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Company Name: FluroSat Assessment 2 Idea Generation Task Description: The objective of this individual assessment submission is to learn how to develop a business idea, complemented by brainstorming...

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Company Name: FluroSat
Assessment 2
Idea Generation 
Task Description:
The objective of this individual assessment submission is to learn how to develop a business idea, complemented by
ainstorming and leveraging the insights and skillsets of others. Assessment comprises two parts: Please submit a 5-page
iefing paper of your business idea, its essential business model components, and aspects that will influence its success. A business model canvass can be included as an appendix.
The second part of the assessment is how constructively and collaboratively you have worked with others during the workshops scheduled for Assessment 2.
The assessment criteria for both components are detailed below.
Assessment Due Date:
Week 8 Friday (2 May XXXXXXXXXX:00 pm AEST
Referencing Style:
American Psychological Association (APA) 
Submission Instructions:
Please submit online via Moodle 
Return Date to Students:
Week 10 Friday (18 May 2018)
Result and remarks will be available in Moodle through Feedback Studio. Please click on the blue Pencil to access feedback.
Assessment Criteria:
Business Idea:
1. Effective explanation of the custome
market problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required. (10%)
2. Persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea (10%)
3. Discussion of the proposed business model (15%)
4. Critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea (15%)
5. Evaluation of the feasibility of the idea (10%)
6. Quality of written submission, referencing (10%)
Quality of contribution and collaboration
1. Individual student has demonstrated they worked productively in the team, including the ability to
ainstorm with others to generate a viable idea set and to solve project problems collaboratively (10%)
2. Evidence that the individual student has helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3 (10%)
3. Evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3 (10%)
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
· Investigate cases of disruptive innovation in different business and social contexts by applying lean entrepreneurship principles 
· Develop ideas using conceptualisation frameworks, innovation personas and horizon thinking in different business and social contexts 
· Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the stages of the innovation process, including learn how to forecast the success and market diffusion of your innovation using business model design logic
Graduate Attributes:
· Knowledge 
· Communication 
· Cognitive, technical and creative skills 
· Research 
· Self-management 
· Ethical and Professional Responsibility 
· Leadership 

MGMT20143: Marking Ru
Assessment 2: Idea Generation
    Unit code and name
    MGMT20143: Think Big
    Student ID and name
    Key Criteria
    High Distinction
(65 – 74%)
50 – 64%)
(below 50%)
    Problem Identification: 10%
Entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required is effectively explained in the Introduction
    Exemplary and succinct explanation of the entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
    Very sound and succinct explanation of the entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
    A credible explanation of the entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
    A very general explanation of the entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
    Poor or limited explanation of the entrepreneurial problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
    Benefits Generated: 10%
Persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    Exemplary and highly persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    Very sound and persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    A credible argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    Rudimentary argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    Poor or limited argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea.
    Proposed Business Model: 15%
Discussion of the proposed business model
    Exemplary and detailed discussion of the nine building blocks in the proposed business model.
    Very good explanation and discussion of the nine building blocks in the proposed business model.
    A credible explanation and discussion of the nine building blocks in the proposed business model.
    Rudimentary explanation and discussion of the nine building blocks in the proposed business model.
    General failure to discuss the nine building blocks in the proposed business model.
    Critical Success Factors: 15%
Critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    Exemplary identification and very detailed discussion of the critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    Very good identification and detailed discussion of the critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    A credible identification and satisfactory discussion of the critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    Rudimentary identification and basic discussion of the critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    General failure to identify and discuss any of the critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea.
    Evaluation of Feasibility: 10%
Evaluation of the feasibility of the idea
    Exemplary and detailed evaluation of the feasibility of the idea. Very compelling.
    Very good detailed evaluation of the feasibility of the idea. Quite compelling.
    A credible evaluation of the feasibility of the idea. Somewhat compelling.
    Very basic evaluation of the feasibility of the idea. Not compelling.
    No or limited evaluation of the feasibility of the idea. Underwhelming.
    Quality of written submission: 10%
Quality of writing, grammar, APA referencing, following business report format
    An exceptionally well-written business report, good flow of ideas, no spelling or grammatical mistakes, presented in the required format, and accurate use of APA referencing format.
    Very good business report, with sound flow of ideas, no spelling or grammatical mistakes, follows required format, and is generally accurate in application of APA referencing format.
    A credible business report, with reasonably good flow of ideas, follows the required format, minor spelling and grammatical mistakes, some e
ors in APA formatting.
    Submission covers the assessment tasks, general endeavour to follow business report format, perhaps some spelling and grammatical mistakes, and APA referencing generally co
    General failure to address assessment tasks, no or poor effort with business report format, frequent spelling and grammatical mistakes, poor application of APA referencing format.
    Contribution to the team: 10%
Individual student has demonstrated they worked productively in the team, including
ainstorming with others to generate a viable set of ideas and to solve problems collaboratively.
    Superior team and collaborative skills demonstrated, including an ability to identify good ideas and solve difficult problems by working with others.
    Very good team and collaborative skills demonstrated, including an ability to identify good ideas by working with others.
    Good team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Satisfactory team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Poor team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Achieving Group Consensus: 10%
Evidence that the individual student has helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3.
    Substantial evidence that the individual student has used a variety of approaches that have helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3.
    Very strong evidence that the individual student has been instrumental in helping the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward.
    The individual student has provided constructive input to help the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward.
    Satisfactory effort was provided by the individual student to work toward group consensus.
    Little evidence of any constructive effort by the individual student to work toward group consensus.
    Portfolio of Materials: 10%
Evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    Substantial evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    Very strong evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    The individual student has been reasonably proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    The individual student has provided basic effort to ensure the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    The individual student has not provided any meaningful effort to ensure the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
For each day, or part thereof, a penalty of 5% out of 100% will be deducted from the work submitted. Submitting an inco
ect file is not excused from the penalty.
A penalty of 5% for every 100 words will apply for submissions that exceed five pages (12pt font 1.5 line spacing) (+10%)

