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Collapse Subdiscussion Christopher Summerlin Christopher Summerlin XXXXXXXXXXYesterday May 27 at 2:28pm Marcus, Globalization of organizations has certainly expanded in recent years. Advances in...

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Collapse Subdiscussion Christopher Summerlin

Christopher Summerlin

XXXXXXXXXXYesterday May 27 at 2:28pm


Globalization of organizations has certainly expanded in recent years. Advances in technology has allowed connections around the globe that was limited decades prior. We can learn much about others through the interactions available today that years ago my have not been possible. It is important for leaders in organizations to understand how people come from different backgrounds and do not always see things the same way. Cross-cultural training have become more common in large organizations to avoid unintended issues among their employees. Should it be the organizations or individuals responsibility to learn about the cultures of the employees or communities they serve? What do you think?

Answered Same Day May 29, 2021


Bhavna answered on May 29 2021
138 Votes
Culture is important for the firm. Firm is solely responsible for building ethos of employees and society they serve. When the ethos is structured, an association can start a moral team which is directly connected to leadership. Firm culture is based on principles which persists employee to work accordingly.
Cluster assures the most wanted ethos is existing and well. Once firm establishes tough ethos, three possessions exists: Employees...

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