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BackgroundOne hundred and sixty-two years ago this December South Carolina seceded from the UnitedStates. This action, taken by South Carolinians, began the process that ultimately led elevenstates...

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BackgroundOne hundred and sixty-two years ago this December South Carolina seceded from the UnitedStates. This action, taken by South Carolinians, began the process that ultimately led elevenstates out of the Union and precipitated a deadly, four year Civil War.Almost from the beginning of this process, a debate raged over the true reason for the secessionof these southern states. Apologists for the Confederacy have consistently focused on theoppression of the federal government, specifically the economic and political factorsnecessitating the drastic step of secession. These arguments stress the fear of economic ruinshould the north be allowed to dominate the federal government and institute policies which thesouth deemed the source of their projected economic devastation. Southerners also clung to thenotion that their cause was akin to the "Revolutionaries of 1776". They wrapped themselves inthe rhetoric of the American Revolution and claimed their only relief lay in following the lead ofthe Founders to take up arms against their oppressors.Northerners who opposed secession claimed that there was no good or legitimate reason for thesouth to pull out of the Union. These arguments contend that the federal government had not andcould not oppress the south either economically or politically. While southern "fire-eaters'shouted that the newly installed Lincoln Administration was determined to end slavery,northerners reiterated Republican claims that they had no intention to strike against slavery andwere only determined to stop the spread of slavery into the territories. To bolster their claimsRepublicans noted that while they won the presidency they did not control the government atlarge.AssignmentYour assignment is to analyze the southern justification for secession. In order to do this youwill need to read the secession ordinances attached and provide an explanation of thejustifications provided by these states for leaving the Union. Do they address the Revolutionaryheritage as part of their rationale? If so, in what way is it addressed? How does each explain itseconomic and/or political plight? Do they consider this a/the critical element in their decision tosecede? Most importantly, where precisely does slavery fit into their rationale for secession?How strongly do they focus on the issue of slavery? Is it the central part or just one of severalequally weighted arguments? You will be expected to weigh the importance of slavery to thedecision to secede. Was slavery the most important, very important, or only slightly important inthe ultimate decision to leave the Union.In your final product you will need to use a quote from each of the Ordinances to support yourposition.
RequirementsPapers must be 2-5 pages in length and typed (12pt font). Your work must be original and relyon information gathered from lectures, textbook readings, and additional resource materialprovided in class. Simple citation of source material is sufficient and can be included inparenthetical reference within the body of the paper (ex. Foner, p XXXXXXXXXXPapers must besubmitted no later than April 29, 2022. Late papers will not be accepted or graded.
Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2022


Nidhi answered on Apr 30 2022
98 Votes
Last Name: Acosta    2
Name: Jason Acosta
Date: 30. April. 2022
Title: Analysis of the Southern Justification for Secession Essay
Introduction    3
Position on the topic    3
Supporting premises    4
Conclusion    4
References    6
    The government of South Carolina issued a declaration on 24 December 1860 that came to be known as the South Carolina Declaration of Secession. The declaration was made after the A
aham Lincoln was elected as the President of the United States. The country back in the eighties was divided into north and south. The reason for secession is identified as the institution of slavery. While the southern states relied on agriculture, the northern were manufacturing states and had no need of slavery. The south reasoned that their rights were taken away with the main reason being to protect the institution slavery. Thus, the southern decided to secede from the Federal Union that caused a four-year Civil War.
Position on the topic
    The act of revolt by the South Carolina let to eleven states leaving the Federal Union citing the reason to be economic ruin. The justifications provided by these states for leaving the Union gained momentum as thought their situation was analogous to the The American Revolution of 1776. The Missouri Compromise was passed to balance power between slave and non-slave states by accepting Missouri that was a slave state into the Federal Union. Although slavery is considered to be the main factor in the secession decision however, other reasons have been identified. The south and the north were culturally and politically different. The South’s main source of income was agricultural activities. North on the other hand represented self-determination. The whole economy of the south depended on slavery as the institution of slavery was important for them to suffice. The north had manufacturing units and had no need for...

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