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Case Study #2 - Using the Balanced Scorecard to Assess and Enhance Magna PC's Performance Introduction:This case study will provide students an opportunity draw upon their accounting and business...

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Case Study #2 - Using the Balanced Scorecard to Assess and Enhance Magna PC's Performance

Introduction:This case study will provide students an opportunity draw upon their accounting and business skills to prepare a Balanced Scorecard for Magna PCs. Using the Balance Scorecard they will then draft a letter to the CFO with recommendations to help enhance Magna PC's performance.

Basic Instructions:Read through the case thoroughly, perhaps several times. Perform calculations as dictated by the questions. Discuss and respond to each case question in order. Be sure to answer each question completely and succinctly. Students must draw upon research and coursework, both past and present, along with possible job experiences to complete this assignment successfully. Reference the analysis you perform related to this case to support your response(s) and cite any material you rely upon when applicable. Complete instructions are included in the attached Excel spreadsheet.

The case study, instructions, and Excel data file plus the grading rubric can be downloaded and printed by clicking on the corresponding links.

Student Balanced Scorecard Case Info.pdf


Student Instructions and Rubric - Balance Scorecard Case Study.xlsx

Download Student Instructions and Rubric - Balance Scorecard Case Study.xlsx

Case Study #2 Rubric.xlsx

Download Case Study #2 Rubric.xlsx

Items to submit:

  • Word document with well reasoned responses to discussion questions in #1. (items 1a, 1b, 1c)

  • Balanced Scorecard on Excel spreadsheet (use the exhibit in the spreadsheet) (item 2)

  • Professional letter (item 3)

Please use the submission area designated as Case Study #2 - Balanced Scorecard Magna PC to submit your work. This comprehensive case study is valued at 100 points (10% of your total grade).Please refer to the

course schedule

for the assignment due date.

Answered 63 days After Feb 03, 2024


Sandeep answered on Apr 06 2024
12 Votes
    Case Study Project Assignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Assess and Enhance Magna PC's Performance
        Read the case study thoroughly. Research and review textbook and other materials related to the balance scorecard, including its structure, underlying logic, and use. Imagine that you are Magna PC's corporate controller. Address the following questions fully, yet succinctly.
    1    Based on the case study information, answer the following questions related to Magna's customer strategy. Based on the case study information, answer the following questions related to Magna's customer strategy on a Word document. Be sure to number the items and use Times New Roman 12 pt font.
        a.    Describe Magna's strategy in terms of how it competes for customers.
        b.    How does Magna plan to efficiently and reliably deliver value to its customers?
        c.    Is innnovation important in the PC industry, please explain.
    2    Based on Magna's strategy and the data included in the case, prepare a balanced scorecard for Magna in the format shown in Exhibit 1 below. Allocate all of the appropriate measures to the proper balance scorecard areas. Add DataMax's actual numbers to the balanced scorecard where available. Use the data provided to calculate and list in the appropriate section(s) the following ratios for Magna and DataMax. Note, be sure to list all applicable items, not just the calculated ratios.
        a.    Net profit margin after tax
        b.    Return on invested capital
        c.    Average sales price per PC
        d.    Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per PC produced
        e.    Number of PCs produced per employee
    3    Write a professional letter addressed to the CFO using the balance scorecard you prepared to respond to the following items.
        a.     Deduce why Manga may not have been able to successfully implement its strategy.
        b.    Describe the information you would need to collect as the corporate controller to confirm your deductions.
        c.    Provide well-reasoned suggestions as to how Magna might improve its performance. Support your recommendations with the data and calculations. Also draw from...

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