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COM10003:Learning and Communicating Online Assignment 3: Introducing me the online learner Word limit: 600 words (PowerPoint) or 5-minute (video)(+/- 10%) Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 08 May 2018 (Week...

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COM10003:Learning and Communicating Online

Assignment 3: Introducing me the online learner

Word limit: 600 words (PowerPoint) or 5-minute (video)(+/- 10%)
Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 08 May 2018 (Week 9)

After you have read this information, head over to theAssignment 3 Q&Adiscussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.

Assignment overview

Presenting your ideas, or yourself, is an important skill in professional environments. In fact it is one of the key 'soft skills' that 21st century employers seek in prospective employees at all levels. Indeed, the capacity to alsoreflecton your learning and develop is also a valued 21st century professional soft skill.

This assignment will set you up for success in future units as well as when you make the leap into your new career. The task involves presentation of self as well as reflection on self. For this presentation, you will be required to choose between developingeithera Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow or a scripted video to be uploaded to an unlisted YouTube playlist. No matter what your familiarity with PowerPoint or video recording, editing and uploading platforms, the following things will set you up for success:

· Follow the instructions given in this document.

· Read the criteria and rubric carefully.

· Complete the activities associated with this task.

· Seek feedback from your eLA and fellow students.

· Look for examples of great presentations that you can borrow ideas from.

Please note: if you choose the PowerPoint option, you are not required to do an oral presentation. Instead, you will present a creative, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation for submission via Turnitin. Nevertheless, as with the uploaded, scripted video option, this is your chance to present information about yourself in an engaging and visually interesting way while conveying your message clearly and effectively.

Related learning outcomes

This assignment assesses the following unit learning outcomes:

3. Construct and publish knowledge in the online environment.

4. Reflect on self as a learner.

Assignment details

This assignment is also an initial reflection of your current state—a snapshot in time for Week 9 of your first unit in your online course. In your final assignment,Assignment 4: Personal development reflection, you will be asked to look back on this PowerPoint or video presentation to reflect on your journey through the unit and think about the pathways ahead.

Use this prompt as a starting point.Note, you’re not required to use this anywhere in your presentation—it is merely to give you the overall context for what you will present.

As an online learner, on a journey to a new profession, this is my current situation.


Use the followingslideshow or video content criteriaas a guideline:

1. My areas of expertise—what do I bring to this course? (Think about what work and life skills will cross over to the discipline you are studying).

2. Mycurrent knowledge of the online environment. (Note: as students who are developing your capabilities in this area, we don’t expect you to be an expert.)

3. Unit goals—what key skills and attributes do I want to have by the end of this unit?

4. Course goals—what key skills and attributes do I want to have by the end of this course? (Include how these will benefit you in your future profession.)

Steps to completion

Please follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

1. Decide on which option of this assignment you wish to complete for your final submission.

2. Bring together your content as per thevideo or PowerPoint content criterialisted above.

3. Create a script.

Now follow the instructions for whichever type of submission you have chosen: PowerPoint slideshow presentation or Webcam video presentation.


Note: You must follow the word count of 600 words +/-10% for thescriptsection of your PPT (no less than 540 words and no more than 660 words). As you won’t be speaking during the presentation, your PowerPoint will need to do the talking for you. To avoid crowding your PowerPoint with lots of text you will need add the parts of the presentation you would usually speak to the notes at the foot of each slide. APowerPoint template (PPT 119 KB) is set up for this purpose.

· Follow the word count:600 words +/-10% (no less than 540 words and no more than 660 words).

· Develop a structure:Consider structuring your PowerPoint presentation around the content criteria. You may use the linked template to build your presentation, but developing your own is fine if you ensure that it addresses the criteria.

· Create your PowerPoint:Ensure that you sequence your text so that it is as readable as possible; try to avoid crowding your presentation with too much text, and split your content up into multiple slides.

· Convert your PowerPoint to PDF:Convert your PowerPoint to PDF using the instructions located in the 'Submission details overview' section of this page.

· Check your PowerPoint to the originality section of Canvas:Submit using the details provided below. This will allow you to check for any similarity concerns and importantly, allow you to make sure your notes section is visible. If your eLA cannot access the notes section of your assignment, penalties may apply.

· Submit your PDF:Submit your PDF using theinstructions located in the 'Submission details overview' section of this page.


Note: The average person speaks roughly 100 words per minute so your total script should be around 600 words in total (+/-10%). Please note: if you are submitting a video, youdo nothave to submit this script—it is for your use only.

· Write a script:Ensure that your script is roughly 600 words (+/- 10%). This script is for your own use; it should not be submitted for assignment.

· Structure your content:It may be worth structuring your video around the content criteria, with each video section addressing a relevant criteria.

· Choose a consistent style:whether a low-tech ‘straight to camera’ piece on a mobile phone, or a Scribe animation video.

· Create your video:Do not read directly from your script; use discrete prompters or a utility likeAutocue(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(n.d.). Try to memorise your script and speak directly to camera. Your video should not exceed five (5) minutes +/- 10%.

· Edit your video:Add onscreen elements like captions or images.

· Upload your video:Ensure that your video is set to ‘unlisted’ on YouTube.

· Share your video:Use the ‘share’ function on YouTube and copy the link (as in the image below):

· Test your link:Send your link to a friend or a family member (not a peer from your course) to make sure that they can access the link from their computer. If your eLA cannot access the video, it is likely that late penalties will apply. Checking the link in advance is highly recommended.

· Paste your link along with your nameinto theVideo submission Additional resources

Video submission

Student video examples (business orientation):

· Nicholas Mastroianni(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

· Celine P(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

· Desiree Dolenzo(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Student Portal study resources:

· Video editing and recording(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

· How to create and upload videos(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


· Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(Microsoft 2017).

· How to build presentations that really engage(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(Canva 2017).

· document(DOC 43 KB)and upload as per the instructions.

Assignment criteria

1. Content.

2. Reflection.

3. Structure.

4. Presentation.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:

Answered Same Day Apr 29, 2020 COM10003 Swinburne University of Technology


Soumi answered on May 08 2020
143 Votes
Assignment 3: Introducing me the online learne
Table of Contents
My areas of expertise    3
My cu
ent knowledge of the online environment    3
Unit goals    3
Course goals    4
My areas of expertise
· Student of Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
· Course is Learning and Communicating Online
· I am a fast learner in the virtual platform
· I interact confidently on online environments
· I participated on both webinars and online debates confidently
    I am a student at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia and I have enrolled myself into the course of Learning and Communicating Online. I have enrolled to this course because I find myself as a fast learner in the virtual environment and I am more comfortable communicating with others on the online platform. In the comparison to this online medium, I am not so much confident to interact or imbibe knowledge on the offline platform such as while being face to face with the person in communication with me. However, since I am more comfortable on the online platform, I
ing a confident vibe to this course. I have so far participated on online debates and webinars before taking admission to this course, which is why I have a forte for communicating using both writing as well as speaking to the audience through the web-camera, which contributed to this course.
My cu
ent knowledge of...

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