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Book/Film Interpretation Project Instructions You will need to obtain and read a book or view a film, in order to begin this project. You should, therefore, get started on it as soon as possible. A...

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Book/Film Interpretation Project Instructions

You will need to obtain and read a book or view a film, in order to begin this project.

You should, therefore, get started on it as soon as possible.

A Note about Culture

This project asks you to use a novel or film as a window into the culture of a Spanish-speaking country. By the culture, we are referring to the learned behaviors, everyday practices, customs, worldviews, and beliefs of a group of people. In this broad anthropological sense, the culture of a group (Mexicans, Aymara, Spaniards, etc.) can include aspects such as family structures, interpersonal relations, gender, class and race relations, ways of communicating, body language, dress, arts, crafts, traditions, foodways, festivals, religion, economy and politics. Anthropologists who study the human condition define culture as the traditions and customs transmitted through learning that govern the beliefs and behavior of the people exposed to them.

As you read the book or watch the film you select, pay particular attention to what is being revealed about the culture of that country or of that group of people. What you observe may or may not be directly related to the main plot or theme of the book or film. Aspects of culture may be revealed in the sections or passages that describe everyday life or set the scene for some action in the plot or story line.

The Assignment

For this project you will choose to analyze a film or book from the list below. With your instructor's approval, however, you may also select a book or film not on this list. Write an analysis of the film's/book's contribution to the study of a Spanish-speaking culture. You can look at the book or film in its entirety, or you can focus on a particular chapter or scene if you prefer.

Important: Your essay is not a summary of the book or film. You should analyze the book/film not for a plot or story line, but as a window into the culture.

Use the following points to guide your essay:

  1. What is the central issue(s) of the film/book?

  2. What have you learned or observed about a Spanish-speaking culture from this book/film? (Think about interpersonal or family relationships, customs, religion, food, music, politics, economics, or any other cultural aspect that are discussed or portrayed in the book/film.)

Be sure to include the title of the film or book in your essay.


You need to have consulted a minimum of 3 sources for this project. Remember, whenever you use resources (including books, journal articles, newspaper or magazine articles, websites, class discussion websites, and more), you must document them in accordance with the MLA style and policies on academic integrity and plagiarism.

See MLA—Citing Your Sources for help with documentation.

Length of Assignment

Your completed assignment should be approximately 4-5 pages (not counting title page, double spaced, font size 12) or XXXXXXXXXXwords.

General Information on Finding Films

It is your responsibility to locate and borrow, rent, or buy the film or book you will review.

Read the plot summary of the film or novel, and possible reviews, before choosing it as your topic so that you know what to expect from it. You can easily find synopses and reviews of these books and films online by searching the title and media type (ex., "Sin Nombre film," "Waiting for Snow in Havana book").

  • You may borrow the book or film from your local library. Check your local library's website or to see if a book or film is available in a library near you. Many libraries have excellent film collections are often able to acquire items through interlibrary loan.

  • If you are viewing a film, check your preferred video rental or streaming service (such as Netflix, Amazon, etc.) to see if the film is available.

  • You may also buy the book or film from your preferred vendor. Used copies may be available from independent bookstores and online vendors.

Choices of Films and Books for Your Project


  • Maria Full of Grace (Drugs in Colombia, 2004)

Answered 1 days After Apr 20, 2022


Bidusha answered on Apr 21 2022
106 Votes
Last Name:    1
Title: Maria Full of Grace
Central Issue    2
Spanish-Speaking Culture    3
Work Cited    9
Central Issue
Maria Full of Grace recounts the tale of a youthful Colombian woman who has not many options at home and starts on a journey as a donkey to pirate cocaine into the United States. The film gives a look of globalization, a medication exchange confession, a bold remark on improvement, an outsider's excursion, and a film with strict visual hints, all optimal nourishment for homeroom geographic examination concerning the Colombian dream and then some. The video might be used in discussions about advancement, globalization, US help, and medication dealing, beginning with its clearest beginning stage. Maria works in the rose business, which is one of the forward thinking trade areas upheld by US help associations as an improvement option in contrast to coca development. Maria's exhausting, dreary work conditions might be utilized as a springboard for extra discussion about obligor divisions, working circumstances, pesticide openings, orientation, and the globalization of the gardening areas.
Colombia is cu
ently positioned second on the planet for cut blossom yield, following just Holland. Around 75,000 individuals work in the area, developing roses, carnations, and in excess of 50 other cut bloom species. Products of cut blossoms in Colombia were esteemed at $704 million of every 2004, as indicated by the Colombian cut bloom exchange bunch Asocolflores (Mookas). Colombia's development achievement has started horticulture organizations in Kenya, Malaysia, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, India, Mexico, and China, among other arising nations. Worldwide changes in industry and work markets, as well as nea
y results, may be in every way analyzed with regards to this film. In spite of the obvious financial progress of Colombia's contemporary product blast, Maria in the film is plainly unsatisfied with her business, its system, and absence of choices. She leaves and quickly thinks about the risks, as well as the potential advantages, of medication dealing with the United States.
Spanish-Speaking Culture
On her most memorable night out in New York, she experiences a road seller selling blossoms from a gallon can, inciting the inquiry: are modern commodities the solution to Latin America's improvement burdens? Film Critics Meanwhile, the US' hostile to tranquilize crusade, Plan Colombia, go on with an expected $1.6 billion guide bundle and boundless bipartisan help, a couple hundred military and regular citizen consultants in Colombia, many Black Hawk and Super Huey helicopters, coca destroying crop dusters, and an attention on supporting Colombian police and military endeavors that are progressively interwoven with traditional paramilitary endeavors and one of South America's most sharp liberal developments (Rocha).
Colombia is the third-biggest recipient of unfamiliar guide from the United States, with just roughly 1% of the cash going to monetary recovery. Colombia is said to supply 90% of cocaine and 70 percent of heroin consumed in the United States. An expected 3,000 Colombians are detained in New York on drug dealing charges, and a significant...

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