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ACCT6001 Assessment 1 – Business Process Analysis Page 1 of 6 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 1: Business Process Analysis...

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ACCT6001 Assessment 1 – Business Process Analysis Page 1 of 6

Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 1: Business Process Analysis
Individual/Group Group 2-3 students
Length 2500 words +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes a) Analyse and articulate business processes and
ecognise the role of accounting information
systems in enhancing business process design.
e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders
and user groups of information systems.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of

For intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end
of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes;
analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggests ways to improve the organisation’s
ent business process inefficiencies using Information Technology.
In groups of 2 or 3, analyse the organisation
ief provided. For the business process
described in the organisation’s
1. identify:
a. participants
. inputs
c. outputs
2. Develop the cu
ent business process model using BPMN notation.
3. Identify and describe cu
ent strengths and inefficiencies that are present in the
ent system.

ACCT6001 Assessment 1 – Business Process Analysis Page 2 of 6

4. Suggest ways that the business process inefficiencies could be co
ected through
usiness process re-engineering and the use of IT .
5. Identify technologies that can help improve the business process.
6. Show the proposed business process model using BPMN and explain how the newly
e-engineered system would operate.
Outcome to be submitted:
Submit the document containing the business process analysis and recommendation.
Suggested document content (not a required format but only a suggestion):
• Statement of Scope –. Naming your process with a clear name in the [Ve
] [Noun]
syntax and writing a starts with / ends when statement will help you clearly identify
the scope of the process.
• Desired Outcome –. A clear answer to why we work through this process will guide
your analysis.
• Process Flow or Activity Descriptions –a list of the steps completed by people in
certain roles. This is the primary or most common path through the business
• Exceptions – In addition to the primary path, you want to include variations. What
happens if information on a form is illegible, a required piece of information is not
provided, or a special condition is met?
• Business Rules – Your process flow will presume a certain set of rules are followed
or enforce those rules. As processes get more complex, it often makes sense to
eak the business rules out separately so they can be more easily managed as they
• Entry Criteria and Inputs – Entry Criteria identify what needs to be true in order for
the process to start. Inputs identify any tangible work items someone executing the
usiness process needs to have present-at-hand.
• Exit Criteria and Outputs – Exit Criteria identify what needs to be true when the
process ends. Outputs identify tangible work items generated through the course of
the business process.
• Workflow Diagram –visual model showing the primary activity steps and exceptions.
When multiple roles are involved, a swimlane diagram is a good choice
• Process strengths – what were the strengths of the cu
ent business process
• Process inefficiencies – what were the problems with the cu
ent processes
• Business Process Re-engineering – how process can be improved through process
e-engineering and through the use of IT. Discuss suggested technologies and how it
can be used.
• Proposed Workflow Diagram - visual model of the proposed business process
• References

Reference: Business Process Model (n.d.), Retrieved on May 25, 2016, from
• Understanding of the business processes in the organisation

ACCT6001 Assessment 1 – Business Process Analysis Page 3 of 6

• Problem analysis
• Process improvement and use of IT
• Team Work skills
ACCT6001 Assessment 1 - Business Process Analysis XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 6

Learning Ru
Assessment Attributes
High Distinction
Understanding of the
usiness processes in
the organisation

The description of the
steps to achieve the goal
of the organisation has
not been identified

Business process
diagram inco

Activities, stakeholders
and notations are

Swimlanes not shown.

Points 0-6
Business processes (step
y step description) has
een identified but some
(around 30%) steps are

Business process diagram
is consistent with the
ent business

Activities and stakeholders
are identified but

Some notations are

Swimlanes are shown but
some stakeholders are

Points 6-15

Business processes (step by
step description) has been
identified but some (around
20%) steps are missing.

Business process model is
consistent with the cu
usiness processes.

Activities and stakeholders
are mostly identified
(around 2-3 items missing).

Most notations are co
(2-3 inco
ect notations).

Swimlanes are used for
multiple stakeholders, 2-3
stakeholders are missing.

Points 16-20

Business processes (step by
step description) are detailed
and complete.

Business process model is
consistent with the cu
usiness processes.

Activities and stakeholders
are identified.

Notations are co
ect. Minor
ors (1-2 e

Swimlanes are used for
multiple stakeholders,
complete and co

Points 21-25
Business processes (step by
step description) are detailed
and complete. Exceptions and
variations in the process are
also shown.

Business process model is
consistent with the cu
usiness processes.

Activities and stakeholders
are identified.

Notations are co

Exceptions and variations are
shown in the model.

Swimlanes are used for
multiple stakeholders,
complete and co

Points 25-30
ACCT6001 Assessment 1 - Business Process Analysis XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 6

Problem Analysis

Critical business issues
(processes to be
improved) were not
identified (or inco

Objective (s) of the
equirements of the
process was (were) not
identified (or identified

Inefficiency and
ineffectiveness of the
processes were not
identified (or inco

Points 0-6
Processes to be improved
were co
ectly identified
ut incomplete.

Processes which have
greatest impact were not

Some objectives of the
equirements of the
process were identified
ut incomplete.

Some inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness of the
ent processes were

One of the following were
incomplete: organisational
level, process level and the
performer level
inefficiencies and

Points 6-15

Processes were co
identified but missing 1 or 2

Processes which have
greatest impact were
identified but incomplete.

All objectives of the
equirements were
identified but lack details.

