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Cameron and Michelle: Making Positive Changes Cameron was very active in extracurricular activities while studying for her degree in criminal justice. She volunteered two days a week at a local...

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Cameron and Michelle: Making
Positive Changes

was very active in extracurricular activities while studying for her degree in
criminal justice. She volunteered two days a week at a local agency, worked 25
to 30 hours a week at the mall to earn extra money, and was vice president of a
national student organization on campus. She felt she was on a good path to building
experiences to help her compete for the job she wanted at graduation as a case
manager with the local courts

high-energy personality and eagerness to be involved in meaningful work and activities
were an asset. Cameron believed that the more she did, the better qualified she
would be. Cameron was really passionate about everything she did, but found she
had difficulty getting things done. Her grades were very good. Cameron put her
studies before her work and other activities. When Cameron was promoted to
assistant store manager, she was required to stay to the store closing four
nights a week.

began running late for her early morning classes once her work scheduled
changed. She had to cut corners on the volunteer and organization projects she
was committed to. She knew she had to make some positive changes, but wasn’t
sure where to start.

roommate, Michelle, was also involved in several activities on and off campus,
but seemed to get major projects done on time, keep up her grades, and even
have a small amount of free time every week for herself. Two nights a week,
Michelle had a routine of keeping two hours open in her schedule.

she was involved in a lot of things, she spent those four hours a week working
on her business plan for her entrepreneurship class. Michelle planned on
opening her own catering business after graduation and was using this class
project as her actual business plan with the help of her current boss and her
teacher. Part of her project was building a financial plan to include starting
small, regularly scheduled investments in a retirement account. Michelle’s
grandparents advised her to do this after retiring and realizing that it was
possible that they could outlive their retirement money. Michelle was grateful
to learn how important this one positive change to her business plan would be.
While Michelle kept a pretty busy schedule, she decided to hold back from making
any extra commitments of her time until she was finished with her business


How were Cameron and Michelle
different from each other?

What could Cameron do to
better manage her time and still accomplish her work?

Was Michelle’s business
plan realistic? Why or why not?

How important is personal
development to personal career success?

The task is to compose a
report, including (1) summarizing the related theoretical aspects, (2)
analyzing the case on the basis of the related theoretical aspects and
references and (3) giving their personal value judgment on the issue.

Answered 1 days After Oct 02, 2022


Radhika answered on Oct 03 2022
67 Votes
Career Program for Cameron and Michelle
Cameron and Michelle were building their career path by utilizing their potential and time while studying for their degree in college. They were equally good in grades and dedicated several hours of time to give bend to their lifestyle in their own respective way. Depending on their personality and interests they had chosen set of activities apart from education. This way they had tried to express their real self at their own individual level.
Both of them have an active participation in the extra-cu
icular activities but their commitment style was completely different. Michelle was more focused on completion of various projects on time while Cameron finds it difficult to manage project work. She had to give up assigned projects due to restricted timeline. Time management is a crucial element. One is expected to give output in any prescribed project within the due course of time. An individual cannot be perfect in delivering his valuables along with punctuality. But they can be focused and dedicated towards their schedule for the exact implantation of the output. This consistent effort can raise the bar of completing the work modules on or before time. Such kind of management can help in defined success pattern and fame.
They had hectic work schedule apart from college every day. Cameron when promoted to a position of manager in a respective store. Therein she had to spend four nights once in a week which were greater than Michelle who had to spend two nights in a week. This made it difficult for Cameron to manage her college and simultaneously create balance with the work schedule. Michelle has been on better part to take out time for own self evaluation in comparison to Cameron. This self learning time is essential to list the objectives for our...

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