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COMP XXXXXXXXXXTutorial 7 Specification COMP 2401 − "Introduction to Systems Programming" Tutorial 7 - Linked Lists Tutorial 7 More Linked Lists Learning Objectives After this tutorial, you will...

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COMP XXXXXXXXXXTutorial 7 Specification
COMP 2401 − "Introduction to Systems Programming"
Tutorial 7 - Linked Lists
Tutorial 7
More Linked Lists
Learning Objectives
After this tutorial, you will be able to:
● Insert and delete nodes from any position in a singly linked list
In order to receive full marks, you must complete everything in the “Tutorial” section. Part marks may be provided if
good progress was made toward completing the tutorial, at TA discretion.
In this tutorial, your functions should now return an integer representing the status of a function. There are defined status
constants C_OK and C_NOK that you should use.
1. Download the file T07.tar from the tutorial module on Brightspace. Untar and read through the tutorial files.
2. Write a function insertStudentAlpha(StudentList* stuList, StudentType* stu) which takes as
input a singly linked list (assumed to be sorted alphabetically by last name) and adds a student to stuList so
that it remains in sorted order.
3. Write a function deleteStudent(StudentList* stuList, char* fname, char* lname) which
deletes the student with matching first and last names from the list. Assume that stuList is sorted alphabetically
y last name. Use this assumption to minimize the number of comparisons needed in the case where the student
is not in the list. This function should free memory for both the node and the data. If a student cannot be found,
your function should return C_NOK.
4. Write a function cleanupList(StudentList* stuList) which frees all memory associated with stuList.
These exercises are optional, but are provided to give you some additional practice working with common operations that
you will encounter while using pointers that might be tricky when you first work with them.
1. Write a function sortList(StudentList* stuList) which takes an unsorted singly linked list and returns
the list in alphabetically sorted order.
2. Write a function gpaRange(StudentList* stuList, StudentList** result, int minGPA, int
maxGPA) which returns (via result) a new linked list which contains all the students in stuList having GPAs
greater than or equal to minGPA and less than or equal to maxGPA.
COMP 2401 Tutorial #7 1
COMP 2401 − "Introduction to Systems Programming"
Tutorial 7 - Linked Lists
Saving and Submission
In-Person Attendance: Submission is optional, as you can be checked off in class, but you must still complete the
equired portion of the tutorial for marks.
Asynchronous: If you are completing the work on your own at home, make sure to follow the submission requirements.
1. Create an archive to submit your files, and include all of the files that you worked with in the tutorial.
a. They may be submitted as a .tar, .tar.gz, bz2, or .tgz file
. Make sure to include all of the code needed to run your program
2. For full marks you should have completed all problems in the Tutorial section (and they should be seen upon
unning the program) without any memory leaks on exit. The exercises are optional, but highly recommended fo
the extra challenge and exploration of these concepts.
3. For part-marks you should have attempted to complete most of the tutorial. Grades for part-marks will be at TA
COMP 2401 Tutorial #7 2
Answered Same Day Nov 22, 2022


Aditi answered on Nov 23 2022
44 Votes

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