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Can you please write me an about four types of Unemployment in Australia which are seasonal,frictional,structural and cyclical unemployment and last can you please explain me which one is more...

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Can you please write me an about four types of Unemployment in Australia which are seasonal,frictional,structural and cyclical unemployment and last can you please explain me which one is more severe/hard for economy to recover which must be cyclical in context of Australia? can you please provide some relevant examples and figures as well
Answered Same Day May 13, 2020


Azra S answered on May 15 2020
146 Votes
Unemployment refers to a situation when people are not employed or do not have a job when they are actually capable and looking for a job. Unemployment can be
oadly classified into four types. (Mizuno et al, 2006, pp 157–172) These are -
Cyclical unemployment
Frictional unemployment
Seasonal unemployment
Structural unemployment
Cyclical unemployment
This unemployment occurs when there is a recession in the economy and fewer jobs are available in the market. Employees are discouraged from taking up jobs due to low wages or returns while the economy in order to reduce costs cuts down on job offers.
Frictional unemployment
This unemployment takes place when an employee is changing jobs. When a person moves from one job to another, for the time period that he spends between those two jobs without a job is refe
ed to as frictional unemployment.
Seasonal unemployment
Unemployment that occurs only during particular seasons is known as seasonal unemployment. This means that jobs are available for only one season or a part of a season...

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