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at core of a successful organisation is a strong leader. describe some of the most important qualities of an effective leader

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at core of a successful organisation is a strong leader. describe some of the most important qualities of an effective leader
Answered Same Day May 21, 2020


Akansha answered on May 23 2020
142 Votes
Essay On Leadership Qualities        1
Essay on Leadership Qualities        1
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Qualities of a successful leade
A Leader is the person who leads a group, organisation or a country. John C Maxwell is an American author who defines leadership as, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”She/he is the one who guides the activities of all the individuals working in the organisation, to achieve the desired goal of the organisation. The objective of the organisation is achieved efficiently and effectively if the leader knows how to use the knowledge and skills of all the individuals in the right way. Some most important qualities of a good leader which help an organisation to be successful are discussed here. (Kurtzman, 2010)
Qualities of a successful leade
The leader that exhibits certain qualities is supposed to be gaining success using those traits. As it is said that leadership qualities could be developed; thus, this essay will help the readers to know which qualities are the most important for a leader. The three leadership qualities identified here includes the Communication, Integrity and honesty, along with being a risk taker. There are many other traits needed by a leader to find success but majorly these are needed by any leader.
Effective leaders all the time communicate in a plain, quick, and concise way and while doing this the aim is to motivate everyone to perform their best (Hossain, 2015). For a leader it is extremely important to clearly and succinctly describe what needs to be done. The importance of communication can be related with the evidence that without clearly communicating the goals and the path to achieve, a leader could not achieve the goals with his team. Good leaders are great communicators who communicates to develop the trust of its team and motivate them to work harder to achieve goals. This allows to develop a feeling of integrity and honesty, which is another important trait in successful leadership. The example of a leader who has earned success using effective communication is Mahatma Gandhi. He has encouraged...

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