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Bug: ID SITHKOP004 - Develop menus for special dietary requirements Project C Learner assessment guide and evidence This assessment requires you to develop and cost menus or meal plans that meet...

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SITHKOP004 - Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Project C
Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to develop and cost menus or meal plans that meet different special dietary requirements of customers.
You are required to do the following.
· Complete Tasks 1 to 6.
· You are to provide answers to each of the questions in a separate document using MS Word or similar word processing tools. Your document should be professionally formatted with question retyped and answered,
· You must answer all questions satisfactorily to achieve competency in the unit. The extent of responses required will vary by question – an approximate word count is provided at each question as a guide, where required.
· Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed by our Assessor. A
angements will be made on an individual basis. If you are deemed to be NS (Not Satisfactory), your assessor will either ask specific questions orally, and record them with you using the supplementary evidence sheet or you will be asked to resubmit your responses in full.
Assessment overview
· Read the Background information provided below
· You are required to develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combination meets at least six different special dietary requirements listed in Background information.
· At least one menu must be a cyclic menu.
· Other types of menu formats can be used when preparing all other menus, for example, à la carte, set, daily, seasonal or weekly menu formats.
· Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different customer groups listed in Background information.
· Two of the menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirementslisted in Background information.
· All menus must be evaluated by obtaining at least two of the types of feedbacklisted in Background information for each menu.
· Menus or menu plans must:
e developed within commercial time constraints
demonstrate methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
incorporate basic principles and practices of nutrition, including macro- and micronutrient requirements.
· There are six tasks in this assessment, one for each of the six menus you must develop. You must complete all sub-tasks in each task.
Special dietary requirements
· Eating regimes (elimination, macrobiotic)
· Exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food intolerance
· Fat-free
· Fluids
· Food preferences
· Food restrictions
· Gluten-free
· High ca
· High or low energy
· High or low protein
· High fi
· Lacto-ovo
· Low ca
· Low cholesterol
· Low fat
· Low gluten
· Low kilojoule
· Low suga
· Modified sodium or potassium
· Modified texture
· Nutritional requirements
· Portion size
· Substitutes:
Gluten-free flou
Yeast-free flou
Non-sugar sweeteners
· Sugar-free
· Type one and two diabetes
Cultural or religious dietary requirements
· Halal
· Hindu
· Koshe
· Vegan
· Vegetarian
Customer groups addressed
· Adolescents
· Athletes
· Children
· Defence forces
· Elderly
· Health care
· Ill or injured
· Infants
· International tourists
· Nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition
· People in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes
· People from different socio-economic groups
· People in remote areas
· Underweight persons
· Overweight persons
· Obese
Methods of evaluation
· Customer satisfaction discussions with:
employees during the course of each business day
· Customer surveys
· Improvements suggested by:
· Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions.
· Satisfaction discussions with:
allied health professionals
medical specialists
· Seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Task 1: Menu 1 – Cyclic menu
Task 1.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
· Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
· Customer groups could relate to your workplace or training environment, or could be based on realistic hospitality businesses.
· Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
· You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your traine
assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
· The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your traine
assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
· Answer all the questions.
Q1:    What customer group is your menu developed for?
Q2:    What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?
Q3:    What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?
Q4:    Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?
Q5:    What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?
Q6:    What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you’ve researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?
    Page 4 of 46
Task 1.2:Document a menu overview
· Use below template for Menu overview locally.
· The template can be created multiple times as required per your cyclic menu(week 1, week 2, week 3 etc)
· Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
· Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
· Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the menu overview template.
· Complete menu overview and name it Menu 1 overview.
· You will use this information to complete Task 1.3.
document a menu overview
Cyclic menu items week 1
    Breakfast (1)
    Breakfast (2)
    Morning tea
    Lunch (1)
    Lunch (2)
    Afternoon tea
    Dinner (1)
    Dinner (2)
Task 1.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
· Read and familiarise yourself with the Daily meal plan and checklist.
· You are to create seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist(one copy for each day of the week).
· Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
· Complete the table for each menu item (
eakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
· Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) are well planned and meet the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.
· Ensure you complete all task
Daily meal plan and menu item checklist
Day: ___________________________
    Menu items
    Main ingredients
    Cooking methods
    Sizes/ shapes
    Breakfast (1)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Breakfast (2)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Morning tea
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Lunch (1)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Lunch (2)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Afternoon tea
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Dinner (1)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Dinner (2)
    Â· Ingredients suitable for customer group
· Uses prep/cooking methods that maximise nutritional value
· Meets requirements for menu and food variety
· Meets macro-/micronutrient requirements
· Meets Australian Dietary Guidelines
· Meets nutritional requirements of customer group
· Uses co
ect terminology
    Page 8 of 12
Task 1.4:Cost menus
· Using the Menu costingtemplate provided below complete Task 1.4
· Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
· Calculate the portion yields and costs of allingredients required to prepare and produce all menu optionsoffered on your selected day.
· Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
· Calculate the total cost for oneserve or portion for each menu option.
· You must complete one menu costing table for each menu item, and add or delete rows as required.
· Menu number is the Task number for the menu you are developing, for example, the cyclic menu developed in Task 1 will be menu number 1, Task 2 is menu number 2, and so on.
    Menu item name
    Menu no.
    Purchase unit
    Purchase unit price $
    Total cost $
    Total cost of recipe
    Portion cost
    Other expenditure items
    Expenditure item
    Purchase price per unit $
    Costper unit $
Answered Same Day Jul 16, 2020 SITHKOP004 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on Jul 18 2020
151 Votes
Worksheet Answers:
1. Taste, colour, ambience, hunger level, spiciness, mood, quantity, price, availability, religion
2. Infants, Children, Adolescents, Elderly, Athletes
3. 1. Choose the right amount of nutritious food and beverage
2. Eat from 5 food groups everyday
3. Limit unhealthy food and drinks
4. Encourage, support and promote
5. Care for your food
An adult who has a sedentary job has different requirements than an athlete who practices the sport everyday
4. Adults: Adults are the ones who require enough food to sustain them in their daily workings and provide them enough energy throughout the day. They shouldn’t be overfilled which increases their weight. The quantity of energy that an adult requires depends on the levels of physical activity and condition.
An adult who has a sedentary job has different requirements than an athlete who practices the sport everyday
e.g. The diet supplement of an IT professional is different from a person who plays cricket
e.g. The diet supplement of a young adult is different from a person in the military
5. Appropriate equipment and techniques must be used to prepare and cook Kosher foods.
We cannot use the same equipment as we use for other foods Also, Orthodox Jews follow a Kosher diet which includes the following.
· Fruit
· Vegetables
· Grains
· Flou
· Eggs (except those from birds of prey)
· Edible fish (must have both fins and scales)
· Edible animals (must chew their cud, have cloven feet and be killed and processed in a certain way).
· Pea and ham soup with green salad------Not suitable since ham
· Cream of chicken soup and a grilled cheese sandwich-----not suitable since chicken, meat isn’t allowed
· Lentil soup with
own rice and a green salad ----- allowed!
6. Halal food eaters need special requirement. It needs to be slaughtered in a certain way
Beer-battered fish and chips with a green...

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