Some inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness of the
ent processes were

The following were
discussed: organisational
level, process level and the
performer level
inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness but some
discussions are incomplete.

Points 16-20
All processes were co

Processes which have greatest
impact were all identified and
have detailed explanation and

All objectives of the
equirements were identified
and discussed in detail.

All inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness of the cu
processes were identified with
detailed explanation and

The following were discussed:
organisational level, process
level and the jo
level inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness were all
identified and explained in

Points 21-25
All processes were co

Processes which have
greatest impact were all
identified and have justified
and explained the reasons in
detail and convincingly.

Excellent and convincing
explanation and justification
of the following:

• Objectives of the
• Inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness of
the cu
• Organisation level,
process level and
performer level
inefficiencies and

Points 25-30
Proposed Process
Improvement and use
of IT

Recommended changes
are very general, lacks
detail, does not answer
the problem.

Recommended changes
answer the problems and
provides alternative
solutions but lack detailed
Recommended changes
answer the problems and
provides alternative
solutions and detailed
explanation and
Recommended changes
answer the problems and
provides alternative solutions
and detailed explanation and
justification. Explanations are
Excellent explanation and
justifications of the
ecommended changes. Main
problems were categorised
ACCT6001 Assessment 1 - Business Process Analysis XXXXXXXXXXPage 6 of 6

30% Business process
diagram is inco
ect or
does not

explanation and
Answered Same Day Jul 20, 2020 ACCT6001 Torrens University Australia


Sarabjeet answered on Jul 22 2020
145 Votes
Accounting information system
Accounting information System
Accounting information System

Accounting information System
Student Name:
University Name:
Unit Name:
Unit Code:
Introduction    2
ent Business process    2
Develop Cu
ent Business Model Flow chart    4
ent strength and inefficiencies in the cu
ent system    5
The strength of the cu
ent business process is,    5
Inefficiencies of the cu
ent business process are,    5
Business process reengineering    5
Business rules for the business process    7
Technologies that can be used to improve the business    9
References    12
GAAM is an international company that produces buildingsystems, hydraulicsystems and metal products. In particular, it has created waterproof equipment,for example, gear pumps along with motors, control valves and telescopic cylinders. These products are utilized in heavy vehicles,for instance, cranes and are sold to the domestic (US) as well as foreign-made products. The company is headquartered in South Australia. 27 factories in seven countries, recruiting approximately 3,800 employees worldwide. GAAM decided to organize a process reconstruction project aimed at improving the global competitive position. Your company was ready to go into deeper investigation of all the departments of the company. You have expected a business process re-engineering recommendation for development.
ent Business process
At present, business processes are paperwork in the organization, but some customers suddenly order in demand over a short period of time.
Participants:With the cu
ent business process in organizations like employees, suppliers, purchasing departments, MRO buyers and various departments in most customers.
Input:The purchasing department received an MRO request from 36 different people in the company. This request can be in the form of MRO card,otherwise, purchase order. If you need to buy, the card is usually used to purchase items for new items. The limit for each person they are authorized to purchase is usually between $500 and $1000. If this limit is exceeded, the next higher-level person should be approved in exchange for the purchase
equirement form of the purchasing authority(Basak and Guha, 2016). This is why there is a "command line" command to authorize all MERO permissions.
Output:When the card
equirement a
ives at the purchase portion, it is studied and signed by MRO purchaser. After that, create a P/O for the purchased item. If the item card is required, the card will be returned by the department that made the purchase request after purchase. At present, about 8,000 cards have been saved in different departments. If the purchase order requires the item, the form purchasing department has submitted the item. This P/OS assignment is similar to an inventory purchase. The P/OS is placed in P/O program. In some cases, if there is an urgent situation in which the item is now required, the person purchasing the MRO buyer will have an emergency, and the purchase number of the department is different from the order of use on the ordinary P/OS. Once you put this number sideways, you can buy it(Batocchio, Ghezzi and Rangone, 2016). The purchasing division will then finish the purchase order and will usually deliver the purchase order.
)Develop Cu
ent Business Model Flow chart
) (
) (
MRO card
card/ requisition reaches the purchasing department
egular base orde
) (
Manually record
Card is returned back to the department
) (
) (
Inventory department
) (
Generate two copies
) (
MRO Done
) (
Order confirmed
) (
MRO buye
Confirmed delivery
Account payable made invoice
ent strength and inefficiencies in the cu
ent system
Process strengths,
The shopping department is primarily responsible for purchasing hydraulic pump stocks. Maintenance, repair and operating supplies (MRO) are also bought by the department. This comprises any tool that need to be machined, no additional materials,for example, base sand, several components for casting, in addition, any other product-related services or products. The department consists of purchasing manager, 2 shoppers and a clerk/secretary(Bhargava, Levalle and Nof, 2016). It buys an average of $15 million in the inventory objects or up to 3,000 parts per year. A $6 million purchase at MRO every year.
Process inefficiencies,
The purchasing department needs to provide new MROs for the new department every day. Furthermore, several purchases are part of an old replacement. For this, the MRO buyer, important supplier and pricing studies are required. This study represents most of the working hours of the MRO.
Business rules for the business process
For the improvement of cu
ent business operation GAAM should followed the following business rules:
In addition to the MRO purchaser, the buyer purchases if the item is urgent in an emergency, the department needs a different shopping number than the serial number used on normal P/OS. Once you put this number apart, you can buy it. The...

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