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Choose one of the following biological agents and discuss epidemiology, pathogenesis, and safety issues. anthrax botulism plague tularemia smallpox viral hemorrhagic fevers

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Choose one of the following biological agents and discuss epidemiology, pathogenesis, and safety issues.

  • anthrax
  • botulism
  • plague
  • tularemia
  • smallpox
  • viral hemorrhagic fevers
Answered Same Day Jul 18, 2020


Sumayya K. answered on Jul 18 2020
141 Votes
Botulism is a rare paralytic disease caused by the exposure of toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. Out of the seven different toxins (designated A-G) known, A, B, E and rarely F affect humans.
Food borne botulism constitutes around 1000 cases reported globally. Home-canned foods is a major source. Severity depends on the toxin type. Infant botulism affects children below one year. It is the most common type with around 60 annual cases reported in US alone. Wound botulism produces toxins within the colonized wound. Subcutaneous injection and ‘skin-popping’ of heroin are contributing factors of late....

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