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Assignment:You are required to develop an initial research plan. You can write an initial research plan for the topic you want write your Graduation Assignment. TOPIC SELECTED: SUSTAINABLE...

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Assignment:You are required to develop an initial research plan. You can write an initial research plan for the topic you want write your Graduation Assignment.


You are to Formulate and clarify the research topic and come up with an initial research plan that covers the following topics.

1. Introduction 1.1. The area of interest and the broader context of the problem/issue of your research 1.2.Problem statement, specifying the topic within that context the you want to address in your research 1.3.Main Research Objective(s) 1.4.Main Research Question XXXXXXXXXXResearch Sub-questions 1.5.Significance of the research

2. Literature Review: Find 4-6 articles from academic papers on your topic and briefly discuss the relevance of these articles for your research and the constructs in your RO/RQ's

3. Research Methodology and Methods 3.1. Research Methodology 3.2. Research Design 3.3. Populations, Sampling and Data Collection techniques and procedures 3.4. Analysis plan 3.5. Ethical Considerations 3.6. Limitations of the research

References Appendices

Answered 1 days After May 09, 2023


Ayan answered on May 11 2023
38 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
The Area of Interest and the Broader Context    3
Problem Statement    3
Main Research Objective    4
Main Research Question    4
Research Sub-questions    4
Significance of the Research    5
Literature Review    5
Research Methodology and Methods    6
Research Methodology    6
Research Design    7
Populations, Sampling, and Data Collection Techniques and Procedures    7
Analysis Plan    8
Ethical Considerations    8
Limitations of the Research    8
References    10
The Area of Interest and the Broader Context
Due to rising wo
ies about the detrimental effects of human activity on the environment, society, and economy, sustainable development is a crucial worldwide topic that has attracted a lot of attention recently. In order to fulfil the requirements of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs, sustainable development is necessary. The principle behind sustainable development is that environmental conservation, social advancement, and economic progress should all be prioritised equally and concu
ently. One of the largest contributors to the tourist sector, which is a key engine of economic growth in many nations, including Nigeria, is the hotel business. However, the fast growth of the hotel sector and the rise in travel demand has contributed to social inequality and environmental deterioration in many regions of the world. Therefore, in order to secure the hotel sector's long-term profitability, advance social fairness, and safeguard the environment, sustainable development practises have become more crucial. Due to a number of issues like inadequate infrastructure, unstable political conditions, and a lack of funding, sustainable development practises in the hotel sector have not been fully adopted in Nigeria. The hotel sector in Nigeria consequently suffers a variety of difficulties, such as poor occupancy rates, high operating expenses, and low profitability. Hotels find it challenging to prioritise sustainable development strategies, which might help the sector's long-term profitability. In order to understand why the hotel sector in Nigeria has not completely em
aced sustainability and to find solutions to encourage and ease the adoption of sustainable practises, this research will examine sustainable development practises for the hotel industry. This study is part of a larger effort to promote sustainable development in underdeveloped nations, especially in the field of tourism, which is essential for boosting the economy and reducing poverty.
Problem Statement
In Nigeria, the hotel business suffers several difficulties, such as inadequate infrastructure, unstable political conditions, and a lack of investment, which makes it challenging for hotels to prioritise sustainable development practises. Despite the expanding worldwide focus on sustainability in the travel and tourism sector, Nigerian hotels have not adopted many sustainable development practises. A key issue in Nigeria's hotel sector is the absence of sustainable development practises, which has resulted in socioeconomic inequality and environmental deterioration throughout most of the nation. The negative effects of the high energy, water, and trash production connected with hotel operations on the environment are exace
ated by the absence of social responsibility in the sector. Additionally, the industry's long-term survival is impacted by the absence of sustainable development practises. Some of the difficulties Nigerian hotels face includes low occupancy rates, high operating costs, and low profitability. The adoption of sustainable development practises could help solve these problems by increasing operational effectiveness, lowering costs, and improving the industry's image and reputation. Due to a number of obstacles, the Nigerian hotel business has adopted only a limited number of sustainable development practises, despite the global emphasis given to sustainability in the tourist industry. In order to stimulate and facilitate the implementation of sustainable development practises in the Nigerian hotel business, this research tries to comprehend these difficulties.
Main Research Objective
This study's major goal is to examine sustainable development practises for the Nigerian hotel sector and to find strategies for promoting and facilitating the adoption of sustainable practises.
Main Research Question
What sustainable development principles apply to the Nigerian hotel business, and how might adoption of these principles be facilitated?
Research Sub-questions
· What obstacles prevent the Nigerian hotel business from implementing sustainable development practices?
· What advantages may hotels in Nigeria get from using sustainable development principles?
· How effective are the existing sustainable development practices in Nigeria's hotel sector at fostering sustainability?
· What are the best strategies for influencing hotels in Nigeria to follow sustainable development principles?
Significance of the Research
The importance of this study rests in its ability to support the...

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