MGMT20143: Marking Ru
Assessment 2: Part 2: Quality of Contribution and Collaboration
    Unit code and name
    MGMT20143: Think Big
    Your name and ID
    Name of team member you are evaluating
    Key Criteria
    High Distinction
(7.5 – 8.4%)
(6.5 – 7.4%)
5 – 6.4%)
(below 5%)
    Contribution to the team:
Score out of 10%: _______
Your team member ( ___________ ) has demonstrated they worked productively in the team, including
ainstorming with others to generate a viable set of ideas and to solve problems collaboratively.
    Superior team and collaborative skills demonstrated, including an ability to identify good ideas and solve difficult problems by working with others.
    Very good team and collaborative skills demonstrated, including an ability to identify good ideas by working with others.
    Good team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Satisfactory team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Poor team and collaborative skills demonstrated.
    Achieving Group Consensus:
Score out of 10%: _______
Evidence that team member ( ___________ ) has helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3.
    Substantial evidence that the individual student has used a variety of approaches that have helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3.
    Very strong evidence that the individual student has been instrumental in helping the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward.
    The individual student has provided constructive input to help the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward.
    Satisfactory effort was provided by the individual student to work toward group consensus.
    Little evidence of any constructive effort by the individual student to work toward group consensus.
    Portfolio of Materials:
Score out of 10%: _______
Evidence that team member ( ___________ ) has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    Substantial evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    Very strong evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3.
    The individual student has
Answered Same Day Apr 25, 2020 MGMT20143 Central Queensland University


Akansha answered on May 01 2020
144 Votes
Running head: FluroSat
Student Name
University Name
FluroSat    1
Reason the innovation is required    3
Persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea    4
Discussion of a business model    5
CSF to be managed    6
Feasibility of idea    6
References    9
Appendix    11
Reason the innovation is required
FluroSat collects fees from customers per hectare, and it is envisaged that the future of agriculture will provide farmers with key daily data, allowing decision-making from harvesting to planting to continue. FluroSat believes that the operational insights needed to receive management farms must be as simple as viewing morning news. FluroSat's aims to provide agronomists and growers with decisions that openly influence the return on investment. Agriculture technology has been firmly established in the landscape of Australia. In 2016, the Australian National Farmers Association and Findex, a financial consulting company, launched a $10 million Agro-tech fund as well as acceleration plan. FluroSat's ability to solve practical problems has attracted investors. Future of agriculture is based on the precision or exactness of agriculture. The perfect mixture of water, fertilizer and he
icide on a plant-to-plant basis is the perfect challenge for machine learning and computer visions. The results will greatly increase crop yields. FluroSat is also excited to be an Anastasia and FluroSat team provides support to help them build tool sets for future farmers and farming system. FluroSat is an analysis of remotely sensed data (air and satellite imagery) ("FluroSat", 2018). FluroSat can also offer agronomists with information about stress levels furthermore nutrient content division around the enclosure (e.g., Crop health mapping, N and chlorophyll maps, were calculated using FluroSat advanced modelling and processing tools. FluroSat conducted in-depth evaluation to extend NDVI to the recognition of the individual stressors. FluroSat wanted to establish reliable co
elations, combining numerous sources of several hyperspectral/multi-spectral images (drone, satellites, and ground sensors) and gradually for several crop types, such unique crop healthiness monitoring as well as data processing structure can help farmers Different applications save pesticides and fertilizer, increase crop yields, In order to achieve early stress recognition.
Persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea
Flurosat provides "Remote Sensing Technology and Predictive Decision Support" to farmers and farming communities, using remote sensing images and sensor technology to increase Australian crop health and benefits. At the end of 2017, the start-up company based in New South Wales received a $1.5 million investment from CSIRO Main Sequence Ventures and AirTree Ventures and other strategic investors. In addition, the company stated that it has received some gifts from accelerator projects for example Growlab. Agronomists will utilize the Flurosat framework to quickly and productively assess the site, gathering extensive zones of information in a moderately
ief timeframe, which implies that data is effectively caught under the comparative conditions and will be accommodated constant checking. Flurosat information licenses agriculturists to track the states of harvest dysplasia and track its causes, for example, nourishment, weeds, bugs and ailment advancement. This extra level of data guides agronomists to manage the main drivers of product stretch. Ranchers will utilize the information gave to show trim wellbeing in their fenced in areas so as to design substance applications for their staff or GPS-driven mechanized tractors. Notwithstanding the utilization case, information can be gathered from handheld gadgets, earth perception satellites and automatons. Access to the FluroSat information examination can be given by guide access to the FluroSat site and through the accomplice's API. Crop-type-specific hyperspectral analysis helps to estimate the crop performance and diagnoses. Crop stress sources and defects were identified: nutrient deficiency, water and heat stress, weeds and disease). Remote sensing images are taken by precision hyperspectral cameras on drones or satellites ("Bringing predictive decision support to the paddock: our investment in Flurosat",...

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