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Survey Questions Survey Questions Copy and paste questions from the Survey Results (can you find a way to do it without messing up the formatting below?) Number Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Survey...

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Survey Questions
        Survey Questions
        Copy and paste questions from the Survey Results (can you find a way to do it without messing up the formatting below?)
        Number    Question
Survey Results
    How many times in the last 2 years have you attended our restaurant?    For what reasons did you attend our restaurant? Please select all that apply.                    What types of food are you most interested in? (1- No interest - 5 Strong interest)                        Check all of the foods you would be interesting in adding to our Menu                                        Rate how each factor influences you when considering a restaurant                        How do you typically learn about new restaurants?                             How would you rate your overall experience at our Restaurant?                             How likely are you to recommend our restaurant to a friend    What is your age?    What is your gender?
    Response    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    Fresh Water Fish    American     Greek    Italian    Mexican    Chinese    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna    None of the above    Seating Comfort    Good Food    Restaurant Cleanness    Ambiance    Prices    Family Friendly    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    Family Appropriate    Quality of Food    Overall Experience    Value (worth the money?)    Cleanliness    Ambiance    Seating Comfort    Response - (1-Not Likely to 7-Very likely)    Response    Response
    7 or more            Date night        A friend recommended it to me.    3    4    3    4    5    4    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin            Pineapple Chicken                6    4    6    6    5    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    6    5    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more        Holidays        I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    4    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail                    2    7    7    7    7    7                    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    19-34    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    4    3    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    6    7    6    5    6                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    3    5    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            4    5    7    5    7    6            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    3    3    2    5    2    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                4    5    5    4    7    7                Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    6    6    6    7    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        3    4        5    5    2        Pizza    Thai Shrimp                        Lasagna        3    6    5    5    4    7        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    5    6    6    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night            3    3    2    4    5    3        Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                6    5    6    5    6    7                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    6    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Male
    3 to 4            Date night            2    3    2    3    5    2    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp                Pineapple Chicken                7    6    5    6    6    1                Internet web sites                7    6    5        7        1    7    35-49    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    5    5    4        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    5    5    5    6    6    Newspaper    Radio        Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    Under 18    Female
    5 to 6            Date night            5    5    1    3    4    1                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        6    5    6    5    7    4                Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    6    5    6    7    7    6    7    35-49    Male
    1 to 2                    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        5    5    5        Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                        Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    65    Male
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    4    3    3    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    6    5    5    6    6    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    5    2    3    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        4    5    6    6    6    6    Newspaper                    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    7    6    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    4    5    4            Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail            Lasagna        5    6    5    5    6    1    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    5    7    6    6    6    6    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    4        5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    5    5    5    7    7                Internet web sites        E-mail        6    6    7    7    7    6    6    7    65    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    2    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7                    Internet web sites                    6    7    7    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    4    3    4    3    3    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin                Fish Tacos            5    6    6    5    6    7                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    1    4    5    4    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp        Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    4    7    2    Newspaper                    E-mail            6    7    6    6    7    5    6    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    2    2    3    3                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    6    5    6    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    6    6    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        5    3    1    4    4    3        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    7    7    6    5    6        Radio        Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    6    4    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        3    2    2    4    5    4        Pizza    Thai Shrimp        Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken                7    6    7    6    6    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    7    7    6    6    7    50-64    Male
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    4    3    4    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    7    5    7    6        Radio        Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    6    6    5    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        3    4    1    4    4    4                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    6    7    7    6    6                            Word of Mouth        6        7            6    7    65    Female
    1 to 2                I like the food        4    4            4    4                Pepper Crusted Sirloin            Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    6    7    7    6    7        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online            6    4    6    6    5    6    5    5    19-34    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        5    5    4    5    5    4                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    5    6    5    5    3        Radio        Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    5    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    50-64    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)                    5    5    5    4    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    6    7    6    7    6                        E-mail        7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    1    4    4    3                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    7    7    5                        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    7    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    2    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            5    4    6    6    6    7                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7        7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    5    5    5    4        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper    Radio                        7    7    7    7    7    7    3    6    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    1    2    3    3        Pizza                Lobster Tail                    7    6    7    6    6    1        Radio                    Word of Mouth    5    3    4    3    6    6    6    5    50-64    Female
    5 to 6            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    5    1    4    5    3                                        None of the Above    3    5    5    5    5    5    Newspaper                            6    5    5    5    6    6    5    5    35-49    Male
