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BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour DegreeUnit 31/Employee RelationsWord COunt - 2500

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BSc (Hons) Business Management and Strategy / HRM & Organisational Behaviour /Project Management (University of Northampton,
UK) BA (Hons) International Logistics and Trade Finance (University of Northampton, UK)
Unit 3/ Human Resource Management
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BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour Degree

Unit No/Title: Unit 31/Employee Relations

Grading Opportunities Available
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Overall Feedback from the Assessor:
Initial Submission
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Assessor (Name): Date: __/__/__

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IV (Name): Date: __/__/__

LO 01 LO 02 LO 03 LO 04
     
LO 01 LO 02 LO 03 LO 04
Redo Pass Merit Distinction
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BSc (Hons) Business Management and Strategy / HRM & Organisational Behaviour /Project Management (University of Northampton,
UK) BA (Hons) International Logistics and Trade Finance (University of Northampton, UK)
Unit 3/ Human Resource Management
This document is to provide feedback on student academic success.
This document is not a result sheet.
Statement of Authenticity:
I certify that this is my own work. The work has not, in whole or in part, been presented or
published elsewhere. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly
acknowledged. If this statement is untrue I accept that I have committed an assessment offence.
Registration Number / Name

Page 03
BSc (Hons) Business Management and Strategy / HRM & Organisational Behaviour /Project Management (University of Northampton,
UK) BA (Hons) International Logistics and Trade Finance (University of Northampton, UK)
Unit 3/ Human Resource Management
This document is to provide feedback on student academic success.
This document is not a result sheet.

Learning Outcomes covered: LO1 & LO2

Format: Report

Word limit: 2500 – 3000

Vocational Scenario: (You may select a company to do in depth analysis following below

Assume that you are appointed as a Junior Member of HR Advisory Committee in an organisation. As part
of the responsibilities, you have been asked to analyse developments in society, the work context and
employment have influenced the employment relationship. Further, it is required to devise approaches for
employee communication and consultation by studying different types of organisations. Based on your
studies and the analyses, you are required to prepare a report on the following areas.

LO1 Analyse how changes and developments in society, the work context and employment
have influenced the employment relationship

• Introduce the concept of Employee relations and its importance to an organization.
• Analyse how employment relationships have been affected by developments in society
and the work context.

LO2 Devise mechanisms of employee communication and consultation for different types of
• Introduce an appropriate mechanism for communicating and consulting for your selected
• Explain how the effectiveness of communication mechanisms for enhancing employee
voice and engagement

Assignment Task 02
Learning Outcomes covered: LO3 & LO4
Format: Physical Presentation
Slide limit: 25 – 30
Duration: 15 – 20 mins
Assignment activity and guidance: To complete this task, you may select any organisation of
your choice.

As a Junior HR Member of your company, you have been asked to do a presentation covering the following
areas in order to take appropriate decisions to strengthen the employment relationship in the selected
organisation. This is to be presented to the Senior Committee members of the HR Advisory Committee.

Study and understand the workplace disputes and mechanisms for the negotiations in order to handle
conflict management effectively.

LO3 Apply negotiation skills to workplace disputes for effective conflict management
• Introduce different negotiation skills to resolve workplace disputes and conflicts.
Page 04
BSc (Hons) Business Management and Strategy / HRM & Organisational Behaviour /Project Management (University of Northampton,
UK) BA (Hons) International Logistics and Trade Finance (University of Northampton, UK)
Unit 3/ Human Resource Management
This document is to provide feedback on student academic success.
This document is not a result sheet.
• Identify how to resolve conflicts effectively by utilising negotiation skills for effective
conflict management approaches.
• Simply evaluate personal performance to identify strengths and areas for further
development in relation to negotiation skills to handle workplace disputes & conflicts.

LO4 Develop HR solutions for an organisation’s employee relations approach and practices in
order to improve performance.

• Discuss valid HR solutions to address the issues and challenges while assessing the
employee relations approach and practices to improve performance.

Assignment activity and guidance: Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Page 05
BSc (Hons) Business Management and Strategy / HRM & Organisational Behaviour /Project Management (University of Northampton,
UK) BA (Hons) International Logistics and Trade Finance (University of Northampton, UK)
Unit 3/ Human Resource Management
This document is to provide feedback on student academic success.
This document is not a result sheet.
Criteria for PASS Feedback
LO1 Analyse how changes and developments in society, the
work context and employment have influenced the
employment relationship

LO2 Devise mechanisms of employee communication and
consultation for different types of organisations
LO3 Apply negotiation skills to workplace disputes for effective
conflict management approaches
LO4 Develop HR solutions for an organisation’s employee
elations approach and practices in order to improve
Criteria For Merit
Good knowledge and understanding of key areas with detailed
and accurate application in practical scenarios. The work
integrates a good skill of advanced analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and application References and citations are good
and follow protocol good piece of work used Harvard style
properly. The number of referenced sources is reasonable and
shows good use of appropriate academic articles, book sources
and company industry materials.
Criteria for Distinction
Excellent knowledge and understanding, exploring and
analyzing key areas. The work effectively integrates the
advanced skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application
excellent referencing, no technical issues in respect of
eferencing and very effective Harvard referencing. The number
of referenced sources is reasonably extensive and shows
excellent use of appropriate academic articles, book sources and
company/industry materials.
Assessor Name:
    Outcomes/Grade Descriptors Achieved (Please Tick)
    Overall Feedback from the Assessor:
Answered Same Day Oct 26, 2023


Shubham answered on Oct 27 2023
41 Votes

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