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Concrete and Masonry Design in Construction Library Assignment "The Benefits of Constructing a Residential Home or Commercial Building Using Concrete Block versus Wood." When constructing this...

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Concrete and Masonry Design in Construction Library Assignment

"The Benefits of Constructing a Residential Home or Commercial Building Using Concrete Block versus Wood."

When constructing this document, the APA format is required. The Library paper is to be between 3-4 pages, typed, and should contain an abstract in the beginning and a reference page at the end of the paper (per APA format). Sources should be cited in the body of the text. Grading criteria is based on following the Instructions, the substance, spelling and grammar, originality of the researched information, presentation and organization of the subject and the conclusion.

Answered Same Day Jul 09, 2020


Soma answered on Jul 13 2020
146 Votes
"The Benefits of Constructing a Residential Home or Commercial Building Using Concrete Block versus Wood."
Abstract :
Originally buildings were constructed by wood. The ancient relics we find in places that are of historical importance is mainly built by wood. However with passage of time concrete block took over from wood and has become all pervasive and mostly used in building constructions except in extreme remote and hilly regions where concrete is not available easily. In the write up we shall discuss the effectiveness of the concrete block which has helped to gain it’s popularity.
Why concrete houses are better than wooden ones :
Main reason why the concrete is favourable now is perhaps the cost of construction. According to a report by Hunker the cost of building a house or any building with wood will incur more than double cost in construction and hence the incumbencies on building cost becomes much greater and out of budget. This is becoming more apparent as wood is becoming rare and costlier day by day.
The r value is higher for wood and hence there should be a filling of insulated material to fill up between the wooden constructions to keep away the heat. Whereas in case of concrete there is no requirement of such thick insulated fill up or the fill up can be had of cheaper materials than in wood as the concrete itself has lower r-value and admits the radiation through it . In concrete foam or insulation of vermiculite can help instead of the glass fillings that are required in case of wood buildings
“Fire resistant are the building blocks of concrete while wood is highly inflammable and be ignited to a high degree in case of any unforeseen fire hazard. Wood is readily inflammable and hence catches fire fast while concrete restricts the spread of fire and fire menace can be cu
ed easily at the nib for concrete buildings” (GIBBONS, 2017)
“Concretes are termite resistant while wood catches termites and are fast perishable concrete buildings do not face the attack of termites. Concrete blocks does not catch termite and are termite resistant and hence a better building material” (Rose Hoyle, 2017).
Wood is hygroscopic in nature it catches the moisture from the nea
y atmosphere and loses the same to the air and hence it becomes damp...

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