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choose a screen that appears on both the computer and the mobile app and, using PowerPoint, or other program of your choice such as Smartdraw, Google Slides (both free) or Visio. In this discussion,...

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choose a screen that appears on both the computer and the mobile app and, using PowerPoint, or other program of your choice such as Smartdraw, Google Slides (both free) or Visio. In this discussion, you will show a basic redesign (drawing out using non-filled rectangles, squares, and other shapes) of one of those screens that accommodates each of the user’s specific needs reflected below. Be sure to label each part. In your redesign,
· Design either a computer or mobile version that is suitable for seniors.
· Design either a computer or mobile version that contains accessible or universally designed feature.
Note: You must have at least one computer and one mobile version.
In an initial post of a minimum of 250 words,
· Compare your experiences accessing and using the University of Arizona Global Campus LMS on a PC or Mac versus accessing and using it on a smartphone or tablet.
· Attach both of your redesigns.
· Describe a hypothetical scenario of how the target users would experience the redesigned interfaces.
· Describe design issues for the selected interfaces and consider how they are relevant for the LMS and its users.
· Find at least one design issue for each that needs addressing.
Mobile App

PC app
Part 2
    Usability Project
Create a low-fidelity prototype for your design based on the user information you gathered. Low-fidelity prototypes can be made of paper (drawing or storyboard), cardboard or clay, but all prototypes must include a card-based version. Keep in mind that in Week 4 you will create a high-fidelity prototype using a computer software program. Additionally, you will present your low-fidelity prototype and explain the rationale for your design in a Screencast-O-Matic video. Be sure to include a picture or video of your prototype.
Your presentation should include the following items:
· Describe key features.
· Describe the rationale for each of the features.
· Describe the rationale for the material you chose to construct your prototype.
· Include a storyboard for the tasks for your conceptual models. Your storyboard should reflect that you have incorporated feedback.
· Show your product’s concrete design by showing a sketched landing page (if it is an application).
· Describe the layout, use of colors, navigation, any audio, animation, etc.
· While doing this, use the three main questions introduced in Chapter 6 as guidance:
· Where am I? What’s here? Where can I go?
· Write one or two bulleted sentences explaining your choices.
· Present whether each choice is a usability consideration or a user experience consideration.
· If you found any new interaction issues that had not been considered before, address them in your presentation.
· Show us how your product differs from applications that generally emerge from the Maker Movement.
· Describe the role of software development kits (if any).
Answered 9 days After Mar 23, 2023


Shubham answered on Mar 31 2023
40 Votes
Mobile Application
PC Application
Accessing and using the University of Arizona Global Campus LMS on a PC or Mac provides with a larger screen size and it includes more robust features, that makes it easier to navigate and complete tasks. With the use of smartphone or tablet University of Arizona Global Campus LMS may offer more convenience and flexibility to access the LMS on-the-go, but it has limitations in terms of screen size and functionality.
The redesigned interface requires execution and target users may experience positive changes in terms of usability and in the overall user experience (Polydoropoulou et al. 2020). The impact on user experience will also depend on factors such as the user's familiarity with the previous interface, their technical proficiency, and their specific needs and preferences. It is important to conduct user research for ensuring usability testing, and gathering the feedback for ensuring that the redesign meets the needs and expectations of the target users.
Poor navigation can result in difficulty in using the application and it can hinder users' ability for finding the need. Inconsistent design can result in confusion and make the application unprofessional (Lee, Kim & Ahn, 2022). Lack of accessibility can create ba
iers for users with disabilities. Cluttered interface can make it difficult for users to focus on what is important and complete tasks efficiently. These design issues are relevant for the LMS and its users because they can impact the usability, efficiency, and overall user experience of the platform.
Inconsistent design in UI design needs to be addressed because this can create a bad impression on user and makes the application difficult to use. Users...

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