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Candidates are required to write 2000 words on the topic given below. Your argument, must be supported by appropriate references. References must be cited in Harvard referencing style (eg Smith...

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Candidates are required to write 2000 words on the topic given below. Your argument, must be supported by appropriate references. References must be cited in Harvard referencing style (eg Smith XXXXXXXXXXThe assignment must include a bibliography (list of references used in the assignment). The Internet may be used for authoritative reference material provided the source, author, date of access, and site address is clearly shown in footnote format.
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INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW Assessment 2 Individual Report PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Candidates are required to write 2000 words on the topic given below. Your argument, must be supported by appropriate references. References must be cited in Harvard referencing style (eg Smith XXXXXXXXXXThe assignment must include a bibliography (list of references used in the assignment). The Internet may be used for authoritative reference material provided the source, author, date of access, and site address is clearly shown in footnote format.  In addition to sources from the Internet, at least two or three hard-copy sources must also be used. These can be either books or articles or both. Materials from any common law jurisdiction may be used. Assignment You work for an advertising company and are asked to review a holiday package from a brochure before it goes to print. You are asked to provide advice to the advertising company on the legal effect of the representations in the brochure. You are asked to produce a report for management outlining the issues relating to the brochure. Select a package holiday brochure. Read it and analyse it, looking to answer the following questions in your report; 1. Identify the key information about the holiday as set out in brochure. 2. Critically analyse the package using the principles of contract law found in case law and categorise the statements into representations, terms, conditions and warranties. 3. Critically analyse and identify any material in the brochure which is potentially; • unconscionable • misleading or deceptive • false representation • bait advertising • offers gifts or prizes In your report explain the effect of these representations having regard to the consumer and consumer protection laws. You should outline the law relating to advertising including improper business practices, any legislation regulating advertising, unlawful sales techniques and the powers of enforcement. 4. Critically...

Answered Same Day Dec 31, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 31 2021
122 Votes
Running Head: BUSINESS LAWS 1
Business Laws
Running Head: BUSINESS LAWS 2
In the context of the holiday package, the information plays a very important role because
it is direct influence the perception and leads the behavior of customers in the context of the
products or service selection. It is also a necessary process for the tourism organizations because
it helps the organizations attract the consumers accept the holiday offer (Gibson & Fraser, 2012).
For providing the complete information about the holiday package, the tourism organizations use
ochures because it attracts the customers to read the terms and conditions of the organization.
For accomplishing the requirements of this report, the selected holiday
ochure is related
with the four nights in Paris. In this sense, this paper would describe about the key information
that should be included by the tourism organization to set the holiday. This paper would also
describe the critical analyze the significance and effectiveness of the
ochure. This report would
also analyze the
ochure’s material on the basis of this that the
ochure is hiding the any
information from its customers or not. This report would also analyze the cu
ochure of the
tourism organization explains the entire principles of contract law or not.
Brief description of Holiday’s Brochure
The followings are some important key information that is used by the organization for
setting the holiday’s tour for its customers:
Holidays Package: It provides a
ief description of holiday package that attract the
customers for making a contract with the organization to set the holiday’s planning. The content
of the
ochure is also describing the holiday package will include the 4 nights in Paris and 4
eakfast and more in $ 399. The
ochure is also includes the other tour package on the basis of
the family’s size and the number of the people that also help the customers to select the holiday
package according to their family needs and desires (Gibson & Fraser, 2012).
Running Head: BUSINESS LAWS 3
Transportation: It also provides the information related to the transportation deal during
the holidays for the most famous cities of Paris (Gibson & Fraser, 2012). This
ochure is also
providing the information to the customers that the organization will be totally responsible for its
commitments. But, the organization will charge the money, if the fare charges increase due to the
government policies or the changes in the market.
Hotels: The
ochure is also provides the information related to the residential place with
the name of the hotel that is La Demeure in which the customer will take and get the rest at the
time of the tour.
Departure and A
ival Dates: The
ochure is also includes the a
ival and departure date
that also helps the customers to get the information about, when they would go to Paris, and
when they would return to their country. This information would also help the customers to make
the planning about the tour.
Analysis of tour package on Contract Law
Statements: The holiday package includes a statement such as “Four nights in Paris for
seeing its beautiful cities”. This statement includes the information about the real objectives and
aim of the organization behind the setting of the tourism plan for the customers. It also provides
the valuable information to the interested customers about the offer of the organization regarding
the tour in Paris to attract the customers to make the contract for setting the tour by accepting the
On the other hand, the holiday
ochure also works as an offer material for the
organization to motivate the customers for making contract because
ochure would represent
the intention of the...

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