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BUSI 682 Annotated Bibliography: Global Project Management Trends Assignment Instructions Overview During Module 4, the student will follow the specific instructions presented below under...

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BUSI 682                            
Annotated Bibliography: Global Project Management Trends Assignment Instructions
During Module 4, the student will follow the specific instructions presented below under the “Specific Instructions”.  Because it is imperative as a project manager to understand the concepts related to project management topics, the student will create an annotated bibliography.  The annotated bibliography should include at least 10 scholarly, empirical, cu
ent sources (within the last 3 years) that are directly related to the students’ project management topic.  Be sure that you select a variety of respected sources.  Format the annotated bibliography in the co
ect APA format (APA cu
ent edition). Carefully review the ru
ic prior to submission of your assignment.  Compare your final submission to each specific category of the ru
Annotated Bibliography: Global Project Management Trends Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 4. 
Specific Instructions
· During Module 4 the student must identify the Top 5 Global Project Management Trends (within the last three years) and then develop an annotated bibliography that covers these trends. Each annotation must identify which trend the article is addressing.
· An annotation should be approximately 150 words and is more than just several sentences summarizing the source
eference. The annotation should present why the author is qualified to speak on the stated subject, summarize the source
eference, explain to the reader why the reference is important to the project management profession, and communicate to the reader how the reference relates to the subject being discussed.
This assignment will be checked for plagiarism via the incorporated Turnitin tool.
Answered 11 days After Jan 23, 2023


Dr Shweta answered on Feb 03 2023
44 Votes
Project Management Trends:
Project Management Trends assist in the alignment of people, projects, skills, and time for the empowerment of the organisation as well as the achievement of high profitability through the utilization of a more productive and knowledgeable workforce.
The top five Global project management trends are discussed as below:

1. Permanent Digital and Remote Work:
a) Battisti E, Alfiero S, Leonidou E. (2022) Remote working and digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Economic-financial impacts and psychological drivers for employees. J Bus Res.
Battistti et al., in their article "Digital and Information and Communication Technologies," discuss the evolution of these (ICTs). Workers' economic and financial impressions of remote workplace conditions, including the use and application of digital technology, were explored, as was the rise in remote work since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic. The article analyses how workers' wages and living expenses changed due to workers' increased isolation. Using a mixed-methods exploratory sequential design, they looked at a sample of 976 employees and discovered that the vast majority of workers experience a negative financial-economic impact due to the higher costs linked to digital advanced technologies and platforms, utilities, and the lack of payment for overtime and meal vouchers. In addition, the psychological and behavioural elements, such as job satisfaction and job burnout, that play a significant role in the choice to keep working remotely after the COVID-19 out
eak are the focus of this research. They pointed out that while remote work has become more of a popular option in the wake of COVID-19, the level of managerial and organizational change required to fully realise the benefits of this innovation means that its implementation deviates from best practises.
) Mark Zarwi, Sandra Marchand, Ben Kennard, John Michael. (2022) Millennials and organisational commitment: cu
ent and future perspectives. Human Resource Development International
Gifford projected in their article that the shift toward remote employment would continue as individuals adjusted to the new norms
ought on by COVID-19. It looks that, in particular, hy
id work a
angements will continue to grow in popularity. The lockdowns proved that remote work is feasible for far more positions than was previously thought, and interest from workers appears to have skyrocketed as a result. There had been technological developments that allowed this even before the pandemic. As a result of this fundamental shift, there will be repercussions for areas such as training and education, organisational productivity, workload, efficient communication and relationships, and the ability to manage people. Employees' ability to have a say in shaping business policies and management's commitment to their well-being were among the issues examined. Other topics included manager exchange, knowledge exchange, working population inclusion, learning effectiveness, financially viable career development, and workers' well-being and work-life balance. They reasoned that remote work was the wave of the future and that with this change came opportunities, issues, and hazards that needed to be controlled.
2. Project Management and Change Management:
a) Phillips, J., Klein, J.D. Change Management: From Theory to Practice. TechTrends (2023).
Phillips discovered the regularity with which practitioners in the field of change management apply a set of strategies for managing changes that are shared by numerous models and frameworks. It was decided that interaction, stakeholder involvement, motivation, organisation characteristics, vision, and mission should be executed while instituting organisational change because these are some of the 15 change management tactics that occur most frequently. It was also decided that these should be implemented because it was decided that they should be implemented. In order for organisations to prosper, they need to learn to adapt by implementing tactics that accelerate change, increase acceptability, and reduce ba
iers. A change manager is responsible for monitoring and managing all aspects of a planned change, from its inception to its completion and beyond. The goal of change management is to make the shift to new organization change easier for employees, and at its core are the models and procedures that are used to achieve this goal.
) E
ida A, Lotfi B. The determinants of organizational change management success: Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management. 2021.
ida and his colleagues found a number of characteristics that influence the success of organisational change in their research about the...

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