions I have strived for articulating my own vision in such a way that it stays in alignment with the vision and objective of my followers. In this context, I must say that I have succeeded in challenging my follower with high standards in the course of communicating optimism about their future goals and in the sphere of providing meaning for their organizational and personal goals. Moreover, I have often found that the skill of encouraging an optimistic view of the future has been expansively honed by me, making it possible for me to motivate my followers in a positive manner.
But in respect of applying the tenet of idealized influence, I have to work harder. For an instance, I have to develop the skill of projecting myself as a role model for high ethical behavior before my followers. Moreover, I have to ensure the development of my individual charisma in a manner that would influence others in the context of growing the urge to become like me (in terms of leading and envisioning organizational goals and objectives) (Schieltz, XXXXXXXXXXMoreover, in terms of idealized influence, I must also develop willingness to take risks for the sake of accomplishing organizational goals and to make sure that the risk-taking behavior is perceived as a positive behavior by my followers.
(304 words)
Schieltz, M XXXXXXXXXXFour Elements of Transformational Leadership. Chron. Retrieved April 17, 2018, from http:
Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2020


Dr. Vidhya answered on May 01 2020
160 Votes
As per my observation, I would rather explore he concepts of developing leadership skills and how they are achieved in the process of time, in other words, my first area of focus will be to hone the abilities of being a good leader that can handle the crucial phases at work as well as someone who can manage the team with effect. In the modern context of globalization, I perceive that this is one of the most significant assets that one should have while...

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