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Assignment Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages Points Possible: 100 Due Date: 2/24/2013 11:59:59 PM CT APA Formatted References Because of recent financial disasters in the news,...

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Assignment Type:Individual Project Deliverable Length:3–5 pages
Points Possible:100 Due Date:2/24/2013 11:59:59 PM CT
APA Formatted References

Because of recent financial disasters in the news, the board of directors of your company decided that they wanted to ascertain that the organization’s code of ethics was appropriate and in agreement with the Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) as adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Therefore, you have been asked to provide this assurance with a report to the CFO of your organization.

Create a report of 3–5 pages including thefollowing:

  • Review the 6 principles in the AICPA's CPC.
    • State what you assess to be the primary purpose of each of the 6 principles.
  • Analyze the codes of conduct of at least 3 major public U.S. companies.
  • Include citations for each of these companies' codes of conduct.
  • Identify connections and relationships of the principles included.
  • Explain how the 6 principles relate to those identified in your analysis of the codes of conduct of the 3 chosen companies.
  • Prepare a recommended list of at least 7 essential elements that must be included in your organization’s code of conduct based on your analysis and assessment.
Answered Same Day Dec 22, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 22 2021
130 Votes
We are presenting you a report on appropriateness of organization’s code of conducts. Following
issues have been discussed:
1. Six principles in AICPA’ CPC
2. Primary Purpose of each CPC
3. Code of Conducts followed by other US Public Companies
4. Recommendation List
Six principles in AICPA’ CPC
The AICPA code of conduct contains six principles: responsibilities, the public interest,
integrity, independence and objectivity, due care, and the scope and nature of services.
1. Responsibilities
2. Public Interest
3. Integrity
4. Independence & objectivity
5. Due Care
6. Integrity
Primary Purpose of six principles:
1. Responsibilities: This code specifies the responsibility of an auditor; some of the
esponsibilities are as follows
To improve the field of accounting, auditor needs to work in harmony with other auditors
and should cooperate with regulatory bodies.
To attend training or seminars and should actively seek out the information provided there.
To participate in self-governance.
2. The public interest: This code stipulates that the work of auditor affects many entities in
addition to the client‘s entity. He is responsible for performing audit in a such a way that a
true and fair position of the entity can be known, the audit report is used by banks or
financial institutions for granting loan, used by government agencies and investors and other
3. Integrity: In the auditing field, integrity means to serve the client to the best of the ability,
ut that doesn’t mean to agree with client’s financial statement representations. Auditor
should provide an unbiased report on the financial statements. Accountants need to follow
specific rules, standards & guidelines.
4 Independence and objectivity: Auditor should be independent, impartial and neutral while
conducting audit and making report. He should base his opinion and should report only on
the facts, not on any preconceived notion. He should use his own intellectual and should be
honest &truthful.
5. Due care: When providing services to the client, auditor must be competent. He must plan
and supervise effectively any professional activity for which he is responsible.
6. Scope and nature of services: Auditor should know exactly...

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