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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a My Business College (MBC) ABN: XXXXXXXXXX CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368 Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000...

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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBCMM401 Make a presentation Version 2.1
Approved date: 18 october 2018 Review Date: 18 october 2020
Approved by CEO Page 1 of 28
Student Assessment Tasks
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBCMM401 Make a presentation Version 2.1
Approved date: 18 october 2018 Review Date: 18 october 2020
Approved by CEO Page 2 of 28
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Assessment Information ................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX3
Assessment Instructions ................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX5
Student Assessment Agreement ................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX8
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions....................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX10
Assessment Task 1 Instructions .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX10
Assessment Task 1 Checklist ...................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX13
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet ................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX14
Assessment Task 2: Presentation planning project .................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX16
Assessment Task 2 Instructions .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX18
Assessment Task 2 Checklist ...................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX21
Assessment Task 3 Cover Sheet ................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX23
Assessment Task 3: Presentation delivery and evaluation project ............................................. XXXXXXXXXX24
Assessment Task 3 Instructions ..............................................................................................................
Answered Same Day May 25, 2021 BSBCMM401 Training.Gov.Au


Parul answered on May 29 2021
140 Votes
Assignment 1
Ans1. In the golden words of Ken Blanchard, "Feedback is the
eakfast of champions". With timely feedback, one can look forward to continuously improve oneself. Three ways to collect information to assist you get feedback on a presentation
1. Survey
2. Feedback Box
3. Reach out directly
1. Survey - They are like the backbone for receiving feedback. One can create a short questionnaire that can be shared to the audience in order to gauge their opinion. Surveys can be curated as per the requirement for instance; it can be short with 3 to 4 questions or a longer version.
2. Feedback Box - A well-structured process by the virtue of which customers are able to provide their opinion on the presentation. This can provide a channel for customers or audience to provide their honest opinion about anything that they want to express.
3. Reach out directly - One of most effective way to receive feedback is to reach out directly and seek for areas that were liked while areas that can be improved. This method also provide ways to dig deeper and comprehend the feedback bette
Ans2. First law of presentation skill is to avoid repetition. While presenting, one needs to value time and try to be precise with the content. Even gestures that is used repeatedly will tend to i
itate the audience and divert the attention away from the topic
Second law of presentation is that when you are delivering presentation, you are in control of everything. Presenter needs to ensure that audience is interacting and hooked on to the content. Activities like asking questions or answering to the audience queries can make the presentation very interactive and engaging.
· Distinguish yourself - do not expect the individual will remember you by your voice.
· Talk normally and unmistakably. Loss of visual perception does not mean loss of hearing.
· Keep on utilizing non-ve
al communication. This will influence the tone of your voice and give a ton of additional data to the individual who is vision weakened.
· Utilize ordinary language. Try not to maintain a strategic distance from words like "see" or "look" or discussing ordinary exercises, for example, staring at the TV or recordings.
Ans3. Two organizational obligations and requirement are mentioned as follows
A presenter needs to oblige with organizational guidelines regarding the corporate messaging and details. For example, use of the corporate logo and tag line in the cover slide of the presentation. In addition to this, corporate vision, mission and objectives of the business also need to be...

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