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Chapter 13 HW
Follow the instructions on using Excel to create a regression equation and retrieve historical data on Yahoo (see the files under Module 11) for this assignment. The Walmart Regression file under module 11 is a sample of how your completed task should look.
Pull the historical data on your favorite company at Yahoo Finance (https: or any website for January 2023 to December 2023, and use the monthly closing stock prices to find the following.
Show your work in Excel (the equations should be embedded under the cells containing the following values):
1. Find the slope (a) and intercept (b).
2. Create the linear regression (equation).
3. Predict the stock price at the close of August 2024 (show your work leading to the price)
Submit your assignment in Excel with the historical monthly data in the following columns. Include the name of the company whose stock price you predict and the website link where you retrieved the historical data. Be sure items 1 to 3 above are also included in your submission.
Use the columns below:
Column 1 = Date Column 2 = Open $ Column 3 = Low $ Column 4 = Close $ Column 5 = Month (x)
Answered 1 days After Jun 28, 2024


Shruti answered on Jun 30 2024
7 Votes
    Date    Open    Low    Close (y)    Month (X)
    1/1/23    135.240005    133.550003    139.960007    1                        y=a+bx
    2/1/23    138.210007    137.440002    143.350006    2            Regression...

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