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Assignment Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 2–5 pages Points Possible: 100 Due Date: 2/17/2013 11:59:59 PM CT APA Formatted References Library Research Assignment The FASB’s Conceptual...

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Assignment Type:Individual Project Deliverable Length:2–5 pages
Points Possible: 100 Due Date:2/17/2013 11:59:59 PM CT
APA Formatted References

Library Research Assignment

The FASB’s Conceptual Framework and Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFASs) require full disclosures to be made in a business enterprise’s financial statements. These disclosures requirements are applicable to corporations and nonprofit organizations. The purpose of these disclosures is to provide reliable and relevant information to the users of the financial statements. In addition to disclosures required by the FASB, nonprofits must also be in compliance with regulations enacted by Congress as well as local laws.

You currently work for a nonprofit organization as a staff accountant. The controller has requested that you conduct research on disclosure requirements for nonprofit organizations to ascertain if the organization is in compliance with established FASB requirements and any other regulations applicable to nonprofits, such as IRS regulations.

Prepare a written report of 2–5 pages that includes the following:

  • Describe financial accounting disclosures required for nonprofit organizations and how these disclosures provide useful information to users.
  • Explain disclosure requirements for nonprofit organizations, such as the tax-exempt determination letters required by Congress and the IRS.
  • Discuss the reasons for these disclosure requirements and the sentiments of the public and government about deviations and scandals in this sector because of lack of disclosures.
  • Include a minimum of 3 properly researched and cited facts using APA format as they apply to the disclosure requirements for nonprofit organizations.

Answered Same Day Dec 22, 2021


David answered on Dec 22 2021
129 Votes
Disclosure requirements for NPO’s at Glance 1
Disclosure requirement for NPO’s at Glance
Disclosure requirements for NPO’s at Glance 2
Non-profit organizations are formed for serving public and charitable purpose. Aim of
non-profit organizations is not to earn profits its aim is to serve the public. In order to serve
public the Non-profit organizations need funds, there are various sources from where Non-profit
organizations get there funds such as donations, voluntary contributions, government Grants,
money earned by its various activities. All the funds accumulated by the Non-profit
organizations are used in its own expenses, programs and operations. No part of the revenue
collected is distributed to the trustees or owners in any form.
Non-profit organizations aim is not to earn profits but they are not restrained from
earning the profits, this means they can earn profits but the earnings has to be utilized for the
purpose of serving the public and should not be distributed to anyone. There are many reasons
which justify non-profit organizations act of earning profits such as, surplus arising from
subscriptions, membership fees, donations, various activities performed etc. Non-profit
organizations act of earning profits is justified in those cases where all the earnings are
accumulated and used for the purpose of serving people.
Significant Accounting policies & disclosures and their impact on better
Since Non for profit organizations enjoys various tax benefits and favors from the
government there is need of strict compliances and accounting. Non for profit organizations
work for the welfare of society therefore government grants funds and offers various benefits to
them, as the funds and benefits are offered to these NPO from government it means that the
money of public is involved. As the money of public is involved here so the accountability
increase to various folds, in order to avoid...

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