    1 to 2            Date night    I like the food        5    5    3    3    5    4                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                4    7    5    7    6    4    Newspaper                    E-mail        6    6    6    6    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        5    5    4    3    5    3                        Lobster Tail                    6    7    7    7    7    1                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    5    6    6    6    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night            1    2    2    4    4    4                                        None of the Above    4    5    7    5    5    2            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)                    5    7    7    7    7    6    5    5    19-34    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night        A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    1    2    3    3                        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            6    6    6    6    7    7                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    5    7    6    5    5    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        4    4    1    4    4    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail            Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7                            E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    6    6    6    5    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        4    5    1    4    4    3    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        6    6    7    6    5    5    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    6    6    6    6    7    Under 18    Female
    1 to 2    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food            4        4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    7                        E-mail        7    5    7    6    6    5    5    4    35-49    Male
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    3    5    5                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    7    1    3    7    1    Newspaper                            7    7    7    7    7    7    7    6    65    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    3    1    5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    7    7    6    7    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        3    2        Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    5    6    6    6    7                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night            4    5    3    3    5    2        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        3    6    7    7    5    4                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth        7    7    7    7    7    4    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        2    5    2    4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    6    6    6    7    5    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)        Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    6    6    6    7    5    6    65    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    1    3    3    2                            Pineapple Chicken                4    4    4    4    4    7    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail        7    7    7    7    7    7    6    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    2    3    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    5    5    4    6    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    6    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    3    5    5    3    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    5    5    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail        7    3    7    7    7    7    4    7    35-49    Male
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    4    4    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    5    7    7    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    4    4    3    4    5        Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    5    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites            Word of Mouth        7    7    7    7    7    5    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)                    2    5    3    5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail            Lasagna        5    6    6    6    7    4        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites        E-mail        7    7    7    7    6    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    3    2    2    3    2    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            5    6    6    4    7    5    Newspaper                Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    6    7    6    6    7    7    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food        5    5    1    5    5    1    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    7                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    5        5            Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail            Lasagna        4    7    6    5    6    6    Newspaper            Internet web sites    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    5    7    7    7    7    6    7    65    Female
    5 to 6            Date night    I like the food        5    5    2    3    4    4                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    6    6    5    5    4                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    7    7    6    7    7    7    7    Under 18    Female
    1 to 2    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        4    5    3    5    5    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    7                        E-mail        7    6    6    6    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays                5    5    5    5    5        Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail                    7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                    E-mail        7    7    6    7    6    7    6    7    50-64    Male
    1 to 2    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food        5    5    1    4    5    2                            Pineapple Chicken                6    6    6    6    6    6        Radio                E-mail        6    6    6    6    7    6    6    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        2    4    4    4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            6    5    5    4    7    4    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail        6    6    7    7    7    7    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    1    5    5    1                            Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                        Word of Mouth    4    4    5    5    6    7    5    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food        4    4    3    3    5    3                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                6    6    6    6    6    6            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)                Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    1 to 2    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)                    2    4    3    4    5    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    7                    Social Networking Online            7    7    7    7    7    7    6    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        5    5    3    1    1    1    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    5    5    5    7    7                            Word of Mouth    5    5    5    5    7    7    7    5    35-49    Female
    7 or more            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    5    5    5    5        Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    7                            Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        4                Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        4    5    5    5    4    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    7    7    7    6    7    65    Female
    7 or more        Holidays        I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    4    3    4    5    5        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    6    5    6    4    5    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    7    7    7    7    7    7    6    65    Male
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    1    1    1    1    1    1    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        3    3    4    2    6    6    Newspaper                        Word of Mouth    7        5    6    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night        A friend recommended it to me.    5    4    3    3    4    3                Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    6    7    6    7    6            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)                Word of Mouth    6    5    6    5    6    6    4    6    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    1    5    3    3    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            5    4    7    6    7    7                Internet web sites                7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    5 to 6                    A friend recommended it to me.    4    4    2    2    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                5    6    6    7    7    1    Newspaper    Radio                E-mail    Word of Mouth    4        7    7    7    7    6    7    65    Female
    3 to 4        Holidays        I like the food        5            5        5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza            Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    5    6    6    7    7    6    7    65    Male
