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Consider the following: "They (Feminist Epistemologists) recognize that by only legitimizing male theories we have failed in our task of “unbiased observation of the face of the universe”. Do you...

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Consider the following: "They (Feminist Epistemologists) recognize that by only legitimizing male theories we have failed in our task of “unbiased observation of the face of the universe”.

Do you think it is true that society places greater attention on male narratives? How might our awareness of the world be changed if we paid closer attention to women's experiences?

Answered Same Day Nov 15, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
135 Votes
This statement that society places greater attention to male na
atives was true a few years back. But today most of the men and women work side by side and tackle the same business problems, take the same stairways and even conduct meetings where both the genders have equal right to say and perform their duties. But what looks good doesn’t actually seem good such that men are more likely to win promotions compared to women. Quite a number of women also feel that gender at times becomes a factor in missed raises and promotions. The disparity among...

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