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Assignment report is based on my slide topic and please write on wordfile .docx.
Answered Same Day Apr 04, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 05 2020
165 Votes

Running Head: BUSINESS LAW                                1
BUSINESS LAW         5
(Topic: Resource-Based Company Strategies: How Firms Leverage Themselves: A Case Study on KPMG Australia)
Table of Contents
Focus and Scope of the Project    3
Problem Statement    3
Research Aim    3
Research Objectives    4
Sources of Secondary Data    4
Research Methodology    4
Outcomes    4
References    5
Focus and Scope of the Project
    Resource-Based View (RBV) is a unique concept, under which the organisation focuses upon undertaking their strategies and business operations that are completely in accordance with their internal competences and resources. As mentioned by Paladino, Widing and Whitwell (2015), companies planning their activities from this viewpoint have better competitive advantages as they make use of their entire resources and proceed in the market without going beyond their competences.
Hence, the proposed research focuses upon using this strategy for benefitting an Australian organisation, KPMG, in specific so that its impact can be analysed in terms of whether it can
ing in competitive advantage to the company or not. However, the scope of the project does not cover the process of implementing these strategies, nor their limitations, in order to conduct a focused study on the selected organisation only.
Problem Statement
    Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG) is a Dutch company that operates in Australia as KPMG Australia. It is mainly an accounting and auditing firm that provides financial as well as auditing advices to business companies (Bloomberg, 2018). However, cu
ently, the company has been facing issues in terms of succeeding in the highly competitive market, where a large number of similar competing firms have emerged. Therefore, KPMG Australia wants to opt for a number of strategies that could help them not only to achieve their organisational goals, but also to gain competitive edge over the other rivals.
In this context, as suggested by Hoskisson, Gambeta, Green and Li (2017), the use of strategies implementing the principles of RBV can be cited to be the most appropriate one. It is anticipated, according to the viewpoints of Jurevicius (2013), that if a company makes use of a particular resource under the RBV-based strategy that is extremely high in quality and superior to the extent that no other competing firms can outdo it, then the implementing company can gain high competitive advantage.
However, that might require analysing the benefits and challenges of implementing such strategies as well as for maintaining such a view in the company. This is why, the proposed research will be conducted in specific context of KPMG, for which RBV can be a useful step.
Research Aim
    The aim of this proposed research is to analyse the impact of the resource-based strategies on the performance of a company. This research will be conducted with the special reference to KPMG Australia, in terms of analysing the effectiveness of using resource-based strategies for achieving their goals.
Research Objectives
    Based on the aim, the research objectives are:
· To understand the concept of Resource-Based View (RBV)
· To identify the strategies of RBV that impart competitive edge to the company, such as KPMG Australia
· To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using resource-based strategies for KPMG
Sources of Secondary Data
    The sources, which will provide secondary data, are peer-reviewed journal articles, relevant textbooks, pertinent and renowned journals.
Research Methodology
    The proposed research will be conducted using the secondary research methodology that, according to Flick (2015), encompasses of researching from the prevailing data, literature as well as studies, which provide an in-depth idea about the research issue. Hence, for this study, online literature search will be conducted using databases such as Google Scholar, to locate the above-identified secondary data sources and analysing their contents. The type of research method will be descriptive and the collected information from the sources will be analysed using content analysis method.
    It can be anticipated that the study will yield an enhanced knowledge about the conceptions related to RBV, which is a useful tool for imparting competitive advantage that could be used by KPMG. Besides, the influences of this strategy on the company could be understood in details. This would be helpful in future for KPMG and other companies because even they can implement these strategies if they want to gain competitive advantage.
Bloomberg, (2018) Company Overview of KPMG Australia Retrieved from https:
Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. London: Sage.
Hoskisson, R., Gambeta, E., Green, C., & Li, T. (2017). Is my firm-specific investment protected? Overcoming the stakeholder investment dilemma in the resource based view. Academy of Management Review, amr-2015.
Jurevicius, O. (2013). Resource based view. Strategic management insight.
Paladino, A., Widing, R., & Whitwell, G. (2015), Internal and external organisational orientations: Comparing the resource based view and market orientation. In Global perspectives in marketing for the 21st century, p.338

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