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    4    1    3    2    3                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    7    5    5    5    5                        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    6    6    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        5    5    5    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    4    6    6    6    4            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online            7        7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        3    5    1    2    5    1    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    6    7    7    7    4    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    4    5    4    6    7    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4        Holidays                5    3        5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    6    7    7    7    7                        E-mail        7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    3    4    5    2        Pizza    Thai Shrimp                        Lasagna        3    3    6    6    6    4    Newspaper    Radio                E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    5    6    7    6    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food        5    5    1    1    5    3        Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    1                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    19-34    Male
    5 to 6                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    1    2    5    2    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    4    7    7    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail                                        35-49    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    4    4    4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    6    6    6    6    7        Radio                E-mail                                        Under 18    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    5    2    3    4    5            Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail            Lasagna        5    5    6    6    5    3    Newspaper    Radio        Internet web sites            Word of Mouth                                    35-49    Female
    7 or more        Holidays        I like the food        5            5    5                            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    4    Newspaper                                                            65    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        2    3    1    2    5    3                            Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            4    4    4    3    7    2    Newspaper                    E-mail                                        50-64    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    4    3    4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    5    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites            Word of Mouth                                    35-49    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    1    5    5    3                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    6    7    7    7    7    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail                                        19-34    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    3    4    3    4    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        6    5    6    5    6    6    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    65    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    5    5    5    5        Pizza            Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7        Newspaper    Radio                                                        35-49    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        1    3    5    3    3    3                            Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    6    4    7        Radio        Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    19-34    Male
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    3    1    3    5    3                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    4    7    6    7    4                        E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    35-49    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        2    5    5        5    4        Pizza                Lobster Tail                    6    6    6    6    7    6    Newspaper                                                            50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5            5    4    5    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp        Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper    Radio                    Word of Mouth                                    65    Female
    5 to 6                    A friend recommended it to me.    2    2    4    4    5    4                            Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            3    2    6    6    6    1    Newspaper                    E-mail                                        35-49    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        5    5                                Pineapple Chicken                6    7    7    7    7    6                        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food            5        3    3    2                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    5    5    6    5    2    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    65    Male
    5 to 6                    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    5    3    5    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        3    4    5    5    7    7                        E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food        5    5    4    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            4    7    4    4    7    7            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    19-34    Female
    1 to 2                I like the food        3    5    2    4    4    3    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                5    5    7    6    6    7                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth                                    Under 18    Female
    1 to 2                I like the food        2    4    1    3    5    3    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin                    Lasagna        5    5    7    6    5    4    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth    5    6    6    4    5    4    3    5    50-64    Female
    1 to 2            Date night            5    5    3    3    5    4                Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                6    5    6    5    5    7                            Word of Mouth                                    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    4    4    5    4        Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    7    7    7    7    6    Newspaper            Internet web sites    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth                                    19-34    Female
    7 or more                    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    1    5    5    5                        Lobster Tail                    7    5    7    7    7    7    Newspaper    Radio            Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth                                    35-49    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    4    4    5    5    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    6    6    6    7    7                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth                                    Under 18    Female
    1 to 2            Date night    I like the food        5    5    3    2    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    5    6    6    7    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail                                        35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me
Answered 1 days After Jun 30, 2022


Atreye answered on Jul 01 2022
84 Votes
Survey Questions
        Survey Questions
        Copy and paste questions from the Survey Results (can you find a way to do it without messing up the formatting below?)
        Number    Question
        1    How many times in the last 2 years have you attended our restaurant?
        2    For what reasons did you attend our restaurant? Please select all that apply.
        3    What types of food are you most interested in? (1- No interest - 5 Strong interest)
        4    Check all of the foods you would be interesting in adding to our Menu
        5    Rate how each factor influences you when considering a restaurant
        6    How do you typically learn about new restaurants?
        7    How would you rate your overall experience at our Restaurant?
        8    How likely are you to recommend our restaurant to a friend
        9    What is your age?
        10    What is your gender?
types of food interest
    Count of Greek    Count of Chinese    Count of Mexican    Count of Italian    Count of Fresh Water Fish    Count of American
    26    28    30    25    29    29
Pivot Chart for "What types of food are you most interested in? (1- No interest - 5 Strong interest)"
Count of Greek    Total    26    Count of Chinese    Total    28    Count of Mexican    Total    30    Count of Italian    Total    25    Count of Fresh Water Fish    Total    29    Count of American    Total    29    
number of times resturant visit
    Row Labels    Count of Response
    1 to 2    1
    3 to 4    2
    5 to 6    3
    Grand Total    6
Pivot Chart for survey question "How many times in the last 2 years have you attended our restaurant?"
