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Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Australian Learning Group Pty Ltd
Understanding diversity, indigenous culture and safe practices– Cycle C
Assessment Task 3
Table of Contents
Assessment Outline    3
Assessment Task 3A: Knowledge Questions (CHCPRT001)    4
Assessment Task 3A: Checklist    8
Assessment Task 3B: Knowledge Questions (CHCECE054)    9
Assessment Task 3B: Checklist    16
Assessment Task 3C: Knowledge Questions    17
Assessment Task 3C: Checklist    24
Assessment Outline
CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people’s cultures
CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
CHCECE031 Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing
CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
Assessment Tasks
You are required to complete all assessment tasks.
    Assessment Task
    Requirements of Task
    1. Assessment Task 3A, 3B and 3C Knowledge Questions
    You must co
ectly answer all questions to show that you understand the knowledge required for this unit.
Please note that in addition to completion of the above task, to achieve competency, you will need to complete the required work placement terms and associated assessments. The required workplacement tasks for these units will be assessed in Cycle C.
Assessment Plan
Your trainer will give you the date applicable to your term of study in Week 1 of term.
    Assessment Task
    Term Due Date
    1. Assessment Task 3A, 3B and 3C: Knowledge Questions
    Friday Week 7
Assessment Instructions and Guide
Before starting your assessment, make sure you do the following:
· Read all questions and tasks carefully and complete in your own words.
· Use student textbooks and readings to support your answers,
· If you are unsure of any tasks, ask your trainer for further explanation,
· Answer EVERY question
Before submitting your assessment, make sure you have completed the following:
· Fill out the cover sheet (including ticking the boxes for the student declaration),
· Answer EVERY question in EVERY task,
· Label all electronic files clearly, with the assessment task number, full name and date, eg. AS1 Sally Smith 01/02/2022,
· Include any documents related to in-class simulation tasks,
· Re-submit assessments in line with the ALG Assessment policies and procedures
Assessment Task 3A: Knowledge Questions (CHCPRT001)
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
Complete the following table regarding indicators of abuse. All sections must be filled out. (Minimum three points each)
    List an example of an indicator of abuse
    a. Emotional abuse
    b. Physical abuse
    c. Child neglect
    d. Sexual abuse
Explain how the dynamics of abuse may result in the child or young person being reluctant to disclose. (20 – 30 words)
Complete the following table by listing the child protection legislation in the state or te
itory where you are located, as well as reporting protocols. All sections must be filled out.
    Name of Act
    Requirements under the Act relevant to reporting protocols
    Requirements under the Act relevant to notifying suspected abuse and reporting process
Explain the four key principles that underpin the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Point form is acceptable.
List three possible impacts of being at risk of harm on a child or young person. Point form is acceptable.
List four duty of care responsibilities you have when working with children and young people. Point form is acceptable.
Explain the concept of trauma-informed care and how it can assist with working with children and young people. (25 – 50 words)
Give three examples of ethical way of working with children and young people and that incorporate the conventions on the rights of the child, and human rights.
List three ethical responsibilities that may be in included in a Code of Conduct and that apply to working with children and young people.
Explain the key principles of ethical decision-making (Minimum three points)
Complete the table by giving an example of each standard/procedure relevant to working with children and young people. All sections must be filled out. (5 – 10 words each)
    a. Workplace standards
    b. Workplace policies and procedures
    c. Policies for dealing with other agencies
Assessment Task 3A: Checklist
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
    Student’s name:
    Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?
    Completed successfully?
    Question 1a-d
    Question 2
    Question 3
    Question 4
    Question 5
    Question 6
    Question 7
    Question 8
    Question 9
    Question 10
    Question 11a-c
    Task outcome:
    ☐ Satisfactory
    ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
    Assessor signature:
    Assessor name:
Assessment Task 3B: Knowledge Questions (CHCECE054)
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people’s cultures
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Complete the table to summarise three Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ led organisations and peak agencies and the information they provide. All sections must be filled out. (10 – 20 words each)
    What is the organisation or agency called?
    What do they do?
    Provide an example of how they may be involved with or provide information for an early childhood education setting.
2. List five responsibilities of an educator to promote children’s understanding of, and respect for, Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ history and cultures. Point form is acceptable.
XXXXXXXXXXa. What is the purpose of Reconciliation Action Plans? (10 – 20 words)
b. Why are Reconciliation Action Plans significant in an early childhood education and care setting? (5 – 10 words)
4. Explain how Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples perceive early childhood learning and development. (10 – 20 words)
5. Complete the table to list different ways Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islanders learn mathematics, art, music and science. All sections must be filled out. (5 – 10 words each)
    How do Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people learn this discipline?
Provide one example for each discipline.
