Final Project
Create as an HTML document a JavaScript Cheat Sheet. Save the document as YourName_JSFinal.html
The JS CheatSheet is structured in two main sections:
1. JavaScript Language Fundamentals
This section must have the following subsections:
1.1. Variables
1.2. Operators
1.3. Conditional Statements (if …else if , switch)
1.4. Loops (for loop + your choice of another loop)
1.5. Functions
1.6. JS ObjectsGeneral Overview
1.7. JS Built-in Objects – A List of at least 5 built-in JS objects
1.8. A
ay Object (in detail)
1.9. String Object (in detail)
2. JavaScript - Web Browser - Web Document Interaction
This section must have the following subsections:
2.1. Browser Objects
2.2. HTML Objects
2.3. Events
For each subsection, please detail:
· The general syntax , methods and properties (if applicable)
· A link to a working code example with comments displayed in the output document. Each code example should be related to the topic of the subsection.
Bundle together the main page and the sample files. Save the archive as
Final Project Ru
Beginning to meet standard
Approaching Standard
Valid HTML and JS throughout document
Document has several validation e
Document has minor validation e
Document has no validation e
JavaScript Language Fundamentals section
Section is not complete or is missing most content.
Section is mostly complete, with some content and coding examples.
Section is complete with required content and coding examples.
JavaScript – Web Browser – Web Document Interaction section
Section is not complete or is missing most content.
Section is mostly complete, with some content and coding examples.
Section is complete with required content and coding examples are complete and match topic of subsection.
Coding Example comments
Coding examples do not display comments on the output document.
Coding examples display some comments on the output document.
Coding examples display comments on the output document.
File Submission
File is not submitted co
File is submitted as a bundled main page and sample files, following the naming ocnvention of