Total    1 to 2    3 to 4    5 to 6    1    2    3    
Rating to recommend resturant
    Row Labels    Count of Response - (1-Not Likely to 7-Very likely)
    4    1
    5    1
    7    3
    Grand Total    5
Pivot Chart for "How likely are you to recommend our restaurant to a friend"
Total    4    5    7    (blank)    1    1    3    
Rating of overall experience
    Count of Family Appropriate    Count of Seating Comfort2    Count of Ambiance2    Count of Cleanliness    Count of Value (worth the money?)    Count of Quality of Food    Count of Overall Experience
    2    2    2    2    2    2    2
Pivot Chart on "How would you rate your overall experience at our Restaurant? "
Count of Family Appropriate    Total    2    Count of Seating Comfort2    Total    2    Count of Ambiance2    Total    2    Count of Cleanliness    Total    2    Count of Value (worth the money?)    Total    2    Count of Quality of Food    Total    2    Count of Overall Experience    Total    2    
how people learn about resturnt
    Count of Newspaper    Count of Word of Mouth    Count of E-mail    Count of Social Networking Online    Count of Internet web sites    Count of Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Count of Radio
    7    7    9        9    2    6
Pivot Chart of "How do you typically learn about new restaurants? "
Count of Newspaper    Total    7    Count of Word of Mouth    Total    7    Count of E-mail    Total    9    Count of Social Networking Online    Total    Count of Internet web sites    Total    9    Count of Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Total    2    Count of Radio    Total    6    
Survey Results
    How many times in the last 2 years have you attended our restaurant?    For what reasons did you attend our restaurant? Please select all that apply.                    What types of food are you most interested in? (1- No interest - 5 Strong interest)                        Check all of the foods you would be interesting in adding to our Menu                                        Rate how each factor influences you when considering a restaurant                        How do you typically learn about new restaurants?                             How would you rate your overall experience at our Restaurant?                             How likely are you to recommend our restaurant to a friend    What is your age?    What is your gender?
    Response    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    Fresh Water Fish    American     Greek    Italian    Mexican    Chinese    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna    None of the above    Seating Comfort    Good Food    Restaurant Cleanness    Ambiance    Prices    Family Friendly    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    Family Appropriate    Quality of Food    Overall Experience    Value (worth the money?)    Cleanliness    Ambiance    Seating Comfort    Response - (1-Not Likely to 7-Very likely)    Response    Response
    7 or more            Date night        A friend recommended it to me.    3    4    3    4    5    4    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin            Pineapple Chicken                6    4    6    6    5    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    6    5    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more        Holidays        I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    4    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail                    2    7    7    7    7    7                    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    19-34    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    4    3    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    6    7    6    5    6                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    3    5    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            4    5    7    5    7    6            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    3    3    2    5    2    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                4    5    5    4    7    7                Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    6    6    6    7    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        3    4        5    5    2        Pizza    Thai Shrimp                        Lasagna        3    6    5    5    4    7        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    5    6    6    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night            3    3    2    4    5    3        Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                6    5    6    5    6    7                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    6    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Male
    3 to 4            Date night            2    3    2    3    5    2    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp                Pineapple Chicken                7    6    5    6    6    1                Internet web sites                7    6    5        7        1    7    35-49    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    5    5    4        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    5    5    5    6    6    Newspaper    Radio        Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    Under 18    Female
    5 to 6            Date night            5    5    1    3    4    1                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        6    5    6    5    7    4                Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    6    5    6    7    7    6    7    35-49    Male
    1 to 2                    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        5    5    5        Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                        Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    65    Male
    3 to 4            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    4    3    3    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    6    5    5    6    6    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    5    2    3    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        4    5    6    6    6    6    Newspaper                    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    7    6    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    4    5    4            Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail            Lasagna        5    6    5    5    6    1    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    5    7    6    6    6    6    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)            I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    4        5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    5    5    5    7    7                Internet web sites        E-mail        6    6    7    7    7    6    6    7    65    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    2    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7                    Internet web sites                    6    7    7    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    4    3    4    3    3    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin                Fish Tacos            5    6    6    5    6    7                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    1    4    5    4    Chicken and Waffles        Thai Shrimp        Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    7    7    4    7    2    Newspaper                    E-mail            6    7    6    6    7    5    6    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    2    2    3    3                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    6    5    6    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    6    6    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        5    3    1    4    4    3        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    7    7    6    5    6        Radio        Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    6    4    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        3    2    2    4    5    4        Pizza    Thai Shrimp        Shrimp Skewer        Pineapple Chicken                7    6    7    6    6    6                Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    7    7    6    6    7    50-64    Male
