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Research on an Australian Case (not more than 10 years old since the decision by the court) involving breach of company director's/officer's duties under the corporations act 2001.

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Research on an Australian Case (not more than 10 years old since the decision by the court) involving breach of company director's/officer's duties under the corporations act 2001.

Answered Same Day Oct 01, 2019 HI6027


David answered on Nov 25 2019
143 Votes
Business & Corporation Law - Case of ASIC V HEALEY 2011
Introduction To Case
The case of Australian Securities & Investment Commission V Healey associates to the duties pertaining to the directors with regards to the dealing in case of the commercial company The outcome as linked to the case also did have the implications for the directors too. ASIC had
ought the action which was against the EC and the CEO, CFO along with other 5 Non-Executive Directors for Centro Retail Trust, Centro Property Trust and Centro Properties Ltd (Shantapriyan, P., O'Donnell, K., Streeter, J., & Hicks, B., 2014; Laing, G., Douglas, S., & Watt, G., 2015; Banerjee, S., & Humphery-Jenner, M., 2016).
The basis that had stood for the action was linked to the members of the company having approved the financial statements along with the director’s report for the financial year ending 2007. These reports had failed to disclose the various crucial matters comprising of the huge amount of short term debt along with the guarantees pertaining to the short term debt (Laing, G., Douglas, S., & Watt, G., 2015; Banerjee, S., & Humphery-Jenner, M., 2016; Ashurst, 2016). The non-disclosure of this short term debt by the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the Non-Executive Chairman associated with CPT, CRT and CPL respectively was also accompanied by the misclassification done for the non-cu
ent liabilities (Shantapriyan, P., O'Donnell, K., Streeter, J., & Hicks, B., 2014; Laing, G., Douglas, S., & Watt, G., 2015; Banerjee, S., & Humphery-Jenner, M., 2016; Ashurst, 2016). The short term burden of the company gave a false view of the financial condition of the Company.
Duties/Responsibilities Breached With Reasoning
The judge had found out that there were the proved
eaches associated with the sections 601FD (1) along with 180(1) and also 344(1) associated with the Corporations Act of 2001. The care and diligence pertaining to the duties as are ascertained for the board of directors was not acted upon in a righteous manner. the section 601FD pertains to the duties of the officers of responsibility basis the Australian Corporation & Securities Legislation 2011 (Brown, D., 2013; Ta
, J. A., & Mack, J., 2013; Young, A., & Huo, C., 2016; Shantapriyan, P., O'Donnell, K., Streeter, J., & Hicks, B., 2014).
The section is associated with the duties of the officer of the entity needs to act in an honest manner and exercise the diligence to a greater extent which is similar to the care and diligence as that would be offered by and reasonable person exercising the position of the officer. Such an officer needs to act in the very best interest associated with the members and in case there arises any conflict between the interest of the members and the interest of the associated entity, the priority to the members interest needs to be awarded (Deegan, C., & Shelly, M., 2014; Christensen, J., Kent, P., Routledge, J., & Stewart, J., 2015; Dhaliwal, D., Li, O. Z., Tsang, A., & Yang, Y. G., 2014). The officer needs to make proper use of the information he/she acquires while being at the position of an officer for the entity and should not be causing any detriment to the members in the entity (Lee, G., & Fargher, N., 2015; Schultz, E., Tian, G. Y., & Twite, G., 2013; He
ohn, K., Walker, J., & Loo, H. Y. M., 2014; Moore, D. R., 2013). Such a person is not supposed to make any improper use of the position and should not directly or indirectly take any advantage of the situation.
Analysis of The Court/Tribunal and Justification of The Decision
The judge at Middletown of the Federal court had held that the ASIC claim pertains to the Centro Company CFO and the Directors with the approval of the financial statements for the listed...

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