    1. Mathematics
    1. Art
    1. Music
    1. Science
6. Complete the table to:
Identify four reflection activities or actions that you can participate in or promote to address different perspectives on Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ cultures within the context of a childhood education and care setting
Explain how you can evaluate and use the information obtained as a result of the reflective activities or actions. All sections must be filled out. (10 – 20 words each)
    Reflective action or activity that you can participate in or promote to address different perspectives on Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ cultures within the context of a childhood education and care setting.
    How can you evaluate and use the information obtained as a result of the reflection?
7. List four different sources of credible information on Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures that an educator at a childhood education and care service can access. Point form is acceptable.
8. List five criteria for determining whether an information source is credible. Point form is acceptable.
9. Identify three negative effects of colonisation on Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people. Point form is acceptable.
10. What did the colonisers believe forced separation would achieve over time? (10 – 20 words)
11. How has the trauma of forced separation disadvantaged multiple generations of Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander families? (25 – 50 words)
Complete the table to demonstrate your knowledge about ethical protocols for researching and sharing information about Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures. All sections must be filled out. (10 – 20 words each)
    a) Identify a code of ethics you should follow when researching information about Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures.
    b) Who should you seek permission from before you share information about Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures with others?
    c) What should you do if a person you are consulting with about information dies?
    d) Who are the custodians of Dreaming and Creation stories?
    e) How can Aboriginal spirituality be subject to appropriation when it is taught to others?
    f) List two things to consider when teaching children in an education and care setting about Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander languages.
List three ways in which Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ cultures may be appropriately embedded in routines at a children’s education and care setting. Point form is acceptable.
List three learning experiences that can be included in the cu
iculum at a children’s education and care service that promotes Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples’ cultures. Point form is acceptable.
Assessment Task 3B: Checklist
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people’s cultures
    Student’s name:
    Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?
    Completed successfully?
    Question 1 a – c
    Question 2
    Question 3 a –
    Question 4
    Question 5 a – d
    Question 6 a – d
    Question 7
    Question 8
    Question 9
    Question 10
    Question 11
    Question 12 a – f
    Question 13
    Question 14
    Task outcome:
    ☐ Satisfactory
    ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
    Assessor signature:
    Assessor name:
Assessment Task 3C: Knowledge Questions
CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
CHCECE031 Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing
CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander people’s culture
Reflective practice and open-ended questioning:
1. What is reflective practice? (5 – 10 words)
2. How can educators practice critical reflection? (5 – 10 words)
3. Why do educators need to practice critical reflection? (5 – 10 words)
4. How can you make sure your critical reflection is meaningful? (5 – 10 words)
5. What are the sixteen key areas of personal attributes that it is illegal to discriminate against in Australia? Point form is acceptable.
6. Explain the difference between open-ended and closed-ended questions. All sections must be filled out XXXXXXXXXXwords each)    
    a) Open-ended question
    b) Closed-ended question
National Quality Standards:
7. Complete the table to demonstrate your knowledge of the National Quality Standards. All sections must be filled out.
    a) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 1 – Educational Program and Practice, what element would relate to including all children’s abilities?
    b) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 1 – Educational Program and Practice, what element would relate to providing opportunities for all children?
    c) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety, which three elements would relate to protecting each child?
    d) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 2 – Health and Safety, what element would relate to incident and emergency management?
    e) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 3 – The Physical environment, which two elements would relate to spaces accessible for every child?
    f) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children, which two elements would relate to helping children feel included and respected?
    g) What element in the National Quality Standards - Quality Area 5 relates to engaging and supporting each child to feel secure and included in the program?
    h) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities, which two elements would relate to supporting families and participation?
    i) In the National Quality Standards Quality Area 1- Educational Program and Practice, what element would relate to exposing children to Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander culture fall under?
    j) How can the expertise of First Nations families be respected by an educator? (20 – 30 words)
    k) How can the culture of First Nations families be respected by an educator? (25 – 50 words)
    l) How can the values and beliefs of First Nations families be respected by an educator? (20 – 30 words)
    m) How can First Nations families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing? (20 – 30 words)
National Law and Regulations:
8. What is the key purpose of the National Law? (10 – 20 words)
9. What is the key purpose of the National Regulations? (10 – 20 words)
10. Complete the table to demonstrate your knowledge of the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations. All sections must be filled out.
    a) The Education and Care Services National Law outlines the guiding principles of the national education and care services quality framework. What are the principles that specifically relate to the inclusion of all children? (Minimum three points)
    b) According to Regulation 76 of the National Regulations, what information about the educational program of an education and care service should be given to parents? (Minimum three points)
    c) According to Regulation 157 of the National Regulations, what are the requirements of an education and care service related to access for parents? (50 – 100 words)
    d) On page 27 of the Law
Answered 3 days After Jun 01, 2023


Bidusha answered on Jun 04 2023
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