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Choose a country and an environmental issue/matter of interest to you. ONLY USE ARTICLE FROM NY TIMES use the search function on theNYTimeswebsiteto find an article that discusses conditions in the...

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  1. Choose a country and an environmental issue/matter of interest to you. ONLY USE ARTICLE FROM NY TIMES
  2. use the search function on theNYTimeswebsiteto find an article that discusses conditions in the country related to the environment.
  3. Copy and paste the URL of the article in your post so your classmates can read the article.
  4. Accurately use terminology from Chapter 20 here is the link (and 9 and 10 if needed) to discuss any concepts of inequality you glean from the article as you discuss the environmental issue.Do not simply summarize the article; analyze the content for relevance to your module readings.
  5. Using frameworks from Chapter 8,reflect on how this article (media) is written, making sure to address these questions:
    • What do you read as the main message of the article?
    • Does it read as sociological?
    • Does the author seem unbiased?

Answered Same Day May 11, 2022


Ananya answered on May 12 2022
93 Votes
Running Head: SOCIOLOGY                                1
SOCIOLOGY                                            2
The article selected for the review is the giant oil wells who are selling their dirt of their firms to the other country to recover their loss from the climate change goals. This is mainly seen in Nigeria who are selling their dirty oil well and transfe
ing to other firms of different country (The New York Times, 2022). Royal Dutch Shell sold the stake of the Umuechem oil field, last year in Nigeria. This was a strategy taken to reach the climate ambition by 2050. However, the satellite report showed continuous emissions of flare of gasses, which added to the deterioration of the climate. I will provide the URL for my classmates to...

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