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Board Responsibilities The role of the nonprofit board is to enable the organization to achieve its mission in compliance with the laws and ethics governing nonprofits. Consider the legal...

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Board Responsibilities

The role of the nonprofit board is to enable the organization to achieve its mission in compliance with the laws and ethics governing nonprofits. Consider the legal responsibility of the nonprofit board. What authority can, and should, the board delegate to others? What are some best practices that should be adopted by nonprofit boards? Consider transparency, accountability, and conflict of interest. Should board members be required to contribute money and/or service to the nonprofit beyond board duties? Lastly, should board members be compensated for their time by the nonprofit?

In addition to your other readings this week, please be sure to review the following to assist your thoughts for this Discussion:

Bryce, H. (2017, August 21).

Nonprofit board responsibilities: The basics

.Nonprofit Quarterly.

Answered 5 days After Jul 03, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Jul 08 2024
6 Votes
Role of Non-Profit Board        2
Table of Contents
Discussion    3
References    4
Non-profit board plays a significant role in ensuring that the legal and ethical compliances are being met by the organisations while they work progressively to achieve their organisational mission and goals (Bryce, 2017). The duties held by the board include duty of care, duty of obedience, and duty of loyalty. These duties ensure that the organisations work to support the non-profit and resolve the conflict of interests if any in an ethical and legal manner.

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