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    4    3    4    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    7    5    7    6        Radio        Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    6    6    5    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        3    4    1    4    4    4                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            7    6    7    7    6    6                            Word of Mouth        6        7            6    7    65    Female
    1 to 2                I like the food        4    4            4    4                Pepper Crusted Sirloin            Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    6    7    7    6    7        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites    Social Networking Online            6    4    6    6    5    6    5    5    19-34    Female
    5 to 6    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)    Holidays    Date night    I like the food        5    5    4    5    5    4                    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        4    5    6    5    5    3        Radio        Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    5    6    7    7    7    7    5    7    50-64    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)                    5    5    5    4    5    5    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin    Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    6    7    6    7    6                        E-mail        7    7    7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    1    4    4    3                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    7    7    5                        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    7    6    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    3    5    2    2    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            5    4    6    6    6    7                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7        7    7    7    7    7    7    19-34    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    5    5    5    4        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                7    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper    Radio                        7    7    7    7    7    7    3    6    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    5    1    2    3    3        Pizza                Lobster Tail                    7    6    7    6    6    1        Radio                    Word of Mouth    5    3    4    3    6    6    6    5    50-64    Female
    5 to 6            Date night    I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    4    5    1    4    5    3                                        None of the Above    3    5    5    5    5    5    Newspaper                            6    5    5    5    6    6    5    5    35-49    Male
    1 to 2            Date night    I like the food        5    5    3    3    5    4                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken                4    7    5    7    6    4    Newspaper                    E-mail        6    6    6    6    6    6    6    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food        5    5    4    3    5    3                        Lobster Tail                    6    7    7    7    7    1                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    5    6    6    6    7    5    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night            1    2    2    4    4    4                                        None of the Above    4    5    7    5    5    2            Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)                    5    7    7    7    7    6    5    5    19-34    Male
    3 to 4    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night        A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    1    2    3    3                        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos            6    6    6    6    7    7                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    7    7    5    7    6    5    5    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        4    4    1    4    4    3    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail            Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7                            E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    6    6    6    5    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        4    5    1    4    4    3    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        6    6    7    6    5    5    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    6    6    6    6    6    6    6    7    Under 18    Female
    1 to 2    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)        Date night    I like the food            4        4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    7                        E-mail        7    5    7    6    6    5    5    4    35-49    Male
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5    3    3    5    5                        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            5    7    1    3    7    1    Newspaper                            7    7    7    7    7    7    7    6    65    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    3    1    5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza                Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos            6    7    7    6    7    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    6    7    6    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food    A friend recommended it to me.    5    5        3    2        Chicken and Waffles                    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    5    6    6    6    7                    Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    7    7    7    7    7    7    35-49    Female
    3 to 4            Date night            4    5    3    3    5    2        Pizza        Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        3    6    7    7    5    4                Internet web sites    Social Networking Online    E-mail    Word of Mouth        7    7    7    7    7    4    7    19-34    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        2    5    2    4    4    4    Chicken and Waffles    Pizza    Thai Shrimp    Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    6    6    6    7    5    Newspaper    Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)        Social Networking Online        Word of Mouth    7    6    6    6    6    7    5    6    65    Female
    3 to 4                I like the food        5    5    1    3    3    2                            Pineapple Chicken                4    4    4    4    4    7    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)            E-mail        7    7    7    7    7    7    6    7    35-49    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    2    3    4    4    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        5    5    5    4    6    7    Newspaper            Internet web sites            Word of Mouth    7    7    7    7    7    7    6    7    19-34    Female
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    5    3    5    5    3    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken    Fish Tacos    Lasagna        7    7    7    7    5    5    Newspaper            Internet web sites        E-mail        7    3    7    7    7    7    4    7    35-49    Male
    5 to 6                I like the food        5    4    4    5    5    5    Chicken and Waffles                Shrimp Skewer    Lobster Tail        Fish Tacos    Lasagna        5    7    7    7    7    7    Newspaper                    E-mail    Word of Mouth    7    5    7    7    7    7    7    7    50-64    Female
    7 or more                I like the food        5    4    4    3    4    5        Pizza    Thai Shrimp            Lobster Tail    Pineapple Chicken        Lasagna        7    7    7    7    7    5    Newspaper        Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web sites            Word of Mouth        7    7    7    7    7    5    7    50-64    Male
    7 or more    Special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries.)                    2    5    3    5    5    4    Chicken and Waffles            Pepper Crusted Sirloin        Lobster Tail            Lasagna        5    6    6    6    7    4        Radio    Mailer (ValPak, Postcards, etc.)    Internet web...

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